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=====""TeX"" Logo actions=====

Three simple actions to generate CSS-driven ""TeX"" logos.

=== Styling ===

Add the following to your stylesheet:

.latex {
font-family: Times, "Times New Roman", serif;
letter-spacing: 1px;

.latex sup {
text-transform: uppercase;
letter-spacing: 1px;
font-size: 0.85em;
vertical-align: 0.15em;
margin-left: -0.36em;
margin-right: -0.15em;

.latex sub {
text-transform: uppercase;
vertical-align: -0.5ex;
margin-left: -0.1667em;
margin-right: -0.125em;
font-size: 1em;

=== Actions ===

Drop the following in your actions folder

echo '<span class="latex">T<sub>e</sub>X</span>';

echo '<span class="latex">L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>';

echo '<span class="latex">X<sub>Ǝ</sub>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>';

=== See them in action ===
~-[[ | CSS driven TeX logos]]

=== Refs ===
~-[[ | TeX and LaTeX logo poshlet]]

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