Revision [5048]

This is an old revision of WikkaSpamFighting made by DarTar on 2005-01-24 10:27:04.


Fighting spam in Wikka

As it may have dawned on you by now, spam is getting to be a problem in wiki's - both the type of spam that also plagues many blogs in the form of comment spam (only in a wiki it woudl (also) affect page content), and referrer spam. And then there are spambots intent on gathering email addresses.

Wikka sites are no exception any more (and other WakkaWiki forks seem to be having problems, too)

This page is intended to gather ideas for how to fight spam (of all types) in Wikka, so we can coordinate our efforts and get a spammer-hardened Wikka out there.

Spam in Wikka pages

Stopping Spammers getting Google Juice
There is a technique to stop spammers from gaining any advantage of spamming, which is to redirect external links to stop them from affecting their PageRank. Great to stop the whole purpose of spamming, but this has the disadvantage that good sites lose their google juice too. Check the comments out on that page for more cons. I've noticed since I enabled this on the Opera 7 wiki that slowly spam volume has dropped out, but I'm not entirely happy at the price paid. Had you thought about this, maybe have it as an option during config? -- IanAndolina

Referrer spam

Email-gathering spambots

Resolved Suggestions

Don't let old pages get indexed
To make absolutely sure old pages don't get archived (irrespective of your robots.txt) - essential to stopping WikiSpam from still getting juice from archived pages, why not make sure to add meta directives to those pages by adding something like:
<?php if ($this->GetMethod() != 'show' || $this->page["latest"] == "N") echo "<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex, nofollow, noarchive\" />\n<meta name=\"googlebot\" content=\"noarchive, noindex, nofollow\">\n";?>

to header.php. This stops pages with handlers other than show or non current pages from any kind of archiving/cacheing.

Further references

Meatball — WikiSpam — WikiSpam

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