Wiki source for WikkaSVN

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<<{{color c="red" text="This page has been deprecated."}}<<::c::

===== SVN - tracking Wikka development =====

>>==See also==
~-How to use [[WikkaUnstable | nightly builds]]
>>Wikka development benefits from a **""<abbr title="Subversion">SVN</abbr>"" repository**, where different members of the [[CreditsPage | Wikka Development Team]] can commit their code contributions and keep an eye on what others do. Branches can host the development of independent subprojects without interfering with the main line of development. The content of the repository can be displayed via two web interfaces: [[ | trac]] and [[ | websvn]].

The main development line of Wikka. Code checked out from ##trunk## (as well as from any development branch other than ##tags##) should only be used for testing purposes and not in production environments.
[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

Contains the different development branches. It's the area of the repository where different development projects take place. When a branch is ready for an official release it's copied to the ##tags## folder.

The ancestor development branch for ##
[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

The ancestor development branch for ##
[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

A branch of ## whose goal is to replace all hardcoded UI strings with configurable constants, a necessary step for [[WikkaInternationalization | i18n]]. This branch was obsoleted by i18n-related development in ##trunk##
[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

[[ | Release notes]]
[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

[[ | Release notes]]
[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

Security/antispam maintenance updates
[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

Contains static snapshots of the official releases of Wikka, copied from the development branch at the time of the release.

[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

[[ | trac]] :: [[ | websvn]]

==== Getting the latest code revision from the repository ====

Developers interested in testing and/or contributing patches can checkout the latest development version of the Wikka engine from the repository using a SVN client.
[[WikkaUnstable | Nightly builds]] directly packaged from the SVN repository are also available for download.
To anonymously checkout the latest code changes you need to point your SVN client to the repository URL:

%%svn co wikka%%

To check out a specific version w.x.y.z:

%%svn co wikka-w.x.y.z%%

The whole revision history can be tracked in the [[ | revision log]].

==External links==
~-[[ | Version control with subversion]] - the most complete guide to SVN.
~-[[ | Rapid SVN]] - SVN client for Win, Mac, Linux
~-[[ | SVN binaries]] - Command-line SVN binaries can be found here (OS X users can find precompiled binaries [[ | here]])
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