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This is an old revision of WikkaDevelopment made by JavaWoman on 2004-12-10 08:57:35.


Wikka Development

Last edited by JavaWoman:
trying to explain why including release notes as a page is a good idea :)
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 08:57 UTC [diff]


Things in the next release

I'm planning on putting out a small bugfix release within the next few days. If you have something that you would like to see in this release, make a note here and I'll take a look at it. -- JsnX, 26 Nov 2004

Things to be fixed before releasing wikka-
Here's some sparse thoughts from a first test of the beta version:

I saw it in the SandBox and it messed up things royally there... disabled it, and added notes about my findings.
I agree with Dartar, I'd like to see ReleaseNotes included as a default page; if one doesn't look at it, fine, but at least it's there if you do need to consult what was changed (and why) and it's much more readable than what {{wikkachanges}} produces. I'd vote for just removing the {{wikkachanges}} action and simply including a ReleaseNotes page. --JavaWoman

Have both of you thought how this would be implemented?? It's easy to include a default page on install. However, what are we going to do on upgrade? Are we going to overwrite the page? (Yes, of course! And that's what you'd do with a text file as well - what's the difference?) What if the site has changed the page? (Include a note on the page that it is a system page that will be overwritten on upgrade; if possible protect the page from editing by anyone but admin on install.) I think it would be annoying for the upgrade script to overwrite an existing page. (But you would be overwriting the text file - what's the difference? A page is just a more readable version. And we wouldn;'t need to keep the same information synchronbized in two places - always a bad idea.) Hence the solution that I have proposed. In addition, how long is it going to be before someone says, "Hey, why don't we include a text file that lists the changes". (Maybe very long - it hasn't happened, has it? See how it goes.) Once again, we take care of this by including the text file and then showing it in the wiki. Sites are not going to update the Wikka release notes--it's static data. Why have it as a wiki page? (For readability, and it fits in simply with the system. Yes, sites are not going to update the release notes - in whatever form. And if they do want to update them, they could do that with the text file just as easily.)

Why don't we focus our energy on making the {{wikkachanges}} action better? JavaWoman, you are detailing problems with my crappy action that I spent ten minutes on to demonstrate the concept. Wouldn't it be possible to tweak the action to output the text to your satisfaction? (What I see is is a far less readable version, and if it's in a text file, then how are you going to keep the two synchronized? We already have ReleaseNotes - if you just include that it's simpler (it's already there), more reliable (nothing to synchronise, the data is in one place, not two), and more readable (no extra action needed either).)

I'm proposing that we name the page WikkaReleaseNotes for a reason. Let's imagine that Linus decides he wants to create a Wikka site name LinuxWiki to document his Linux kernel. If we name a default page as ReleaseNotes, won't this confuse people on the LinuxWiki site when they are looking for the release notes for Linux? What will Linus name the page that describes the release notes for his software? You might say, he could just overwrite the Wikka release notes with whatever he wants. But then what happens when he upgrades to a new Wikka version? Do you see the problem that we are creating? (So rename it WikkaReleaseNotes here and include that page as a system page. I agree that the name is not optimal - but the same is true here already.)

I don't like the idea of us forcing pages on people. If we make the release notes as an action, people can have the release notes show on any page they want. They could create a page named WikiEngineChanges and place the {{wikkachanges}} action on it, and when they upgrade, the changes will show up on the page that they decided. (So they create a page called WikiEngineChanges and just {{include}} the ReleaseNotes on it.) If we force a page named ReleaseNotes, we are going to create an unnecessary struggle with site owners that might not want to have the Wikka release notes on a page named ReleaseNotes. (It's just another "system" page, like SandBox and FormattingRules. I don't see the problem.) -- JsnX

Comments embedded above to make them more relevant to context -- JavaWoman

===== Wikka Documentation ===== 
A comprehensive and up-to-date documentation on Wikka Wiki can be found on the 
[[ main Wikka server]]

Agreed. --JavaWoman

=====Welcome to your Wikka site! ===== 
Thanks for installing [[Wikka:HomePage WikkaWiki]]! This site is running on version [[ReleaseNotes]]
Double-click on this page or click on the "edit page" link at the bottom to get started.

Also don't forget to visit the [[Wikka:HomePage WikkaWiki website]]!

Useful pages: FormattingRules, WikkaDocumentation, OrphanedPages, WantedPages, TextSearch.


I'm in Rom till sunday so don't expect big changes before monday. Nils
Dropped. Geez, in the whole wide world it's only the Americans who spell it without the "u" we keep the U.S. spelling? Ironic.
spelling is ironic - you can always add a colour action yourself containing nothing but an include of actions/color.php, if you must. :) --JavaWoman
Liberia???? Japan I get (beaten in war). OAS I get (sucking up to U.S. ;) ). LIBERIA??? Liberia I don't get. BTW, I didn't mean that spelling was ironic, I meant that the decision was, given efforts by various members on this wiki to "internationalize" the wiki. (Or, I could rename the file. Writing an action to include an action is a programmer's solution obviously. LOL ;-} ) -- Mike

must be replaced with the appropriate call to $this->FormOpen():

$form = '<p>Fill in the form below to send us your comments:</p>
        <form method="post" action="'
        Name: <input name="name" value="'
.$_POST["name"].' "type="text" /><br />
        Email: <input name="email" value="'
.$_POST["email"].'" type="text" /><br />
        Comments:<br />
        <textarea name="comments" rows="15" cols="45">'
.$_POST["comments"].'</textarea><br />
        <input type="submit" value="Send" />

$form = '<p>Fill in the form below to send us your comments:</p>'.
        '\nName: <input name="name" value="'.$_POST["name"].'" type="text" /><br />'.
        '\n<input type="hidden" name="mail" value="result">'.
        '\nEmail: <input name="email" value="'.$_POST["email"].'" type="text" /><br />'.
        '\nComments:<br />\n<textarea name="comments" rows="15" cols="40">'.$_POST["comments"].'</textarea><br / >'.
        '\n<input type="submit" value="Send"/>'.

if ($_GET["mail"]=="result") {

if ($_POST["mail"]=="result") {

-- DarTar, 08 Dec 04

[for the next minor release]

RR on
			"root_page" => "HomePage",
"base_url" => "http://wokka/",
"rewrite_mode" => "1",

RR off
			"root_page" => "HomePage",
"base_url" => "http://test/wikka-",
"rewrite_mode" => "0",

Hope this helps -- DarTar

DarTar kind of gave you the key....
Forget about the wrong information that your ISP gave you and read ModRewrite. -- JsnX

[for the next major release]

- See my questions at HandlingWikkaConfig. NilsLindenberg


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Yet another idea from me:
Usergroups. So i can create a group of users, and just write that group into the ACLs...
- Take a look at GroupManagement (which doesn't seem to be finished)

"In work" for Wikka-pages
Add a page property, 'Status' [?] that can be used to facilitate code development within Wikka. Imagine a very basic CVS system. A user can change the status to "In use' while considering improvements to the code, and then change it to 'Available' when done. This may prevent this scenario:

Dangerous! Consider the following scenario: user has been hard at work all week, now it's Friday afternoon and there's some time to do an edit or three. User opens each page in a browser tab, marking all three as "in use" and starts to edit them. Clickety-click. Suddenly user realises he has to run to catch the train home. Run! On the train, user realises the three pages are still open in the browser and "in use". "No matter", thinks our user, "it's always quiet during the weekend and I'll get back to it first thing Monday morning. On Sunday afternoon, user plays soccer, as he always does, and breaks a leg, which he usually doesn't do. User is transported to hospital where he has to stay for four weeks. ... A bit exceptional maybe - but what do you do with "dangling in uses" and when (how) are they considered "dangling" in the first place? --JW
Good point, but this modification would be only an informational resource to facilitate user communication. Techically, users could still update the page any time they wanted. It would just be a courtesy to hold back if you saw that a page was 'in use.' I didn't mention it above, but I planned to also add a field that would timestamp when the status was last changed. So in your scenario, we would see that the page had been marked as 'in use' for several days and feel free to ignore it. However, this does bring up the idea that it would be good to also have a 'note' box available for updating the page status -- used for comments such as, "should have the code updated within a few hours." Better now? -- JsnX
I've got code/table changes done that indicate if anybody (other than oneself) opened the page to "edit" in the last 15 minutes. It's on an iteration that isn't "live" right now (it's part of an earlier installation of wikka that we just haven't brought the code forward from yet), but I can make it that way so you can test out the functionality if you want. Since much of our site will be geared towards small teams doing collaborative editing, it was designed so that editing conflicts would not occur. Let me know if you want me to get it installed at a test site. -- GmBowen
I agree, it's an important issue (some Wakka forks have already addressed the problem of concurrent editing) -- DarTar
JsnX: If it's purely informational, that's better; I thought the intention was some kind of locking. So you'd have something like:
Then - would the state apply to the logical page or to a particular version? If the latter, what happens if a page is reverted to that version? What happens to the state when another user goes ahead and edits the page anyway?
And I still think you'd need some kind of admin function to "clear" dangling in use states that are older than xx minutes/hours/days.
GmBowen: is yours completely automatic or user-initiated? What happens in the run off to catch the train scenario? -- JavaWoman
(i) it's purely informational, not a "lock" sets a red exclamation mark beside the page name at the top if the "edit" link (or double click) has been used in the last 15 minutes by anybody other than yourself (ii) it's automatic (iii) the "train scenario" can't happen. It doesn't check if "saved" or not, just whether an edit was started in the last 15 minutes. This means that if the person doing the edit hasn't saved in the last 15 minutes when editing then the exclamation mark isn't activated for another user. But, people should save edits every 15 minutes anyways methinks. It's not "foolproof", but was meant to avoid many sorts of common editing conflicts on collaborative documents. It's not a very "big" edit of the wikka code actually. The edit.php script timestamps the most recent version of the page when it is activated, and there's a small addition to header.php that checks when the page is loaded to see if the current time is < 15 minutes from that timestamp & if so shows an exclamation mark. Finally, there's a small linked graphic that "refreshes" the page beside "homepage" and the "edit" link (essentially, it's just a link to the page itself) so a user can check the edit status before deciding to edit it themselves. For server load reasons I decided to not have an automatic check (once every 5 minutes for example) since most people read & don't edit much of the time so it made sense more to encourage people to check edit status themselves. Of course, it would also be possible to have edit.php check to see if the file was edited in last 15 minutes and if so, ask the user if they wanted to continue with their own edit. Hmmm...I'll have to think about that. As it sits it worked pretty well when tested (but remember, I'm into small group collaborative writing tasks....I'm not sure how it would work if the pages were "open" to everyone). It originally took me several hours to write the code myself, but I'm sure it would take JW or DarTar or Jason maybe 30 minutes....and the code would probably be more efficient (I'm not a real coder remember :-( ) -- GmBowen (aka Mike) (I've now provided my code & mods @ [GmBowenRecentEditCheck] for people to play with)

Searching (in) comments
Add the ability to 'search for all comments by user X'. How this might be useful: I want to find a comment by JavaWoman (really?), but I can't remember which page it was on -- she's quite prolific! -- (I admit I'm easily distracted. What am I doing here, now!? :)) so I use this new function to list all of her comments.
Yes. And related: an extension of this or the general search function to search by comments content (in addition to page name or page content) would, I think, be also useful. --JW
Agreed. -- JsnX
Nice idea :). For comments by user X (and, why not, mods by user X) we could imagine something similar to Google syntax for site-restricted queries. E.g.: I18n user:JavaWoman. The scope of the query (pages, mods, comments, anywhere) should be settable as a radio button (similar to Google's restrict search options). FYI, Comments by user X, Pages owned by user X and Changes done by user X were already partially addressed by the following action proposals: UserCommentsAction, UserPagesAction, UserChangesAction -- DarTar
In general....given the complexity (and utility) of some of the conversations now happening in the comments, I think that we should consider either (i) the current textsearch being expanded to include the comments, or (ii) a separate action be written directed at searching the comments table (possibly an easier route). The latter might mean we consider renaming the search pages to SearchText, SearchTextExtended & SearchComments. [I now realize that this "search comments" feature is a "lost" feature. I realize now that earlier versions of this wiki had the comments stored in the pages table and were therefore searched. When they were moved to a separate table, the ability to search comments was lost. (Update: See my GmBowen directory for a (temporary) solution for this....even separates results for comments & pages into two columns) A separate action to list all comments by a user would also be useful. In a related comment on the comments, and given my arguments about the complexity of conversations in some of the comment threads now, I suggest that we also consider developing code for threaded discussions in the comments....which I think will considerably enrich collaborative efforts (such as we engage in). -- GmBowen

It would be good if the text-search would be sorted in some way. If I search for example for "GmBowen", a page with the exact match (his userpage) should be on the top of the results. The next results perhaps in alphabetical order? --NilsLindenberg

Low priority:
- Add fields to the 'users' table [?] to track when RecentChanges and RecentlyCommented were last viewed. Then RecentChanges and RecentlyCommented can by modified to highlight new items since the user last viewed the page.
If it's only for highlighting, OK, but I'm not waiting for that. If it's for filtering, please no. I quite often trace back several days to re-review pages or comments --JW
OK. Point taken. I was considering doing some form of filtering, but will now only consider higlighting, as requested. -- JsnX
I totally agree with JW's point -- DarTar
Actually, I could imagine separate functionality with filtering being useful on a busy site, but then as, say, UnseenChanges and UnseenComments - in addition to the current "Recent" functionality; that way the semantics of "recent" would not be changed. But I agree it's low priority. --JavaWoman


This was added to Wikka in version
- New usernames should be checked against existing page names. This was prompted by a new user named 'HomePage'.

For wikka.php:
     * Check by name if a page exists.
     * @author      {@link JavaWoman}
     * @copyright   Copyright &copy; 2004, Marjolein Katsma
     * @license GNU Lesser General Public License
     * @version     1.0
     * @access      public
     * @uses        Wakka::Query()
     * @param       string  $page  page name to check
     * @return      boolean  TRUE if page exists, FALSE otherwise

    function ExistsPage($page)
        $count = 0;
        $query =    "SELECT COUNT(tag)
                    FROM "
                    WHERE tag='"
        if ($r = $this->Query($query))
            $count = mysql_result($r,0);
        return ($count > 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;

For actions/usersettings.php - insert after line 151:
        if ($this->ExistsPage($name))
            $error = 'Sorry, this ""WikiName"" is reserved for a page. Please choose a different name';

and change if on the next line to elseif. That should do it, I think. -- JavaWoman

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