Wiki source for SvgActionInfo
======##""{{svg}}""## action information======
See Ticket:64
This is a simple action, accepting an ##url="(string)"## parameter. It embeds an SVG file into the page. You can specify ##height="(int)"## and ##width="(int)"## parameters for the object viewport. Remember that SVG stores its own size, so it'd best to match them up.
This action is based entirely on Docs:FlashActionInfo.
See Ticket:64
This is a simple action, accepting an ##url="(string)"## parameter. It embeds an SVG file into the page. You can specify ##height="(int)"## and ##width="(int)"## parameters for the object viewport. Remember that SVG stores its own size, so it'd best to match them up.
This action is based entirely on Docs:FlashActionInfo.