Comparing revisions for WikkaBlog2

~& (moved from WikkaBugs) This is about WikkaBlog2. --- I find that noone is allowed to post blog comments (i.e. not the wikka page std comments). All ACLs are '*'; I even blanked all, or have the page owned by nobody, and still no rights; I suppose HasAccess('comment') fails. (see [[ this page]]) -- CatIvan
~& Is this a good solution? in blog.pgp, line 112 "if ( /*$user = $this->GetUser() &&*/ $this->HasAccess('comment'))" -- the 1st test condition fails for anonymous users; it seems to me the 2nd statement (ACL based) is sufficient. -- CatIvan
~& (moved from WikkaBugs) This is about WikkaBlog2. --- I find that noone is allowed to post blog comments (i.e. not the wikka page std comments). All ACLs are '*'; I even blanked all, or have the page owned by nobody, and still no rights; I suppose ""HasAccess""('comment') fails. (see [[ this page]]) -- CatIvan
~& Is this a good solution? in blog.pgp, line 112 "if ( /*$user = $this->""GetUser""() &&*/ $this->""HasAccess""('comment'))" -- the 1st test condition fails for anonymous users; it seems to me the 2nd statement (ACL based) is sufficient. -- CatIvan
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