=====Uncategory Actions===== **actions/uncategory.php** %%(php) getPageTag(); $tag = $this->getPageTag(); $categorys = $this->LoadAll("select tag from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where latest = 'Y' and body like '%{{category%'"); foreach ($categorys as $i) { $tmp_sql_like .= " and body not like '%" . $i['tag'] . "%'"; } $results = $this->LoadAll("select tag from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where latest = 'Y' and tag !='" .$tag. "' " .$tmp_sql_like); if ($results) { if (!$compact) $str .= ' pages:
'; else $str .= '
"; $count=0; } if (!$compact) $str .= '' ."\n" ; else $str .= '
  • '.$this->Format('[['.$val.' | '.preg_replace( "/Category/", "",$val).']]').'
  • ' ; $count++; $pagecount++; } $str = 'The following '.$pagecount.$str; if (!$compact) $str .= '
    '.$this->Format('[['.$val.']]'). '
    '; else $str .= ''; } else $str = 'Not exists pages without category to be written or modify'; if ($count==0){ $str = 'Not exists pages without category to be written or modify'; } print($str); } ?>%% ---- CategoryUserContributions