Comparing revisions for UserAdmin

~~-**delete users** (forthcoming: see this [[RemovingUsers discussion]]);
<th> </th>
==Current features== (//2005-08-31//):
**Note: this action uses the ##ipaddress## field that has been added as a beta antispam feature to this server. Lines relative to this field have been commented out in the code to allow installation on a native wikka package**
* @version 1.2
" <th> </th>\n".
" <th class=\"number ".(($c_color == 1)? ' c1' : '')."\" title=\"".TABLE_HEADING_OWNED_TITLE."\"><img src=\"".OWNED_ICON."\" alt=\"O\"/></th>\n".
This is the development page for the User Administration module. The User Administration module has been committed to the [[ branch]] and will be available with the [[ release]].
This action is meant to allow Wikka Administrators to manage users and perform several maintenance operations.
It displays the standard LastUsers list to non-admins.
~-Are you an administrator of this site ? --- Give it a [[UserAdminTest try]]
>><<**Table of Contents:**
~-""<a href="UserAdmin#hn_Why">Why?</a>""
~-""<a href="UserAdmin#hn_Current_version">Current version</a>""
~-""<a href="UserAdmin#hn_To_do">To do</a>""
~-""<a href="UserAdmin#hn_The_code">The code</a>""
~-""<a href="UserAdmin#hn_Styling_options">Styling options</a>""<<
=== Why? ===
~~-**delete users** (forthcoming: see this [[RemovingUsers discussion]]) ''-- done as of; however, other core changes must be made to recognize users as being deleted''
~~~~& See DanWestUserReg. Worked for me as intended. I'd say, this function's done --MasinAlDujaili, 2007-05-21
==sample output==
<th> </th>
===Current version=== (//2005-08-31//):
~~-TrackIPaddressMod for (possible) install on 'your' server
===To do ===
~-deleting/banning users;
~-integrate with other admin modules.
**Note:** this action uses the ##ipaddress## field that has been added as a beta antispam feature to this server. Lines relative to this field have been commented out in the code to allow installation on a native wikka package
The code has also been adapted to take advantage of the ##[[WikkaCountingRecords getCount()]]## method, which is required for the action to work.
* @version 0.5
" <th> </th>\n".
" <th class=\"number ".(($c_color == 1)? ' c1' : '')."\" title=\"".TABLE_HEADING_OWNED_TITLE."\">;<img src=\"".OWNED_ICON."\" alt=\"O\"/></th>\n".
The styling of the tables requires a bunch of [[TableStyling new CSS classes]].
The ##useradmin## action accepts two optional styling parameters:
Enables color for statistics columns
1: enables colored columns (default);
0: disables colored columns;
Enables alternate row colors
1: enables colored rows (default);
0: disables colored rows;
The following examples show how the table is rendered using these two parameters:
**No styling:** ##""{{useradmin colcolor="0" rowcolor="0"}}""##
""<table summary="List of users registered on this server" border="1px" id="admin_table">
<th> </th>
<th class="number" title="Owned Pages"><img src="images/icons/16x16/stock_keyring.png" alt="O"/></th>
<th class="number" title="Page Edits"><img src="images/icons/16x16/text-editor.png" alt="E"/></th>
<th class="number" title="Comments"><img src="images/icons/16x16/stock_help-agent.png" alt="C"/></th>
<td class="number"><a title="Display pages owned by HypeXR (1)" href="">1</a></td>
<td class="number"><a title="Display page edits by HypeXR (2)" href="">2</a></td>
<td class="number"><a title="Display comments by HypeXR (1)" href="">1</a></td>
<td class="number">0</td>
<td class="number">0</td>
<td class="number">0</td>
<td class="number"><a title="Display pages owned by DennyShimkoski (6)" href="">6</a></td>
<td class="number"><a title="Display page edits by DennyShimkoski (38)" href="">38</a></td>
<td class="number"><a title="Display comments by DennyShimkoski (1)" href="">1</a></td>
**Alternate rows only:** ##""{{useradmin colcolor="0"}}""##
""<table summary="List of users registered on this server" border="1px" id="admin_table">
<th> </th>
<th class="number" title="Owned Pages"><img src="images/icons/16x16/stock_keyring.png" alt="O"/></th>
<th class="number" title="Page Edits"><img src="images/icons/16x16/text-editor.png" alt="E"/></th>
<th class="number" title="Comments"><img src="images/icons/16x16/stock_help-agent.png" alt="C"/></th>
<td class="number"><a title="Display pages owned by HypeXR (1)" href="">1</a></td>
<td class="number"><a title="Display page edits by HypeXR (2)" href="">2</a></td>
<td class="number"><a title="Display comments by HypeXR (1)" href="">1</a></td>
<td class="number">0</td>
<td class="number">0</td>
<td class="number">0</td>
<td class="number"><a title="Display pages owned by DennyShimkoski (6)" href="">6</a></td>
<td class="number"><a title="Display page edits by DennyShimkoski (38)" href="">38</a></td>
<td class="number"><a title="Display comments by DennyShimkoski (1)" href="">1</a></td>
**Colored columns only:** ##""{{useradmin rowcolor="0"}}""##
<th> </th>
<th class="number c1" title="Owned Pages"><img src="images/icons/16x16/stock_keyring.png" alt="O"/></th>
<th class="number c2" title="Page Edits"><img src="images/icons/16x16/text-editor.png" alt="E"/></th>
<th class="number c3" title="Comments"><img src="images/icons/16x16/stock_help-agent.png" alt="C"/></th>
**Alternate rows and colored columns:** ##""{{useradmin}}""##
<th> </th>
<th class="number c1" title="Owned Pages"><img src="images/icons/16x16/stock_keyring.png" alt="O"/></th>
<th class="number c2" title="Page Edits"><img src="images/icons/16x16/text-editor.png" alt="E"/></th>
<th class="number c3" title="Comments"><img src="images/icons/16x16/stock_help-agent.png" alt="C"/></th>
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