WackoWiki vs. WikkaWiki


New Project-Homepage for WackoWiki



Feature comparison table | Reviews & user feedback

Feature comparison table

The aim of the table below is to compare the most prominent features of WikkaWiki and WackoWiki (only the features of the engine released with the packages are listed - any extension/code contribution not included in the official packages is omitted). This list is far from exhaustive: the best way to understand what wiki engine fits your needs is to install it and give it a try.

General information
Latest stable releaseR4.
LanguagePHP 4.1+PHP 4.1+
Data storageMySQLMySQL 3.23+
StandardsXHTML 1.0 Transitional / CSSXHTML 1.0 Transitional / CSS
MultilingualYes: de, en, es, fr, pl, pt, ru ?
Package size430Kb (.zip)524Kb (.tar.gz)
Text formatting


yes (6 levels)yes (5 levels)
Boldyes (**bold**)yes (**bold**)
Italicsyes (//italics//)yes (//italics//)
Bold Italicsyes (**//bold italics//**)yes (**//bold italics//**)
Underlineyes (__underline__)yes (__underline__)
Monospaceyes ( ##monospace##)yes (##monospace##)
Strikethroughyes ( --strikethrough--)yes (++strikehrough++)


Reviews & user feedback

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CategoryComparison CategoryWikka
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