Revision [23594]
This is an old revision of WikiPageWatch made by IanHayhurst on 2018-07-12 16:09:56.
By Chumang Sango 2009 for V1.1.6.2
Ported IanHayhurst 2018 for V1.3.7 pluginsystem
Ported IanHayhurst 2018 for V1.3.7 pluginsystem
Yet another email notification plugin allows users to watch / unwatch a page by opting in or out of email notification for page changes or comments. Uses an additional table to track pages and watchers. I'm including it here as I modified the original work by Chumang Sango to use the plugin system.
Files Added / Modified
WikiRoot/|-- libs
| \-- Wakka.class.php
-- plugins
\-- actions
|-- watchlink
| \-- watchlink.php
|-- config
| \--
| |--
| |--
|-- handlers
\-- addcomment
| \--addcomment.php
| \-- edit.php
| \--pagewatch.php
|-- unpagewatch
\-- unpagewatch.php
CategoryUserContributions |