Revision [866]

This is an old revision of WikkaBugs made by JsnX on 2004-08-03 02:22:06.


Bugs/Issues discovered in Wikka

Resolved bugs

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Version Wikka Wakka Wiki 1.0.4:

bug in redesigned acl-handling?

am i wrong or does the $wakka->hasaccess routine (v. 1.1.3) only check the user-rights against the present page, regardless if the parameter $tag is set or not? i haven't had a closer look, but as i understood, the check against $this->acls[$privilege."_acl"] only returns the right value, if $tag == $this->tag and else should be passed over to the loadacl-function as wakka did. -- DreckFehler

formatters don't care about diff-tags

none of the formatters which are triggered by the %%double-percent tag%% observes the tags that are inserted by the diff-engine, although the main-formatter wakka.php delegates all rendering to these formatters. an example is shown here:

just search for "pound" or "++" on that page.

in most cases this issue can be solved by a simple str_replace. an exception is the php-highlighter. see the link below for a solution.

but fixing that problem rises another! i'm unhappy with the "++" tag used by the diff-engine to mark deletions. the double-plus is also the increment operator of php (and other languages) and can't be distiguished from the diff-tags. this problem is addressed in the following sample code too:

that page might be an example what this bugfix is good for, but it also shows up the limits. naturally the sample-code contains those diff-tags which it is dealing with. that obviously screws up the diff-engine again. so take care not only to paste-n-copy the code snippets from the link above ;)

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