Comparing revisions for WikkaBetaFeatures

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>>Try the [[ demo server]]
Look for the [[WikkaDevelopment development]] of the new version>>::c::
This server runs on WikkaWiki version {{wikkaversion}} (see WikkaReleaseNotes) with a number of experimental features.
~-**Skins** --- allows users to //select//, //create//, //edit// and //modify// their own [[WikkaSkins custom CSS stylesheet]]. --- Test: TestSkin --- Development pages: MySkin, WikkaSkinSelector, WikkaSkinEditor
~-**Paged comments** --- allows comments to be paged. The number of comments per page can be set from UserSettings. --- Development page: PagedComments
~-**Menulets** --- mini-[[UsingActions actions]] that will replace in the future menu items. --- Development page & test: WikkaMenulets
~-**User Administration** --- interface for managing registered users. --- Test: [admin-only] UserAdminTest --- Development page: UserAdmin
~-**Page Administration** --- interface for managing pages --- Test: [admin-only] PageAdminTest --- Development page: PageAdminAction
~~&Oops - looking at the test page, this is now (temporarily) broken by the AdvancedReferrersHandler beta implementation: it seems it uses the ##""LoadReferrers()""## function which we've made obsolete... should be easy enough to fix though. --JavaWoman
~-**System** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-01-23]</span>""--- a new action showing information about the system Wikka is running on. --- Example on the SysInfo page.
~-**Backlinks handler** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-01-28]</span>""--- A simple backlinks handler to display internal links to the current page (usage: ##/backlinks##). --- See BacklinksHandler.
~-**Grab code handler** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-02-17]</span>""--- A handler to download code snippets from code blocks inserted in Wikka pages. --- See GrabCodeHandler.
~-**Register action** --- An action for user registration distinct from the current (##usersettings##). --- Development page: RegisterAction --- Test: RegisterActionTest.
~-**RSS action - workaround** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-05-06]</span>""--- A temporary fix for the Onyx-RSS parser used by the RSS action; any (sometimes spurious) errors raised are now simply enclosed in an HTML comment so they are still available if needed but don't clutter up the rendered page. --- Test and code on JwRssTest.
~-**Advanced Referrers handling** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-05-13]</span>""--- New, advanced referrers handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well). --- Development page: AdvancedReferrersHandler. --- Test by adding ##/referrers## to any page. (Only registered users can view and filter lists, only admins can blacklist domains or remove them from the blacklist.)
~-**Single quotes for action parameters** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">2005-06-08]</span>""--- A small change to the ##Action()## method in ##wikka.php## so that action parameters are recognized enclosed in either single or double quotes. --- Development page: ActionParsQuoting
~-**Advanced ""FormOpen()""** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-06-12]</span>""---Enhanced ##""FormOpen()""## method in ##wikka.php## supporting all types of forms, and using **##""makeId()""##** to generate a unique id for a form. ---Development pages: AdvancedFormOpen and GenerateUniqueId
~a) Beta features listed on this page and currently installed on this server are not necessarily meant to be included in the core anytime soon.
~a) For a complete list of new features that are officially accepted for inclusion in the core, please refer to our [[ | tracker]].
~a) Items on this list marked with {{image src="" alt="svn icon" title="already committed"}} have already been committed in our [[WikkaSVN | code repository]].
~a) For a preview of the latest development version, you can grab and install a fresh [[WikkaUnstable | unstable package]].
===Try our demo===
~-You can play with [[WhatsNew | latest stable release]] on [[ | this server]].
===See also===
~-[[Docs:WikkaFeatures | List of current features]]
~-[[Docs:WikkaReleaseNotes | Official release notes]]
~-[[WikkaSVN | Getting the latest development version]]
~-CategoryUserContributions>> This server runs on a custom WikkaWiki engine with a number of //experimental features//.
~-**Skins** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2004-11-24]</span>""--- allows users to //select//, //create//, //edit// and //modify// their own [[Docs:WikkaSkins | custom CSS stylesheet]]. --- Test: TestSkin --- Development pages: MySkin, WikkaSkinSelector, WikkaSkinEditor
~-**Paged comments** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2004-12-12]</span>"" --- allows comments to be paged. The number of comments per page can be set from UserSettings. --- Development page: PagedComments
~-**Menulets** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2004-12-20]</span>"" --- mini-[[Docs:UsingActions | actions]] that will replace in the future menu items. --- Development page & test: WikkaMenulets
~-**User Administration** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-01-04 - updated 2009-11-04]</span>"" --- interface for managing registered users. (20091104) Implemented single-user delete action (fully supported in later versions) --- Test: [admin-only] UserAdminTest --- Development page: UserAdmin --- ""<span style="color:#0A0;font-weight:bold;">Implemented</span>"" as ##adminusers.php## since version
~-**Page Administration** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-01-04 - updated 2008-10-09]</span>""--- interface for managing pages --- Test: [admin-only] PageAdminTest --- Development page: PageAdminAction --- ""<span style="color:#0A0;font-weight:bold;">Implemented</span>"" as ##adminpages.php## since version
~-**Database Information** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-07-08]</span>"" --- simple action to provide information about the structure of the database and tables used--- Test: DbInfo [only admins get actual information but the page is freely accessible] ---Development page: DbInfoAction
~-**System** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-01-23]</span>""--- a new action showing information about the system Wikka is running on.---Development page: WikkaMenulets --- Example on the SysInfo page. --- {{svn}}
~-**Backlinks handler** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-01-28]</span>""--- A simple backlinks handler to display internal links to the current page (usage: ##/backlinks##). --- See BacklinksHandler. --- {{svn}}
~-**Grab code handler** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-02-17]</span>""--- A handler to download code snippets from code blocks inserted in Wikka pages. --- See GrabCodeHandler. --- {{svn}}
~~&With the installation of the Advanced ##""FormOpen()""## method and the [[ImprovedFormatter | Improved Formatter]], the generation of the 'grabcode' form at the end of each code block has been changed to take advantage of the new ##""FormOpen()""## method: all download forms now not only have an id but also a 'grabcode' class that can be used as a hook for proper styling. --JavaWoman ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-06-12]</span>""
~-**Register action** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-02-25]</span>""--- An action for user registration distinct from the current (##usersettings##). --- Development page: RegisterAction --- Test: RegisterActionTest.
~-**RSS action - workaround** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-05-06]</span>""--- A temporary fix for the Onyx-RSS parser used by the RSS action; any (sometimes spurious) errors raised are now simply enclosed in an HTML comment so they are still available if needed but don't clutter up the rendered page. --- Test and code on JwRssTest. --- {{svn}}
~-**Advanced Referrers handling** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-05-13 - updated 2005-07-14]</span>""--- New, advanced referrers handling with searching and filtering as well as an accessible form and results table (and more secure as well). --- Development page: AdvancedReferrersHandler. --- Test by adding ##/referrers## to any page. (Only registered users can view and filter lists, only admins can blacklist domains or remove them from the blacklist.)
~-**Single quotes for action parameters** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-06-08]</span>""--- A small change to the ##Action()## method in ##wikka.php## so that action parameters are recognized enclosed in either single or double quotes. --- Development page: ActionParsQuoting {{svn}}
~-**Advanced ""FormOpen()""** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-06-12 - updated 2008-10-09]</span>""---Enhanced ##""FormOpen()""## method in ##wikka.php## supporting all types of forms, and using **##""makeId()""##** to generate a unique id for a form. ---Development pages: AdvancedFormOpen and GenerateUniqueId --- {{svn}}Method ""<span style="color:#0A0;font-weight:bold;">Implemented</span>"" since version
~-//**Advanced Backlinks action**// ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-06-12]</span>""---Advanced Backlinks action with support for different output formats - installed as an ""<span style="color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;">alpha</span>"" feature; the original backlinks action is unchanged for now.---Development pages: AdvancedBacklinksAction, ArrayToList and ArrayToColumns---Test by using ""{{<span style="color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;">backlinks2</span>}}"" with the new parameters on any page (sample below)
~-//**Advanced Category action**// ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-06-12]</span>""---Advanced Category action with support for many different output formats and a new 'related pages' feature - installed as an ""<span style="color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;">alpha</span>"" feature; the modified (beta) category action (see above) is unchanged for now.---Development pages: AdvancedCategoryAction, ArrayToList and ArrayToColumns; see also CompatibilityCode and GenerateUniqueId---Test by using ""{{<span style="color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;">category2</span>}}"" with the new parameters on any page (sample below)
~-**Improved Formatter** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-06-12 - updated 2005-07-14]</span>""---New formatter code with many improved and advanced features.---Development page: ImprovedFormatter.---See also: AdvancedFormatter --- {{svn}}
~-**Login Redirection** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-06-23]</span>"" --- Registered users are automatically redirected on their first login to a page specified in the config file (on this server: WelcomeRegisteredUser). --- See RedirectOnLogin for further information. {{svn}}
~-**Headings with links** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-07-14]</span>"" --- Headings with embedded links are now correctly handled to derive a document title ("smart title"). --- {{svn}}
~-**Counting records** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-07-19 - updated 2008-10-09]</span>"" --- Generic method ##getCount()## to count records. Implemented (so far) in the ##""ExistsPage()""## method and PageAdminAction (see above)---Development page: WikkaCountingRecords (which outlines other code where this may be implemented). --- {{svn}} Method ""<span style="color:#0A0;font-weight:bold;">Implemented</span>"" since version
~-**Info handler** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-07-30]</span>""--- Displays information and statistics on the current page (usage: ##/info##). --- See InfoHandler.
~-**RSS autodiscovery** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-08-07]</span>""--- Allows Wikka feeds to be autodetected by feed readers and some browsers. --- See RSSAutoDiscovery. --- {{svn}}
~-**Header modifications** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-08-17]</span>""--- Replaced the search link in the header with a link to the ##/backlinks## handler. --- See BacklinksHandler. --- {{svn}}
~-**Footer modifications** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2005-08-17]</span>""--- Replaced the history link with a link to the ##/info## handler. --- See InfoHandler.
~-**License action** ""<span style="color:#888;font-size:smaller;">[2006-01-17]</span>""--- Prints the full-text of a specified license. --- See LicenseAction. --- {{svn}}
//Sample for backlinks action **alpha** test://
{{backlinks2 cols='3'}}
//Sample for category action **alpha** test - note there is no special styling for this output format yet://
{{category2 type='related'}}
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