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===== Wikka Markup Highlighting =====

I think it would be of great help if we could use a specific GeSHi formatter to highlight Wikka markup and hence create code blocks to display Wikka source code. A Wikka language definition for GeSHi should, basically, highlight the different kinds of Wikka markup (for instance ""//"",""**"",""##"",""%%"", etc.), links, actions and action parameters.
Has anyone played with GeSHi language definitions to see how this might be done?

For example, the following code:

##""=== This is a header ===""##
##""This is **bold** and this is //italic//. ""##
##""This is a [[forced | link]] while this is CamelCase.""##
##""Here is an {{action param="1"}}""##

would produce something like (not a real example, specific highlighting conventions should be decided):

""<div class="code">
<span class="kw2">=== This is a header ===</span><br /><br />
This is <span class="br0">**bold**</span> and this is <span class="br0">//italic//</span>.<br />This is a <span class="re0">[[forced | link]]</span> while this is <span class="re0">CamelCase</span>.<br />
Here is an <span class="st0">{{action param="1"}}</span><br />
<span class="br0">---</span>

Once we have consistent naming rules for Wikka documentation pages, this formatter might also support clickable markup.

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