Revision [17277]

This is an old revision of WillyPs made by WillyPs on 2007-07-22 09:39:55.



a 46 year old
cabinet maker
and custom woodworker
father of two boys age 7 & 9
living in Pembroke, NH, USA.

I just installed WikkaWiki on my website. It was very easy, no problems.

Thanks everyone for all the hard work you've put into this.

Now I going to try to create a theme. Done. Well, that was easy enough... although I may play with the color of the content area background a bit. I d/l'd Shane's CrystalWow, substituting my own graphics... Thanks, Shane!

Next up... I've got my eye on WikiFile by ChewBakka, I have a few questions about installing this, but it's getting late here... Done. Ok! I've installed and tested this mod.
Well, yesterday I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to delete a page I misspelled... Today I found the info here on the WikkaDocumentation page... I guess I just did not scroll down far enough.

While trying to delete, I also installed PageAdminAction. It did not work so I posted a question, today I have an answer... so I guess my project for tonight will be to get Page Admin up and running. Done.

Woohoo! Two people joined my site... one posted an excellent page on the History of Descent.

Last weekend on a whim, I completely reskinned DescentiaPedia, I think it came out pretty well. You can see a little of the body background above the header and below the footer, not so bad except on smaller pages where the switches go to the bottom of the browser window. I learned a lot about CSS doing this, but I think it's like the slogan for the game 'Othello'... "A few minutes to learn, a lifetime to master". ;) There are a few other bugs in the skin, but I will work them out. (or not... I'm not a perfectionist! ;) )

Now (21-7-07) there are 37 members registered on DescentiaPedia, but only 4 have posted real content. A few members names I recognized from community forums, but then there are usersnames that appear to be random number/letter combinations. When they first showed up I was concerned they might be spammers but nothing was posted. Some time later a few of them started posting spam. Now it's a few pages every few days. I am looking at some of the ideas here to control that, but many of the pages are confusing, and don't seem to have been updated in a while.

Thanks for the quick answer... the spam is not a big problem, yet, so I will likely wait until 1.1.7 is released. ( I am currently using DescentiaPedia Prepare For Descent!

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