====== Embed ""YouTube"" Video ====== This is a simple plugin that enables you to embed a [[http://www.youtube.com | YouTube]] video into a wiki page. ===== Usage ===== When you view a video at ""YouTube"" there is a small box to the right of the video titled 'About this video'. There is a text box labeled **URL** that contains the URL you can use to share the video with others. NOTE: this plugin uses this URL as it's input - not the URL included in the object/embed tag. %% {{youtube url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXXXXXXXXXX" [width="425" height="350" bgcolor="#ffffff"]}} %% - 'url' is required (see note above) - 'width' is optional. Defaults to 425 (the standard ""YouTube"" dimensions) - 'height' is optional. Defaults to 350 (the standard ""YouTube"" dimensions) - 'bgcolor' is optional. Defaults to white (#ffffff) ===== Install ===== Add youtube.php to the actions folder of your Wikka install. ===== Code ===== %%(php;1;youtube.php) You must provide the YouTube url, including 'http://'."; return; } else { if (!$width) { $width = 425; } if (!$height) { $height = 350; } if (!$bgcolor) { $bgcolor = "#ffffff"; } } // http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvU6UFF1_MA - if URL in this format, need to change to /v/LvU6UFF1_MA $ptn = "/watch\?v=([A-Za-z0-9_\-]{11})$/"; if (preg_match($ptn, $url, $matches)) { $id = $matches[1]; } else { print "The provided URL was not in the correct format."; return; } print ' '; ?> %%