Wiki source for YodaHome

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Hi, I'm Jens aka Yodahome (since this nick is free in most cases). I'm using Wikka Wiki now quite intensely for about three years and made a number of changes for my special needs of which some might be interesting to others as well. I included many extensions offered here on this site but also changed some of them as I saw fit. I try to put up some of the more interesting tweaks. My Wikka runs under but I also use it as kind of an CMS for my websites, and (under construction). For a while we used Wikka Wiki for the website of acagamics(.de) where a phpbb-forum was tied in so we had one login for both services and could view rss feeds from the forum inside the Wiki. Furthermore I established a Wikka Wiki for the Gamesgroup at Magdeburg university ( ).
I've just finished a job where I ported a static website to Wikka Wiki for easier maintainance. ( It's a pretty neat CMS in my opinion.
Furthermore I'm studying media literacy with a special interest in so-called "Web 2.0" including social software and semantic web. This is why wikis are even more interesting for me in a scientific context. I hope I can find something among those topics to write my thesis about.

Stuff I work on:



=====""Ajax enabled""=====

Right now I'm experimenting with some AJAX-related tweaks to the Wikka. E.g. I think the comments could be thrown in using AJAX so you don't have to reload the whole page. Apart from that it should be possible to blend out menus if you don't want to see them. Ultimately I think content should be loadable into the body section without reloading the page. But I don't know how hard it would be to implement this (though I'm tryin'). I also try to integrate widgets of web 2.0 services to wikka wiki.

My first enhancement with ajax: AjaxGallery
A second approach: SlideshowGallery


Since version of wikka still used WikiEdit 2.15 I decided it might be a good idea to upgrade to the latest version which was 3.01 at that time. I took the fresh files and -hopefully- changed all the stuff to make it work with wikka again and also made some other changes to it for my personal wikka. One of those is a third button for headings (h4) which I left in this script since it might be useful for others as well. __**This is not really tested with the latest release.**__


WikiEdit is located in your [wikka_base_dir]/3rdparty/plugins/wikiedit. I recommend to backup the whole directory (just in case, I actually just renamed it). Then you can either load the whole package from or you load the already modified package I attached to this page (I suggest that). If you do it with the original package you need to replace the wikiedit2.js with this modified version and add the h4-icon as well.
I use this on my Website and it works fine but if you encounter any errors please let me know.

// WikiEdit //
// v. 3.01 //
// supported: MZ1.4+, MSIE5+, Opera 8+ //
// //
// (c) Roman "Kukutz" Ivanov <[email protected]>, 2003-2005 //
// based on AutoIndent for textarea //
// (c) Roman "Kukutz" Ivanov, Evgeny Nedelko, 2003 //
// Many thanks to Alexander Babaev, Sergey Kruglov, Evgeny Nedelko //
// and Nikolay Jaremko //
// //
// //

For license see LICENSE.TXT

var WikiEdit = function(){
this.mark = "##inspoint##";
__**=========this.begin = "##startpoint##__**";=========
this.rbegin = new RegExp(this.begin);
this.end = "##endpoint##";
this.rend = new RegExp(this.end);
this.rendb = new RegExp("^" + this.end);
this.enabled = true; = false;
this.enterpressed = false;
this.undostack = new Array();
this.buttons = new Array();

WikiEdit.prototype = new ProtoEdit();
WikiEdit.prototype.constructor = WikiEdit;

// initialisation
WikiEdit.prototype.init = function(id, name, nameClass, imgPath) {

if (!(isMZ || isIE || isO8)) return;
if (isMZ && navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko/")+6,4)=="2003" ) {
if (mzOld) this.MZ=false;
else this.MZ=true;
if (isMZ && navigator.userAgent.substr(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko/")+6,4)=="2002" ) this.MZ=false;
if (!(this.MZ || isIE || isO8)) return;


// if (! = "area_"+String(Math.floor(Math.random()*10000));

this.imagesPath = (imgPath?imgPath:"images/");
this.editorName = name;
this.editorNameClass = nameClass;

this.actionName = "document.getElementById('" + + "')._owner.insTag";

if (isMZ || isO8)
try {
this.undotext = this.area.value;
this.undosels = this.area.selectionStart;
this.undosele = this.area.selectionEnd;
} catch(e){};
var mylocation = window.location.href;

var base_till = mylocation.indexOf("wikka.php");
if(base_till==-1) {
var locarray = mylocation.split("/");
delete locarray[(locarray.length-1)];
delete locarray[(locarray.length-2)];
base_url = locarray.join("/");
base_url = base_url.substr(0, base_url.length-1);
else {
base_url = mylocation.substring(0, base_till);
if (isIE)

this.imagesPath = (imgPath?imgPath:base_url+"3rdparty/plugins/wikiedit/images/");
this.editorName = name;
this.editorNameClass = nameClass;

this.actionName = "document.getElementById('" + + "')._owner.insTag";

// this.addButton("h1","h1","'==','==',0,1");
this.addButton("h1","Heading 1","'======','======',0,1");
this.addButton("h2","Heading 2","'=====','=====',0,1");
this.addButton("h3","Heading 3","'====','====',0,1");
this.addButton("h4","Heading 4","'===','===',0,1"); //added by JHE needs add. icon
this.addButton(" ");
this.addButton(" ");
this.addButton("ul","List","'\\t- ','',0,1,1");
this.addButton("ol","Numbered list","'\\t1) ','',0,1,1");
this.addButton(" ");
this.addButton("outdent","Outdent","","document.getElementById('" + + "')._owner.unindent");
this.addButton(" ");
// this.addButton("quote","quote","'\\n<[',']>\\n',2");
// this.addButton("hr_l","Line (long)","'','\\n-----\\n',2");
this.addButton("textred","Marked text","'\\'\\'','\\'\\'',2");
this.addButton("createlink","Hyperlink","","document.getElementById('" + + "')._owner.createLink");
// this.addButton("createtable","Insert Table","'','\\n#|\\n|| | ||\\n|| | ||\\n|#\\n',2");
this.addButton(" ");
this.addButton("help","Help & About","","document.getElementById('" + + "')");
this.addButton("customhtml",'<td><div style="font:12px Arial;text-decoration:underline; padding:4px;" id="hilfe_' + + '" onmouseover=\'this.className="btn-hover";\' '
+ 'onmouseout=\'this.className="btn-";\' class="btn-" '
+ 'onclick="this.className=\'btn-pressed\';\'\');" '
+ ' title="Help on Wiki-formatting">Help</a>'
+ '</div></td>');

try {
var toolbar = document.createElement("div"); = "tb_";
this.area.parentNode.insertBefore(toolbar, this.area);
toolbar = document.getElementById("tb_";
toolbar.innerHTML = this.createToolbar(1);
} catch(e){};

// switch TAB key interception on and off
WikiEdit.prototype.switchTab = function() { = !;

// internal functions ----------------------------------------------------
WikiEdit.prototype._LSum = function (Tag, Text, Skip)
if (Skip)
var bb = new RegExp("^([ ]*)([*][*])(.*)$");
q = Text.match(bb);
if (q!=null)
Text = q[1]+Tag+q[2]+q[3];
return Text;
var w = new RegExp("^([ ]*)(([*]|([1-9][0-9]*|[a-zA-Z])([.]|[)]))( |))(.*)$");
q = Text.match(w);
if (q!=null)
Text = q[1]+q[2]+Tag+q[7];
return Text;
var w = new RegExp("^([ ]*)(.*)$");
q = Text.match(w);
Text = q[1]+Tag+q[2];
return Text;

WikiEdit.prototype._RSum = function (Text, Tag)
var w = new RegExp("^(.*)([ ]*)$");
q = Text.match(w);
Text = q[1]+Tag+q[2];
return Text;

WikiEdit.prototype._TSum = function (Text, Tag, Tag2, Skip)
var bb = new RegExp("^([ ]*)"+this.begin+"([ ]*)([*][*])(.*)$");
q = Text.match(bb);
if (q!=null)
Text = q[1]+this.begin+q[2]+Tag+q[3]+q[4];
var w = new RegExp("^([ ]*)"+this.begin+"([ ]*)(([*]|([1-9][0-9]*|[a-zA-Z])([.]|[)]))( |))(.*)$");
q = Text.match(w);
if (Skip && q!=null)
Text = q[1]+this.begin+q[2]+q[3]+Tag+q[8];
var w = new RegExp("^(.*)"+this.begin+"([ ]*)(.*)$");
var q = Text.match(w);
if (q!=null)
Text = q[1]+this.begin+q[2]+Tag+q[3];
var w = new RegExp("([ ]*)"+this.end+"(.*)$");
var q = Text.match(w);
if (q!=null)
var w = new RegExp("^(.*)"+this.end);
var q1 = Text.match(w);
if (q1!=null)
var s = q1[1];
ch = s.substring(s.length-1, s.length);
while (ch == " ") {
s = s.substring(0, s.length-1);
ch = s.substring(s.length-1, s.length);
Text = s+Tag2+q[1]+this.end+q[2];
return Text;

WikiEdit.prototype.MarkUp = function (Tag, Text, Tag2, onNewLine, expand, strip)
var skip = 0;
if (expand == 0) skip = 1;
var r = '';
var fIn = false;
var fOut = false;
var add = 0;
var f = false;
var w = new RegExp("^ ( *)(([*]|([1-9][0-9]*|[a-zA-Z])([.]|[)]))( |))");
if (!isO8) Text = Text.replace(new RegExp("\r", "g"), "");
if (!isO8) var lines = Text.split('\n');
else var lines = Text.split('\r\n');
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (this.rbegin.test(lines[i]))
fIn = true;
if (this.rendb.test(lines[i]))
fIn = false;
if (this.rend.test(lines[i]))
fOut = true;
if (this.rendb.test(lines[i+1])) {
fOut = true;
lines[i+1]=lines[i+1].replace(this.rend, "");
if (r != '')
r += '\n';

if (fIn && strip==1) {
if (this.rbegin.test(lines[i]))
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(this.rbegin, "");
f = true;
} else f=false;
// alert(lines[i].replace(new RegExp("\n","g"),"|").replace(new RegExp(" ","g"),"_"));
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(w, "$1");
// alert(lines[i].replace(new RegExp("\n","g"),"|").replace(new RegExp(" ","g"),"_"));
if (f) lines[i] = this.begin+lines[i];
fIn &&
onNewLine==0 //äîáàâëÿåì òàãè.
onNewLine==1 //äîáàâëÿåì òàãè, åñëè ïåðâàÿ ñòðîêà
onNewLine==2 //äîáàâëÿåì òàãè, åñëè ïåðâàÿ_è_ïîñëåäíÿÿ ñòðîêà, èíà÷å
//äîáàâëÿåì ïåðâûé òàã, åñëè ïåðâàÿ ëèáî äîáàâëÿåì ïîñëåäíèé, åñëè ïîñëåäíÿÿ
//èíà÷å äîáàâëÿåì íåèçìåííûé òåêñò
if (fIn && (onNewLine==0 | (onNewLine==1 && add==0) | (onNewLine==2 && (add==0 || fOut)))) {
//äîáàâëÿåì òàãè
if (expand==1) {
l = lines[i];
if (add==0) l = this._LSum(Tag, l, skip);
if (fOut) l = this._RSum(l, Tag2);
if (add!=0 && onNewLine!=2) l = this._LSum(Tag, l, skip);
if (!fOut && onNewLine!=2) l = this._RSum(l, Tag2);
r += l;
} else {
íå ýêñïàíä. ýòî çíà÷èò, ÷òî
åñëè ïåðâàÿ ñòðîêà, òî äîáàâëÿåì ðåïëåéñîì ïåðâûé è ñóììîé âòîðîé
åñëè ïîñëåäíÿÿ, òî äîáàâëÿåì ñóììîé ïåðâûé è ðåïëåéñîì âòîðîé
åñëè ïåðâàÿ è ïîñëåäíÿÿ, òî îáà ðåïëåéñîì
èíà÷å ñóììîé
// alert(lines[i].replace(new RegExp("\n","g"),"|").replace(new RegExp(" ","g"),"_"));
// alert(lines[i+1].replace(new RegExp("\n","g"),"|").replace(new RegExp(" ","g"),"_"));
l = this._TSum(lines[i], Tag, Tag2, skip);
if (add!=0 && onNewLine!=2) l = this._LSum(Tag, l, skip);
if (!fOut && onNewLine!=2) l = this._RSum(l, Tag2);
r += l;
} else {
//äîáàâëÿåì íåèçìåííûé òåêñò
r += lines[i];
if (fOut)
fIn = false;
return r;

WikiEdit.prototype.keyDown = function (e) {

if (!this.enabled) return;

if (!e) var e = window.event;

var l, q, l1, re, tr, str, t, tr2, tr1, r1, re, q, e;
var justenter = false;
var wasEvent = remundo = res = false;
if (isMZ) var noscroll = false;

var t = this.area;

var Key = e.keyCode;
if (Key==0) Key = e.charCode;
if (Key==8 || Key==13 || Key==32 || (Key>45 && Key<91) || (Key>93 && Key<112) || (Key>123 && Key<144)
|| (Key>145 && Key<255)) remundo = Key;
if (e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) Key=Key+4096;
if (e.ctrlKey) Key=Key+2048;

if (isMZ && e.type == "keypress" && this.checkKey(Key))
return false;
if (isMZ && e.type == "keyup" && (Key==9 || Key==13))
return false;

if (isMZ || isO8)
var scroll = t.scrollTop;
undotext = t.value;
undosels = t.selectionStart;
undosele = t.selectionEnd;

if (isIE)
tr = document.selection.createRange();
str = tr.text;
} else {
str = t.value.substr(t.selectionStart, t.selectionEnd - t.selectionStart);
sel = (str.length > 0);

if (isIE && Key==2048+187) Key=2048+61; //
if (isIE && Key==2048+189 && e.shiftKey) Key=2048+95; //

switch (Key)
case 2138: //Z
if ((isMZ || isO8) && this.undotext) {
t.value = this.undotext;
t.setSelectionRange(this.undosels, this.undosele);
this.undotext = "";
case 9: //Tab
case 2132: //T
case 4181: //U
case 4169: //I
if ( || Key!=9)
if (e.shiftKey || Key==4181) {
res = this.unindent();
} else {
res = this.insTag("\t", "", 0, 1);
case 2097: //1
res = this.insTag("======", "======", 0, 1);
case 2098: //2
res = this.insTag("=====", "=====", 0, 1);
case 2099: //3
res = this.insTag("====", "====", 0, 1);
case 2100: //4
res = this.insTag("===", "===", 0, 1);
case 2101: //5
res = this.insTag("==", "==", 0, 1);
case 2143: //_
// if (sel) //&& e.shiftKey)
res = this.insTag("", "\n-----\n", 2);
case 2114: //B
if (sel)
res = this.insTag("**", "**");
case 2131: //S
if (sel)
res = this.insTag("++", "++");
case 2133: //U
if (sel)
res = this.insTag("++", "++");
case 2121: //I
if (sel)
res = this.insTag("//", "//");
case 2122: //J
if (sel)
res = this.insTag("''", "''", 2);
case 4179: //Alt+S
try {
if (weSave!=null) weSave();
case 2124: //L
case 4172:
if (e.shiftKey && e.ctrlKey) {
res = this.insTag(" * ", "", 0, 1, 1);
} else if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey) {
res = this.createLink(e.altKey);
case 2127: //O
case 2126: //N
if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey)
res = this.insTag("\t1) ", "", 0, 1, 1);
case 13:
case 2061:
case 4109:
if (e.ctrlKey) {//Ctrl+Enter
try {
if (weSave!=null) weSave();
else if (e.shiftKey) { //Shift+Enter
res = false;
var text = t.value;
if (!isO8) text = text.replace(/\r/g, "");
var sel1 = text.substr(0, t.selectionStart);
var sel2 = text.substr(t.selectionEnd);
//if (isO8) sel1 = sel1.replace(/\r\n$/, "");
re = new RegExp("(^|\n)(( +)((([*]|([1-9][0-9]*|[a-zA-Z])([.]|[)]))( |))|))("+(this.enterpressed?"\\s":"[^\r\n]")+"*)"+(this.mzBugFixed?"":"\r?\n?")+"$");
q = sel1.match(re);
if (q!=null)
if (!this.enterpressed)
if (q[3].length % 2==1)
q[2] = "";
re = new RegExp("([1-9][0-9]*)([.]|[)])");
q2 = q[2].match(re);
if (q2!=null)
q[2]=q[2].replace(re, String(Number(q2[1])+1)+q2[2]);
sel1 = sel1.replace(re, "");
q[2] = "";

if (isMZ) q[2] = q[2].replace(/ $/, "");

sel = q[2].length + sel1.length + (this.mzBugFixed?1:0) + (isO8?1:0);
t.setSelectionRange(sel, sel);

if (isMZ && q[2] != "") {
try {
var newEvent = document.createEvent("KeyEvents");
newEvent.initKeyEvent("keypress", true, true, document.defaultView,
e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey,
e.metaKey, 0, " ".charCodeAt(0));
wasEvent = true;
} catch(e){};
} else if (isIE) {
var op = this.area;
var tp = 0; var lf = 0;
do {
} while (op=op.offsetParent);
if (tr.offsetTop >= this.area.clientHeight+tp) tr.scrollIntoView(false);
res = true;
var justenter = true;

this.enterpressed = justenter;
if (!res && remundo) {//alert(remundo+"|"+Key+"|"+this.undotext1);
this.undotext = "";

if (res)
if (isMZ || isO8) {
if (wasEvent) return true;
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (!noscroll) t.scrollTop = scroll;
e.returnValue = false;
return false;

WikiEdit.prototype.getDefines = function ()
var t = this.area;

text = t.value;
if (!isO8) text = text.replace(/\r/g, ""); = t.selectionStart; = t.selectionEnd;

this.sel1 = text.substr(0,;
this.sel2 = text.substr(;
this.sel = text.substr(, -;
this.str = this.sel1+this.begin+this.sel+this.end+this.sel2;

if (isMZ)
this.scroll = t.scrollTop;
this.undotext = t.value;
this.undosels = t.selectionStart;
this.undosele = t.selectionEnd;


WikiEdit.prototype.setAreaContent = function (str)
var t = this.area;
q = str.match(new RegExp("((.|\n)*)"+this.begin));//?:
l = q[1].length;

if (isO8) l = l + q[1].split('\n').length - 1;

q = str.match(new RegExp(this.begin+"((.|\n)*)"+this.end));
l1 = q[1].length;

if (isO8) l1 = l1 + q[1].split('\n').length - 1;

str = str.replace(this.rbegin, "");
str = str.replace(this.rend, "");
t.value = str;
t.setSelectionRange(l, l + l1);
if (isMZ) t.scrollTop = this.scroll;

WikiEdit.prototype.insTag = function (Tag, Tag2, onNewLine, expand, strip)
0 - add tags on every line inside selection
1 - add tags only on the first line of selection
2 - add tags before and after selection
//3 - add tags only if there's one line -- not implemented

0 - add tags on selection
1 - add tags on full line(s)
if (onNewLine == null) onNewLine = 0;
if (expand == null) expand = 0;
if (strip == null) strip = 0;

var t = this.area;


//alert(Tag + " | " + Tag2 + " | " + onNewLine + " | " + expand + " | " + strip);
str = this.MarkUp(Tag, this.str, Tag2, onNewLine, expand, strip);


return true;

WikiEdit.prototype.unindent = function ()
var t = this.area;


var r = '';
var fIn = false;
var lines = this.str.split(isO8?'\r\n':'\n');
var rbeginb = new RegExp("^" + this.begin);
for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
var line = lines[i];
if (this.rbegin.test(line)) {
fIn = true;
var rbeginb = new RegExp("^"+this.begin+"([ ]*)");
line = line.replace(rbeginb, '$1'+this.begin); //catch first line
if (this.rendb.test(line)) {
fIn = false;
if (r != '') {
r += '\n';
if (fIn) {
r += line.replace(/^( )|\t/, '');
} else {
r += line;
if (this.rend.test(line)) {
fIn = false;
return true;

WikiEdit.prototype.createLink = function (isAlt)
var t = this.area;


var n = new RegExp("\n");
if (!n.test(this.sel)) {
if (!isAlt) {
lnk = prompt("Link:", this.sel);
if (lnk==null) lnk = this.sel;
sl = prompt("Text for linking:", this.sel);
if (sl==null) sl = "";
this.sel = lnk+" "+sl;
str = this.sel1+"[["+this.trim(this.sel)+"]]"+this.sel2;
t.value = str;
t.setSelectionRange(this.sel1.length, str.length-this.sel2.length);
return true;
return false;
} = function ()
s = " WikiEdit 3.01 (wikka ed.)\n";
s += " (c) Roman Ivanov, 2003-2005 \n";
s += " additional changes JHE, 2005 \n";
s += " \n";
s += "\n";
s += " Shortcuts:\n";
s += " Ctrl+B - Bold\n";
s += " Ctrl+I - Italic\n";
s += " Ctrl+U - Underline\n";
s += " Ctrl+Shift+S - Strikethrough\n";
s += " Ctrl+Shift+1 .. 5 - Heading 1..5\n";
s += " Alt+I or Ctrl+T - Indent\n";
s += " Alt+U or Ctrl+Shift+T - Unindent\n";
s += " Ctrl+J - MarkUp ('')\n";
// s += " Ctrl+H - MarkUp (??)\n";
s += " Alt+L - Link\n";
s += " Ctrl+L - Link with description\n";
s += " Ctrl+Shift+L - Unordered List\n";
s += " Ctrl+Shift+N - Ordered List\n";
s += " Ctrl+Shift+O - Ordered List\n";
// s += " Ctrl+= - Small text\n";
s += " Ctrl+Shift+Minus - Horisontal line\n";
s += " NB: all Alt-shortcuts do not work in Opera.\n";

Note that this is just a slightly changed version of what you find here: !

[[ The modified WikiEdit 3.01]]
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