Revision [2455]

This is an old revision of WikkaTableStructure made by NilsLindenberg on 2004-11-25 16:58:08.


HelpInfo Wikka Documentation

The structure of the MySQL-Tables of Wikka

The Wikka installer creates some tables necessary for storing Wikka data.

Note that they have the prefix you choose in the install process.

Example: $this->config["table_prefix"]."pages"
your choosen prefix: MyWikka_ (stored in ConfigurationOptions wikka.config.php)
=> name of the table: MyWikka_pages

The tables presented below use the default wikka_ prefix:

a record corresponds to a version of a Wikka page, not only the current one
Columm name Type Length Null Default Description
id unsigned int 10 no auto_increment the unique id for a page
tag varchar 75 no ' ' the name of the page
time datetime
no '0000-00-00 00:00:00' date and time of this version
body mediumtext
the content of the page
owner varchar 75 no ' ' the user which owns this version of the page
user varchar 75 no ' ' author of this version of the page
latest enum('Y','N')
no 'N' indicates if this version of the page is the latest (Y or N)
note varchar 100 no ' ' the note the editor can leave on a edit
handler varchar 30 no 'page' actually there are no other handlers then page

the rights for reading/writing/commenting (on) a page
Columm name Type Length Null Default Description
page_tag varchar 75 no ' ' name of the page
read_acl text
the access-list for reading a page
write_acl text
the same for writing
comment_acl text
and for setting comments

the links between the wikka-pages
Columm name Type Length Null Default Description
from_tag varchar 75 no ' ' start-page of the link
to_tag varchar 75 no ' ' target-page for the link

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