=====StructData Action===== >>==See also:== - Documentation: StructDataActionInfo. ==works with:== - Wikka to >>//NOT Included in any Wikka version//{{lastedit show="3"}} This is the development page for the Structdata action. ===Installation=== - Save the code below as ##actions/structdata.php## - Give it the same file permissions as the other php files in that directory. - To achieve the best visual rendering of tables in versions and, add the second code block below to the ##css/wikka.css## file === Code === 1. New ##actions/structdata.php## file: %%(php) mytype\' [print=\'printmode\'] data="[more parameters]"'); if (!defined('SD_HELP_TODOS')) define ('SD_HELP_TODOS', ' [p1=owner] [p2=status] '); if (!defined('SD_HELP_ITEMTABLE')) define ('SD_HELP_ITEMTABLE', ' p1=type [p2=column order list] [p3=scope]'); if (!defined('SD_HELP_CARDS')) define ('SD_HELP_CARDS', ' [p1=org filter] [p2=sort column name] [p3=format (vCard|table)] '); if (!function_exists('SDerror')) { function SDerror($msg) { return (''. $msg. '
'); } function SDformat_hcard_element($eltype, $elvalue) { switch ($eltype) { case 'family-name': $ret = ''. ucwords(strtolower($elvalue)) .''; break; case 'given-name': $ret = ''. ucwords(strtolower($elvalue)) .''; break; case 'additional-name': $ret = ''. ucwords(strtolower($elvalue)) .''; break; case 'url': $ret = '%s'; break; case 'org': $ret = '
'. $elvalue .'
'; break; case 'title': $ret = '
'. $elvalue .'
'; break; case 'note': $ret = '
'. $elvalue .'
'; break; case 'email': $ret = '
'. $elvalue .'
'; break; case 'adr': $adr_array = split(';', $elvalue); $ret = '
'. $adr_array[0] .''. ((isset($adr_array[1]) && ($adr_array[1]!='')) ? ''. $adr_array[1] .'': '') . ((isset($adr_array[2]) && ($adr_array[2]!='')) ? ''. $adr_array[2] .'': '') . ((isset($adr_array[3]) && ($adr_array[3]!='')) ? ''. $adr_array[3] .'': '') . ((isset($adr_array[4]) && ($adr_array[4]!='')) ? ''. $adr_array[4] .'': '') . '
'; break; default: // ignore silently $ret = ''; } return $ret; } function SDhandle_item($type, $params, $printmode) { $table_css = 'class="data" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="2"'; $myerr = ''; extract($params); $mystr = ''; switch ($type) { // custom formatting, data validation and hyperlink addition case 'ToDo': if (!$owner) { $myerr .= SDerror(sprintf(SD_ERROR_PARAMETER_MANDATORY, 'owner')); } if (!$desc) { $myerr .= SDerror(sprintf(SD_ERROR_PARAMETER_MANDATORY, 'desc')); } preg_match('/(\d+)[\-\/](\d+)[\-\/](\d+)/', $date_open, $ymd); if (!checkdate($ymd[2], $ymd[3], $ymd[1])) { $myerr .= SDerror(sprintf(SD_ERROR_INCORRECT_DATE_FORMAT, 'date_open')); } preg_match('/(\d+)[\-\/](\d+)[\-\/](\d+)/', $date_due, $ymd2); if (!checkdate($ymd2[2], $ymd2[3], $ymd2[1])) { $myerr .= SDerror(sprintf(SD_ERROR_INCORRECT_DATE_FORMAT, 'date_due')); } break; case 'Card': if (!$n) { $myerr .= SDerror(sprintf(SD_ERROR_PARAMETER_MANDATORY, 'n')); } $n_array = split(';', $n); if ('hCard' == $printmode) { // hCard microformat $lastname = SDformat_hcard_element('family-name', $n_array[0]); $firstname = isset($n_array[1]) ? SDformat_hcard_element('given-name', $n_array[1]).' ' : ''; $middlename = isset($n_array[2]) ? SDformat_hcard_element('additional-name', $n_array[2]) : ''; $fullname = ''. $firstname . $lastname .''. $middlename .''; $hyperlink = isset($url) ? SDformat_hcard_element('url', $url) : '%s'; $orgname = ''; if (isset($org)) { if ($org == $n) { // this is an organization's card: merge name and organization $fullname = str_replace('class="fn"', 'class="fn org"', $fullname); } else { $orgname = SDformat_hcard_element('org', $org); } } $phone = isset($tel) ? '
'. $tel .'
' : ''; $fax = isset($fax) ? '
fax '. $fax .'
' : ''; $address = isset($adr) ? SDformat_hcard_element('adr', $adr) : ''; $mystr = '
'. sprintf($hyperlink, $fullname). (isset($title) ? SDformat_hcard_element('title', $title) : ''). $orgname . (isset($email) ? SDformat_hcard_element('email', $email) : ''). $phone . $fax. $address .(isset($note) ? SDformat_hcard_element('note', $note) : '').'
'; } else { // default print mode $name = (isset($n_array[1]) ? (ucwords(strtolower($n_array[1])).' ') : ''). ucwords(strtolower($n_array[0])); $tooltip = isset($tel) ? 'phone: '. $tel : ''; $tooltip .= (isset($fax) ? ($tooltip ? ' / fax: '. $fax : 'fax: ' .$fax) : ''); $mystr = "". $name .''. ($org != '' ? ' ('.$org.')' : ''); } break; /*------------------------------- begin customization area ----------------------------- case 'mydataitem': $mystr = ; break; --------------------------------- end customization area -----------------------------*/ } if (!$mystr) { // type did not match any custom type : fallback to a standard type echo ($printmode); switch ($printmode) { case 'table': $mystr = ''; $r1 = ''; $r2 = ''; foreach ($params as $name => $value) { if ($name != 'print') { $r1 .= ''; $r2 .= ''; } } $mystr .= $r1 .''. $r2 .'
'. $name .''. $value .'
'; break; case 'list': $mystr = ''; foreach ($params as $name => $value) { if ($name != 'print') { $mystr .= ''; } } $mystr .= '
'. $name .''. $value .'
'; break; case 'basic': default: $mainparam = (isset($value) ? $value : (isset($id) ? $id : (isset($name) ? $name : ''))); $mystr = ''. $type . (isset($mainparam) ? ' ['. $mainparam .']' : '') .''; break; } } if ($myerr) { return ($myerr); } else if ($printmode != 'false') { // display the data item return ($mystr); } } function SDbuild_vcard($row) { $n_array = split(';', $row['n']); $name = (isset($n_array[3])? $n_array[3].' ' : '').(isset($n_array[1]) ? (ucwords(strtolower($n_array[1])).' '):'').(isset($n_array[2])? $n_array[2].' ': '').ucwords(strtolower($n_array[0])); $str = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\nVERSION:2.1\r\nN:". $row['n'] ."\r\nFN:". $name ."\r\n"; $str .= $row['org'] ? 'ORG:'. $row['org'] ."\r\n" : ''; $str .= $row['title'] ? 'TITLE:'. $row['title'] ."\r\n" : ''; $str .= $row['url'] ? 'URL:'. $row['url'] ."\r\n" : ''; $str .= $row['tel'] ? 'TEL:'. $row['tel'] ."\r\n" : ''; $str .= $row['fax'] ? 'TEL;FAX:'. $row['fax'] ."\r\n" : ''; $str .= $row['email'] ? 'EMAIL;INTERNET:'. $row['email'] ."\r\n" : ''; if (isset($row['adr'])) { $adr_array = split(';', $row['adr']); $str .= 'ADR:;;'. $adr_array[0] .';'. (isset($adr_array[1]) ? $adr_array[1] : '') . ';'. (isset($adr_array[3]) ? $adr_array[3] : '') . ';'. (isset($adr_array[2]) ? $adr_array[2] : '') . ';'. (isset($adr_array[4]) ? $adr_array[4] : '') . "\r\n"; } $str .= $row['note'] ? 'NOTE:'. $row['note'] ."\r\n" : ''; $str .= "END:VCARD\r\n"; return ($str); } function SDis_in_scope($thisone, $row, $type, $scope=null) { if ('all' == $scope) { $ret = ($thisone->HasAccess('read', $row['_wikkapage'])) && ($row['type'] == $type); } else if ('user' == $scope) { $ret = ($thisone->UserIsOwner($row['_wikkapage'])) && ($row['type'] == $type); } else { // default scope = page $ret = ($row['_wikkapage'] == $thisone->GetPageTag()) && ($row['type'] == $type); } return $ret; } function SDrun_req($thisone, $reqid, $rows, $p1=null, $p2=null, $p3=null) { // $rows array row format: ('_wikkapage' => , 'type' => , 'field1' => , 'field2' => , ...) $table_css = 'class="data" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="2"'; switch($reqid) { case 'ItemTable': // p1 = type of dataitem, p2 = column order list, p3 = scope $i = 0; $keyorder = array(); if ($p2) { $mycols = split(',', $p2); foreach ($mycols as $lacol) { $keyorder[$lacol] = $i++; } } $mystr0 = ''; foreach ($rows as $row) { if (SDis_in_scope($thisone, $row, $p1, $p3)) { $tmp_tr = array(); $mystr .= ''; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if (($key != '_wikkapage') && ($key != 'type') && ($key != 'print') && !isset($keyorder[$key])) { $keyorder[$key] = $i++; } if (($key != '_wikkapage') && ($key != 'type') && ($key != 'print')) { $tmp_tr[$keyorder[$key]] = $val; } } for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { $mystr .= ''; } $mystr .= ''; } } // build table header row $tmp_tr = array(); foreach ($keyorder as $param => $k) { $tmp_tr[$k] = $param; } for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { $mystr0 .= ''; } $mystr = $mystr0 .''. $mystr. '
'. $tmp_tr[$j] .'
'. $tmp_tr[$j] .'
'; if (!$i) { // empty table: display nothing $mystr = ''; } break; case 'ToDos': // p1 = this owner only; p2 = this status only $mydata = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['type'] == 'ToDo') { if ( (!$p1 || ($p1 == $row['owner'])) && (!$p2 || ($p2 == $row['status'])) ) { // transform all dates into a common format for sorting purposes $mydata[date("Y-m-d", strtotime($row['date_open']))."_".$i++] = "{$row['owner']}{$row['desc']}". "{$row['date_due']}". "{$row['_wikkapage']}"; } } } krsort($mydata); $mystr = ''; foreach ($mydata as $key => $val) { $mystr .= $val; } $mystr .= '
ownerdescriptiondue datepage link
'; break; case 'Cards': // p1 = this org only; p2 = sort key ; p3 = format (vCard or table) $mydata = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($row['type'] == 'Card') { if ( (!$p1 || ($p1 == $row['org'])) ) { $sortkey = strtolower((isset($p2) && $p2) ? $row[$p2] : (isset($row['n']) ? $row['n'] : $i)) .'__'. $i++; $n_array = split(';', $row['n']); $mydata[$sortkey] = "{$n_array[0]}{$n_array[1]}". "{$row['email']}{$row['tel']}{$row['fax']}".(isset($p2) ? "{$row['org']}":'') .''; $myvcards[$sortkey] = SDbuild_vcard($row); } } } if ($p3 == 'vCard') { $mystr = ''; $cnt = 0; ksort ($myvcards); foreach ($myvcards as $key => $card) { $mystr .= "$card\r\n"; $cnt++; } $mystr ='
'; } else { // default (table) format ksort($mydata); $mystr = ''. (isset($p2) ? '' : '') .''; foreach ($mydata as $key => $val) { $mystr .= $val; } $mystr .= '
Last nameGiven nameEmailPhoneFaxOrganization
'; } break; /*------------------------------- begin customization area ----------------------------- case 'myreq': $mystr = break; --------------------------------- end customization area -----------------------------*/ } return ($mystr); } function SDdo_help($reqid) { $helpstr = ''; switch($reqid) { case 'ItemTable': $helpstr = $reqid .SD_HELP_ITEMTABLE; break; case 'ToDos': $helpstr = $reqid .SD_HELP_TODOs; break; case 'Cards': $helpstr = $reqid .SD_HELP_CARDS; break; /*------------------------------- begin customization area ----------------------------- case 'myreq': $helpstr = 'myfoobar'; break; --------------------------------- end customization area -----------------------------*/ } return ($helpstr); } } if ((!isset($type) || !$type) && (!isset($req) || !$req) && !isset($help)) { $output = SDerror(SD_ERROR_USAGE); } else if (isset($help)) { // display one-line help for $req $output = SDdo_help($req); } else if (isset($req)) { // this is a request: load all relevant data in an associative array: $myrows $query = 'SELECT body, tag FROM '. $this->config['table_prefix'] .'pages WHERE ((latest = \'Y\') AND (body LIKE \'%{{structdata%\'))'; $rows = $this->LoadAll($query); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (preg_match_all('/\{\{structdata(.+?)\}\}/', $row['body'], $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $mym) { $newrow = array('_wikkapage' => $row['tag']); if (preg_match('/type=\"(.*?)\"[ \t]*.*?data=\"(.*?)\"/', $mym, $matches2)) { // order: type, then data $newrow['type'] = $matches2[1]; preg_match_all('/(\w+?)\=\'(.*?)\'/', $matches2[2], $matches3); } else if (preg_match('/data=\"(.*?)\"[ \t]*.*?type=\"(.*?)\"/', $mym, $matches2)) { // order: data, then type $newrow['type'] = $matches2[2]; preg_match_all('/(\w+?)\=\'(.*?)\'/', $matches2[1], $matches3); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches3[1]); $i++) { $newrow[strtolower($matches3[1][$i])] = $matches3[2][$i]; } $myrows[] = $newrow; } } } // we run the request $output = SDrun_req($this, $req, $myrows, (isset($p1)?$p1:''), (isset($p2)?$p2:''), (isset($p3)?$p3:'')); } else { // this is a data item : process it if ($data) { preg_match_all('/(\w*)\=\'(.*?)\'\s*?/', $data, $matches); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { // parameter name is case-insensitive $params[strtolower($matches[1][$i])] = $matches[2][$i]; } $output = SDhandle_item($type, $params, isset($print) ? $print : ''); } else { $output = SDerror(sprintf(SD_ERROR_PARAMETER_MANDATORY, 'data')); } } if ($output) { // print the result $output = $this->ReturnSafeHTML($output); echo $output; } ?> %% 2. [versions & only] Add the following lines to ##css/wikka.css##: %%(php) table.data { border: 2px solid #CCC; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; } table.data caption { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-size: 95%; color: #666; margin:5px 0; padding:2px; } table.data thead { background-color: #DDD; } table.data tfoot { background-color: #DDD; } table.data th { border: 1px solid #CCC; padding: .1em .25em; } table.data thead th { background-color: #DDD; } table.data tfoot th { background-color: #DDD; } table.data tbody th { background-color: #EEE; } table.data tbody tr:hover { background-color: #E9E9F9; } table.data tbody tr.alt:hover { background-color: #E9E9F9; } table.data td { border: 1px solid #CCC; padding: .1em .25em; } table.data td.number { text-align: right; } table.data td.datetime { text-align: right; white-space: nowrap; } /* --- alternate row & column color --- */ table.data tr.alt { background-color: #EEE; } table.data th.c1 { background-color: #CDD; } table.data th.c2 { background-color: #DCC; } table.data th.c3 { background-color: #DDC; } table.data th.c4 { background-color: #CDC; } table.data th.c5 { background-color: #CCD; } table.data th.c6 { background-color: #DCD; } table.data td.c1 { background-color: #EFF; } table.data td.c2 { background-color: #FEE; } table.data td.c3 { background-color: #FFE; } table.data td.c4 { background-color: #EFE; } table.data td.c5 { background-color: #EEF; } table.data td.c6 { background-color: #FEF; } table.data tr.alt td.c1 { background-color: #DEE; } table.data tr.alt td.c2 { background-color: #EDD; } table.data tr.alt td.c3 { background-color: #EED; } table.data tr.alt td.c4 { background-color: #DED; } table.data tr.alt td.c5 { background-color: #DDE; } table.data tr.alt td.c6 { background-color: #EDE; } %% ---- CategoryUserContributions