Wiki source for UsingActions
=====Using actions in Wikka pages=====
>>==See Wikka in action:==
~-""<a href="">Using actions</a>"" {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
~- [[SysInfoActionInfo | System Information actions]]
~- [[ | User-contributed plugins]]
>>===About actions===
Actions are small (or not so small) pieces of code that generate automatic content within a page. An action may provide simple content, or it may provide an interactive "service" with a form for user input.
===Post-formatter actions===
{{since display="inline" version="1.3.6"}} There are two types of actions: Those that act on the wiki page prior to the markup being processed ("traditional" actions, designated by ""{{...}}""), and the new **post-formatter actions** (designated by ""{{{...}}}""). The main difference between the two is that the new post-formatter action can access the contents of the wiki page it's invoked in after the markup has been processed into HTML. For instance, the new ""{{{...}}}"" post-formatter action will generate a table of contents for all headings on a wiki page, and uses the id generated for each heading by the Wikka formatter. Since this can't happen prior to the page being rendered by the formatter, ""{{{...}}}"" must be implemented as a post-formatter action.
Some actions are considered "core" and are essential to the functioning of Wikka as a WikiEngine. Others are better classified as "plugins", providing extra, less essential functionality. Of course, WikkaWiki comes bundled with all "core" actions and a nice collection of "plugins". Many Wikka users also make [[ | additional plugins]] available through the main site.
===Using actions===
To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and add the name of the action between double braces, e.g. ##""{{myaction}}""##. Action names are case-insensitive.
Many actions can be customized by providing extra parameters; a parameter must always have its value enclosed in double quotes, e.g. ##""{{myaction par1="foo"}}""##. Unknown parameters are simply ignored; in some cases one or more parameters may be required. Multiple parameters are separated by spaces: ##""{{myaction par1="foo" par2="bar"}}""##.
==Content example:==
Use ##""{{wikkaversion}}""## to display the version of Wikka running this wiki:
==Service example:==
Use ##""{{googleform}}""## to display a Google search form. You may add an optional ##q## parameter to specify a default search query, as in ##""{{googleform q="Wikka"}}""##:
~{{googleform q="Wikka"}}
====List of available actions====
|?|{font-size: 110%;background-color: #E9F9E9;padding: 5px;}Actions distributed with WikkaWiki (in alphabetical order)||
||##[[PageAdministration | {{adminpages}}]]##||displays a module to manage wiki pages {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[UserAdministration | {{adminusers}}]]##||displays a module to manage users {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[BacklinksActionInfo | {{backlinks}}]]##||displays a list of pages linking to the current page||
||##[[CalendarActionInfo | {{calendar}}]]##||displays a calendar for a specified or current month ||
||##[[CategoryActionInfo | {{category}}]]##||displays a list of pages belonging to a category {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[CheckLinksActionInfo | {{checklinks}}]]##||checks internal/external links {{since display="inline" version="1.4.0"}}||
||##[[CheckVersionActionInfo | {{checkversion}}]]##||displays message if newer Wikka version exists {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{clonelink}}]]##||displays a link to clone the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[ColorActionInfo | {{color}}]]##||renders colored text ||
||##[[ColorActionInfo | {{colour}}]]##||alias for ##[[ColorActionInfo | {{color}}]]##||
||##""{{contact}}""##||displays an obfuscated mailto link to contact the wiki administrator {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{countcomments}}]]##||counts the comments by the current user {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{countowned}}]]##||counts the pages owned by the current user {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{countpages}}]]##||counts the number of pages in the wiki {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{countusers}}]]##||count the number of registered users in the wiki {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[DbInfoActionInfo | {{dbinfo}}]]##||displays information on the database storing data from the wiki {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{deletelink}}]]##||displays a link to delete the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{editlink}}]]##||displays a link to modify the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[EmailpasswordActionInfo | {{emailpassword}}]]##||displays a form to retrieve a password ||
||##[[FeedbackAction | {{feedback}}]]##||displays a form to send feedback to the admin of the wiki ||
||##[[FilesActionInfo | {{files}}]]##||displays a form to upload/download/delete files ||
||##[[FlashActionInfo | {{flash}}]]##||embeds a flash-animation||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{geshiversion}}]]##||displays the version of [[GesHi]] | bundled with Wikka {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[GoogleformActionInfo {{googleform}}]]##||displays a Google search form. ||
||##[[HighscoresActionInfo | {{highscores}}]]##||displays a list of registered users, ordered by the percentage of pages they own||
||##[[Menulets | {{historylink}}]]##||displays a link the revision history of the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{homepagelink}}]]##||displays a link to the wiki homepage {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[AddingImages | {{image}}]]##||inserts an image||
||##[[IncludeAction | {{include}}]]##||includes another wiki page||
||##[[InterwikilistActionInfo | {{interwikilist}}]]##||displays a list of InterWiki shortcuts||
||##[[LastEditActionInfo | {{lastedit}}]]##||displays information on the last revision {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[LastusersActionInfo | {{lastusers}}]]##||displays a list of recently registered users ||
||##[[LicenseActionInfo | {{license}}]]##||diplays open source licenses in full text or graphics {{since display="inline" version="1.3.1"}}||
||##[[MetaTagActionInfo | {{metatag}}]]##||generates HTML meta tag {{since display="inline" version="1.3.7"}}||
||##[[FreeMind | {{mindmap}}]]##||embeds a mindmap in a wiki page {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[MychangesActionInfo | {{mychanges}}]]##||lists pages edited by the current user ||
||##[[MypagesActionInfo | {{mypages}}]]##||lists pages owned by the current user||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{mysqlversion}}]]##||displays the mysql version running on the server {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[NewpageActionInfo | {{newpage}}]]##||displays a form to create new pages||
||##[[NocommentsActionInfo | {{nocomments}}]]##||disables comments for the current page||
||##[[OrphanedpagesActionInfo | {{orphanedpages}}]]##||displays a list of pages not linked by any other page in the wiki ||
||##[[OwnedpagesActionInfo | {{ownedpages}}]]##||displays a list of pages by owner ||
||##[[Menulets | {{ownerlink}}]]##||displays a link to the page owner's profile {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[PageindexActionInfo | {{pageindex}}]]##||displays an alphabetical list of pages in the wiki||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{phpversion}}]]##||displays the PHP version running on the server {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[RecentchangesActionInfo | {{recentchanges}}]]##||lists recently modified pages||
||##[[RecentcommentsActionInfo | {{recentcomments}}]]##||lists recent comments||
||##[[RecentlycommentedActionInfo | {{recentlycommented}}]]##||lists recently commented pages||
||##[[RedirectActionInfo | {{redirect}}]]##||redirects page to another page {{since display="inline" version="1.3"}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{referrerslink}}]]##||displays a link to a page displaying [[ReferrersInfo | external referrers]] for the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.3"}}||
||##[[RevActionInfo | {{rev}}]]##||displays the latest revision number for the current page {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{revertlink}}]]##||displays a link to allow admins to revert the latest revision of a page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{revisionlink}}]]##||displays the date and time of the latest revision and a link to the list of recent revisions of the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[RssInfo | {{rss}}]]##||embeds a feed in the page||
||##[[Menulets | {{searchbox}}]]##||displays a search box (menulet) {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{system}}]]##||displays information about the system {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[TextsearchActionInfo | {{textsearch}}]]##||displays a search form||
||##[[TextSearchExpandedActionInfo | {{textsearchexpanded}}]]##||displays a form for expanded text search||
||##[[TitleActionInfo | {{title}}]]##||outputs return value of PageTitle() function (used in menus) {{since display="inline" version="1.3.4"}}||
||##[[TitleTagActionInfo | {{titletag}}]]##||generates HTML title tag {{since display="inline" version="1.3.7"}}||
||##[[TOCActionInfo | ""{{{...}}}""]]##||generates a table of contents for selected/all headings on the wiki page {{since display="inline" version="1.3.6"}}||
||##[[UserSettingsInfo | {{usersettings}}]]##||displays a login/logout form and user settings ||
||##[[WantedpagesActionInfo | {{wantedpages}}]]##||lists nonexisting pages linked by other pages||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{wikkachanges}}]]##||displays Wikka release notes for the current version||
||##[[WikkaConfigActionInfo | {{wikkaconfig}}]]##||displays the current [[ConfigurationOptions | configuration settings]] {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{wikkaname}}]]##||displays the name of the wiki {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{wikkapatchlevel}}]]##||displays the patch level of Wikka running the wiki {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{wikkaversion}}]]##||displays the version of Wikka running the wiki {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{whoami}}]]##||displays the current username (if signed in) or the hostname for anonymous visitors {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
==Actions not in the actions-directory==
||##[[IFrameAction | {{iframe}}]]##||allows embedding a page in another page||
||##""{{footer}}""##||replaced by the footer template file {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##""{{header}}""##||replaced by the header template file {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[TableActionInfo | {{table}}]]##||obsoleted by the [[TableMarkup]] | {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}} ||
>>==See Wikka in action:==
~-""<a href="">Using actions</a>"" {{image url="images/action/qt.gif" alt="quicktime icon" title="Wikka clips"}}
~- [[SysInfoActionInfo | System Information actions]]
~- [[ | User-contributed plugins]]
>>===About actions===
Actions are small (or not so small) pieces of code that generate automatic content within a page. An action may provide simple content, or it may provide an interactive "service" with a form for user input.
===Post-formatter actions===
{{since display="inline" version="1.3.6"}} There are two types of actions: Those that act on the wiki page prior to the markup being processed ("traditional" actions, designated by ""{{...}}""), and the new **post-formatter actions** (designated by ""{{{...}}}""). The main difference between the two is that the new post-formatter action can access the contents of the wiki page it's invoked in after the markup has been processed into HTML. For instance, the new ""{{{...}}}"" post-formatter action will generate a table of contents for all headings on a wiki page, and uses the id generated for each heading by the Wikka formatter. Since this can't happen prior to the page being rendered by the formatter, ""{{{...}}}"" must be implemented as a post-formatter action.
Some actions are considered "core" and are essential to the functioning of Wikka as a WikiEngine. Others are better classified as "plugins", providing extra, less essential functionality. Of course, WikkaWiki comes bundled with all "core" actions and a nice collection of "plugins". Many Wikka users also make [[ | additional plugins]] available through the main site.
===Using actions===
To include an action in a page, simply edit the page and add the name of the action between double braces, e.g. ##""{{myaction}}""##. Action names are case-insensitive.
Many actions can be customized by providing extra parameters; a parameter must always have its value enclosed in double quotes, e.g. ##""{{myaction par1="foo"}}""##. Unknown parameters are simply ignored; in some cases one or more parameters may be required. Multiple parameters are separated by spaces: ##""{{myaction par1="foo" par2="bar"}}""##.
==Content example:==
Use ##""{{wikkaversion}}""## to display the version of Wikka running this wiki:
==Service example:==
Use ##""{{googleform}}""## to display a Google search form. You may add an optional ##q## parameter to specify a default search query, as in ##""{{googleform q="Wikka"}}""##:
~{{googleform q="Wikka"}}
====List of available actions====
|?|{font-size: 110%;background-color: #E9F9E9;padding: 5px;}Actions distributed with WikkaWiki (in alphabetical order)||
||##[[PageAdministration | {{adminpages}}]]##||displays a module to manage wiki pages {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[UserAdministration | {{adminusers}}]]##||displays a module to manage users {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[BacklinksActionInfo | {{backlinks}}]]##||displays a list of pages linking to the current page||
||##[[CalendarActionInfo | {{calendar}}]]##||displays a calendar for a specified or current month ||
||##[[CategoryActionInfo | {{category}}]]##||displays a list of pages belonging to a category {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[CheckLinksActionInfo | {{checklinks}}]]##||checks internal/external links {{since display="inline" version="1.4.0"}}||
||##[[CheckVersionActionInfo | {{checkversion}}]]##||displays message if newer Wikka version exists {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{clonelink}}]]##||displays a link to clone the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[ColorActionInfo | {{color}}]]##||renders colored text ||
||##[[ColorActionInfo | {{colour}}]]##||alias for ##[[ColorActionInfo | {{color}}]]##||
||##""{{contact}}""##||displays an obfuscated mailto link to contact the wiki administrator {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{countcomments}}]]##||counts the comments by the current user {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{countowned}}]]##||counts the pages owned by the current user {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{countpages}}]]##||counts the number of pages in the wiki {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{countusers}}]]##||count the number of registered users in the wiki {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[DbInfoActionInfo | {{dbinfo}}]]##||displays information on the database storing data from the wiki {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{deletelink}}]]##||displays a link to delete the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{editlink}}]]##||displays a link to modify the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[EmailpasswordActionInfo | {{emailpassword}}]]##||displays a form to retrieve a password ||
||##[[FeedbackAction | {{feedback}}]]##||displays a form to send feedback to the admin of the wiki ||
||##[[FilesActionInfo | {{files}}]]##||displays a form to upload/download/delete files ||
||##[[FlashActionInfo | {{flash}}]]##||embeds a flash-animation||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{geshiversion}}]]##||displays the version of [[GesHi]] | bundled with Wikka {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[GoogleformActionInfo {{googleform}}]]##||displays a Google search form. ||
||##[[HighscoresActionInfo | {{highscores}}]]##||displays a list of registered users, ordered by the percentage of pages they own||
||##[[Menulets | {{historylink}}]]##||displays a link the revision history of the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{homepagelink}}]]##||displays a link to the wiki homepage {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[AddingImages | {{image}}]]##||inserts an image||
||##[[IncludeAction | {{include}}]]##||includes another wiki page||
||##[[InterwikilistActionInfo | {{interwikilist}}]]##||displays a list of InterWiki shortcuts||
||##[[LastEditActionInfo | {{lastedit}}]]##||displays information on the last revision {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[LastusersActionInfo | {{lastusers}}]]##||displays a list of recently registered users ||
||##[[LicenseActionInfo | {{license}}]]##||diplays open source licenses in full text or graphics {{since display="inline" version="1.3.1"}}||
||##[[MetaTagActionInfo | {{metatag}}]]##||generates HTML meta tag {{since display="inline" version="1.3.7"}}||
||##[[FreeMind | {{mindmap}}]]##||embeds a mindmap in a wiki page {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[MychangesActionInfo | {{mychanges}}]]##||lists pages edited by the current user ||
||##[[MypagesActionInfo | {{mypages}}]]##||lists pages owned by the current user||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{mysqlversion}}]]##||displays the mysql version running on the server {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[NewpageActionInfo | {{newpage}}]]##||displays a form to create new pages||
||##[[NocommentsActionInfo | {{nocomments}}]]##||disables comments for the current page||
||##[[OrphanedpagesActionInfo | {{orphanedpages}}]]##||displays a list of pages not linked by any other page in the wiki ||
||##[[OwnedpagesActionInfo | {{ownedpages}}]]##||displays a list of pages by owner ||
||##[[Menulets | {{ownerlink}}]]##||displays a link to the page owner's profile {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[PageindexActionInfo | {{pageindex}}]]##||displays an alphabetical list of pages in the wiki||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{phpversion}}]]##||displays the PHP version running on the server {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[RecentchangesActionInfo | {{recentchanges}}]]##||lists recently modified pages||
||##[[RecentcommentsActionInfo | {{recentcomments}}]]##||lists recent comments||
||##[[RecentlycommentedActionInfo | {{recentlycommented}}]]##||lists recently commented pages||
||##[[RedirectActionInfo | {{redirect}}]]##||redirects page to another page {{since display="inline" version="1.3"}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{referrerslink}}]]##||displays a link to a page displaying [[ReferrersInfo | external referrers]] for the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.3"}}||
||##[[RevActionInfo | {{rev}}]]##||displays the latest revision number for the current page {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{revertlink}}]]##||displays a link to allow admins to revert the latest revision of a page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{revisionlink}}]]##||displays the date and time of the latest revision and a link to the list of recent revisions of the current page {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[RssInfo | {{rss}}]]##||embeds a feed in the page||
||##[[Menulets | {{searchbox}}]]##||displays a search box (menulet) {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{system}}]]##||displays information about the system {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[TextsearchActionInfo | {{textsearch}}]]##||displays a search form||
||##[[TextSearchExpandedActionInfo | {{textsearchexpanded}}]]##||displays a form for expanded text search||
||##[[TitleActionInfo | {{title}}]]##||outputs return value of PageTitle() function (used in menus) {{since display="inline" version="1.3.4"}}||
||##[[TitleTagActionInfo | {{titletag}}]]##||generates HTML title tag {{since display="inline" version="1.3.7"}}||
||##[[TOCActionInfo | ""{{{...}}}""]]##||generates a table of contents for selected/all headings on the wiki page {{since display="inline" version="1.3.6"}}||
||##[[UserSettingsInfo | {{usersettings}}]]##||displays a login/logout form and user settings ||
||##[[WantedpagesActionInfo | {{wantedpages}}]]##||lists nonexisting pages linked by other pages||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{wikkachanges}}]]##||displays Wikka release notes for the current version||
||##[[WikkaConfigActionInfo | {{wikkaconfig}}]]##||displays the current [[ConfigurationOptions | configuration settings]] {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{wikkaname}}]]##||displays the name of the wiki {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{wikkapatchlevel}}]]##||displays the patch level of Wikka running the wiki {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
||##[[SysInfoActionInfo | {{wikkaversion}}]]##||displays the version of Wikka running the wiki {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[Menulets | {{whoami}}]]##||displays the current username (if signed in) or the hostname for anonymous visitors {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}}||
==Actions not in the actions-directory==
||##[[IFrameAction | {{iframe}}]]##||allows embedding a page in another page||
||##""{{footer}}""##||replaced by the footer template file {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##""{{header}}""##||replaced by the header template file {{since display="inline" version=""}}||
||##[[TableActionInfo | {{table}}]]##||obsoleted by the [[TableMarkup]] | {{since display="inline" version="1.2"}} ||