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=====Wikka: A flexible engine for customized applications =====

>>==See also:==
~-[[WikkaThemes | Installing themes]] {{since version="1.2" display="inline"}}
~-[[InstallingPlugins | Installing plugins]]
~-[[Wikka:CodeContributions | User-contributed extensions]]
~-[[InvisibleWiki | Using Wikka as an invisible backend]]
~-[[Wikka:WikkaIntegration | Integration projects]]
>> WikkaWiki is a [[LightweightInfo | lightweight]] [[WikiEngine | wiki engine]] that can be easily [[ExtensibleInfo | extended]] or adapted to many different uses. By setting the appropriate [[ACLInfo | access privileges]] and using appropriate [[UsingActions | actions]], you can turn WikkaWiki into different applications, tailored to your needs. You can also take a look at [[Wikka:CodeContributions | user-contributed code]] to extend Wikka with new functionalities.

===Wikka as a //public wiki//===
The traditional idea behind the concept of a [[WikiEngine | wiki]] is to create a //digital blackboard// on which any user, either registered or anonymous, can write modifications and add comments.
Typical ACL settings: r: * / w: * / c: *
Relevant Actions: RecentChanges, RecentlyCommented, MyPages, HighScores,
""<img src="images/flexible.jpg" alt="Flexible" style="float: right; margin: 30pt; padding: 10pt;">""

===Wikka as a //discussion forum//===
You might want to install a Wikka distribution to create a place where registered users can hold discussions on different topics, by creating distinct pages for distinct topics (much as a traditional //threads//) and using [[WikiCategory | categories]] to group topics. Compared to traditional forums, wikis have the advantage of allowing continuous page modifications, hence enabling users to split-up, modify, delete, reorder and redistribute discussions.
Typical ACL settings: r: * / w: + / c: *
Relevant Actions: RecentChanges, RecentlyCommented, HighScores,

===Wikka as a //blog//===
A //blog// typically consists of content posted by the blog owner that can be freely commented by external users.
WikkaWiki can be easily set to work as a private blog system in which only the wikka owner is able to write.
Typical ACL settings: r: * / w: !* / c: *
Relevant Actions: RecentlyCommented,

===Wikka as an //invisible backend// for a personal website===
Wikka can easily be [[InvisibleWiki | adapted]] to be used as a quick and effective solution to maintain a public website.
Typical ACL settings: r: * / w: !* / c: !*

===Wikka as an //intranet CMS// ===
WikkaWiki can be used by teams, organizations and institutions as an internal tool for collaborative work.
Collaborative writing of projects, storage of user information, sharing of documents and files is possible trough Wikka's secure and user-friendly interface.
Typical ACL settings: r: + / w: + / c: + or r: !* / w: !* / c: !*
Relevant Actions: [[Mod015fFilesAction | FileUpload]],

===Wikka as a //personal organizer// and //memory support// ===
Wikka can be used by a single user to keep track of events, quotations, to manage a todo-list, or to easily collect weblinks.
Typical ACL settings: r: !* / w: !* / c: !*
Relevant Actions: FreeMind

===Wikka as a //photo album// ===
There are currently various actions available to have wikka act as an image gallery. One of them displays thumbnails of images in a single directory...and the user must provide pre-generated thumbnails. This action (available [[ | here]]) could be easily modified so that the user could have different versions of the action for different directories (this is probably a fine approach for a single user). The other modified gallery action is a further development of the first one. It provides access to a gallery/directory for each user name and generates thumbnails using GD (which for new folk is on the server). The directories would have to be made on the server and files uploaded to them manually (It's currently being used in an environment where there's scripting to do that automatically for each user...and most of the images are generated on-line), however it could be easily modified to show images in a directory named after each page it is on rather than for a different user (the ability to upload images is a different story). Go to GmBowen's page for a further description of the action that's been developed, which is available [[ | here]].

===Wikka as a //community-maintained user manual// ===
No example yet, in the planning stages. The idea is to have a Wiki where users of a software application or a web service (e.g., a forum) write and maintain a manual for that application. Unfortunately many systems that have many users have a poor (or even non-existent) user manual; when users figure out how to use a feature they can add this to the Wiki and thus share their knowledge. Sometimes a (moderated) forum is used for this purpose but there are limitations to that; using a Wiki is more flexible and more powerful.
Typical ACL settings: r: * / w: + / c: *

===Wikka as a //vehicle for open source// ===
A Wiki could itself //contain// the source to be shared and developed (it's been done before). Also in the planning stages. Would probably work best for a collection of smallish scripts (one page to a script) that could be shared and improved in this manner.
Typical ACL settings: r: * / w: + / c: *

===Wikka as a //System of organising a Live Roleplay game//===
The Organisers of [[ | "ConQuest"]], a large Live Action Role Playing game in Germany, use Wikka as a platform to coordinate the efforts of various teams. Wikka was chosen because of its rather easy management for usergroups.
Currently Wikka serves three major functions:
~Sharing information for the Gamemasters, a place to answer their questions and those they were asked by players
~The so called "Orga-Team" uses Wikka to document and coordinate the negotiations with officials, traders and gastronomers and other service providers
~Writing a dense Plot for a few thousand participants in several Plotlines.

ACL settings: r:+ / w:+ /c:+ or r:""UserGroup"" / w:""UserGroup"" / c:+

===Wikka as a //presentation framework//===
If you have ever set out to develop a web-based application, you quickly realize that designing the web-based presentation interface can be more daunting than developing the underlying application framework! Using Wikka as a //presentation framework// allows a developer to focus more energy on developing the implementation details. By developing an application to use the presentation components of WikkaWiki, there is little effort required to incorporate existing Wikka-based components such as authentication, session tracking, skins, CSS layout and design, etc. into your application. Using WikkaWiki as a presentation framework would be especially useful on an intranet, where consistent "look-and-feel" across various applications is often a design requirement.
Relevant Actions:
~- [[Wikka:BookmarkManager | BookmarkManager]] is an example of a WikkaWiki [[ActionInfo | action]] that provides the features of a fully functional bookmark management application using authentication and session tracking functionality provided by WikkaWiki.
~- [[ | WikkaGopher]] is an example of a completely embedded client.

//feel free to add your ideas and personal wikka adaptations//

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