Wiki source for WikkaInstallation
=====Installing Wikka from Scratch=====
===Short instructions===
~-If you are **upgrading** from an earlier version of Wikka or from WakkaWiki, see [[UpgradeNotes | Upgrading Wikka to the latest release]].
~-If you encounter **problems** during the installation, take a look at [[ | WikkaTroubleshooting]].
==See also:==
~-[[Installing12 | Installation & upgrade notes for 1.2]]
~-[[ThirdPartyDistributions | 3rd party installers & distributions]]
~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX | Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
~-[[WikiOnAStick | Installing Wikka on a USB stick]]
~-[[LighttpdConfig | Configuring Lighttpd for Wikka]]
~-[[ | Installing Wikka on Uniform Server]]
~-[[ | Preconfigured Wikka hosting]]
>>Installing Wikka takes just a few steps:
~1)Unpack the distribution files
~1)Upload them into a directory that can be accessed via the web.
~1)Create a MySQL database for wikka
~1)Go to the corresponding URL. A web-based installer will walk you through the rest.
If your website, say, """", is mapped to the directory ##/home/johnny/www/##,
and you have uploaded the Wikka distribution files into ##/home/johnny/www/wikka/##, you should go to
===Longer version===
1) **Download** the wikka-file from the Wikkawiki [[ | HomePage]]. It is recommended to use the latest version marked as stable, unless you are interested in doing beta-testing (which is a good thing to be done, too).
1) The file is a *.tar.gz file, which means that it is a packed file which you need to **unpack**. Windows users can use a program like [[ | Winzip]], [[ | 7zip]] or [[ | Winrar]] for this. Make sure you let it re-create (sub) directories.
1) Upload the **contents** of the Wikka directory into your webfolder (something like ##//www//## or ##//public_html//##, for example ##//www-data//## in debian, apache on redhat linux); or a subdirectory of that if you prefer [see *note].
1) Create the **database** for wikka. If you can, use [[]] | for it, but you could also ##""CreateNewDB""## from the prompt. If your host won't let you create a new database, don't worry - you can use an existing one and tell the installer to use a prefix for all the table names so there won't be any name clashes. ---You also need to have (or create) a **user** for the database with sufficient permissions for Wikka to use to access the database; this user needs all the usual permissions for reading, writing, modifying and deleting records, as well as creating tables (which is what the installer is going to do); being allowed to drop tables (not databases) may also be needed later.
1) Point your browser to your web **directory** where Wikka is located - this will start the installer.
1) Follow the **instructions** of the installer.
***note**: If you are installing in a subdirectory **and** using ##mod_rewrite##, see [[ ModRewrite In Subdirectory Workaround]].
***note**: Rewrite problem does not appear only when installing Wikka in subdirectory, it can be also encountered even if you install Wikka at the root directory of your webserver. See Installation problems below for a workaround.
===Installation problems===
While installing Wikka, and if you don't get what you expected when pointing to //##""http://yoursite/subdirectory_if_it_exists""/##// or ##//""http://yoursite/""##// if your wikka is installed at root (we'll name this URL ::indexpage::), then try these little steps:
1) edit the file ##.htaccess## and change ##""RewriteEngine"" {{color c="red" text="On"}}## to ##""RewriteEngine"" {{color c="green" text="Off"}}##
1) go to the corresponding URL (::indexpage::). This should lead you to something like ##{{color c="blue" text="/wikka.php?wakka=HomePage"}}##. If that happens, and you get the first-step installation page, then
a) smile, you can run Wikka. But don't continue the installation process yet.
a) Re-edit the file ##.htaccess## and restore the ##""RewriteEngine""## directive to ##""RewriteEngine"" {{color c="green" text="On"}}##
a) put a ##""RewriteBase""## directive after it : ##{{color c="green" text="RewriteBase /"}}## if you install wikka at root or ##{{color c="green" text="RewriteBase /subdirectory/"}}##
a) Go to ::indexpage::, if you are not redirected to another page, and if you get the first-step install page, then everything is okay. Continue the installation.
a) If you get an error, your server might have disabled ##mod_rewrite##. You should:
i) consider disabling ##""RewriteEngine""## and continue to use Wikka without it.
i) Talk to your Administrator about ##mod_rewrite##, or check up on [[ModRewrite | Wikka and mod_rewrite]] if you control your server yourself.
==Config file==
During first installs, the installer will try to create a file called ##[[ConfigurationOptions | wikka.config.php]]## in your Wikka directory. In order to do this, you will need to either make the Wikka directory writable by the web server, or create a new (empty) file called ##wikka.config.php## which is writable by the web server. On Unix systems this can be done via the following commands:
##touch wikka.config.php; chmod 666 wikka.config.php;## (don't forget to remove write access again later, i.e. ##chmod 644 wikka.config.php##).
If the installer still fails to create the file, it will dump the file's contents which you can then save and upload manually.
__IMPORTANT__: for installing or upgrading Wikka, do NOT access any of the files contained in the ##setup/## subdirectory. They're used by the web-based installer/updater and should not be called directly from a browser.
If you want to use [[ | HTTPS]], you have to adjust the ##base dir##, i.e. the path to your wikka which you enter during the installation must start with //##https##// instead of //##http##//. You can change this at any time in the [[ConfigurationOptions | configuration file]].
===Short instructions===
~-If you are **upgrading** from an earlier version of Wikka or from WakkaWiki, see [[UpgradeNotes | Upgrading Wikka to the latest release]].
~-If you encounter **problems** during the installation, take a look at [[ | WikkaTroubleshooting]].
==See also:==
~-[[Installing12 | Installation & upgrade notes for 1.2]]
~-[[ThirdPartyDistributions | 3rd party installers & distributions]]
~-[[WikkaOnMacOSX | Installing Wikka on Mac OS X]]
~-[[WikiOnAStick | Installing Wikka on a USB stick]]
~-[[LighttpdConfig | Configuring Lighttpd for Wikka]]
~-[[ | Installing Wikka on Uniform Server]]
~-[[ | Preconfigured Wikka hosting]]
>>Installing Wikka takes just a few steps:
~1)Unpack the distribution files
~1)Upload them into a directory that can be accessed via the web.
~1)Create a MySQL database for wikka
~1)Go to the corresponding URL. A web-based installer will walk you through the rest.
If your website, say, """", is mapped to the directory ##/home/johnny/www/##,
and you have uploaded the Wikka distribution files into ##/home/johnny/www/wikka/##, you should go to
===Longer version===
1) **Download** the wikka-file from the Wikkawiki [[ | HomePage]]. It is recommended to use the latest version marked as stable, unless you are interested in doing beta-testing (which is a good thing to be done, too).
1) The file is a *.tar.gz file, which means that it is a packed file which you need to **unpack**. Windows users can use a program like [[ | Winzip]], [[ | 7zip]] or [[ | Winrar]] for this. Make sure you let it re-create (sub) directories.
1) Upload the **contents** of the Wikka directory into your webfolder (something like ##//www//## or ##//public_html//##, for example ##//www-data//## in debian, apache on redhat linux); or a subdirectory of that if you prefer [see *note].
1) Create the **database** for wikka. If you can, use [[]] | for it, but you could also ##""CreateNewDB""## from the prompt. If your host won't let you create a new database, don't worry - you can use an existing one and tell the installer to use a prefix for all the table names so there won't be any name clashes. ---You also need to have (or create) a **user** for the database with sufficient permissions for Wikka to use to access the database; this user needs all the usual permissions for reading, writing, modifying and deleting records, as well as creating tables (which is what the installer is going to do); being allowed to drop tables (not databases) may also be needed later.
1) Point your browser to your web **directory** where Wikka is located - this will start the installer.
1) Follow the **instructions** of the installer.
***note**: If you are installing in a subdirectory **and** using ##mod_rewrite##, see [[ ModRewrite In Subdirectory Workaround]].
***note**: Rewrite problem does not appear only when installing Wikka in subdirectory, it can be also encountered even if you install Wikka at the root directory of your webserver. See Installation problems below for a workaround.
===Installation problems===
While installing Wikka, and if you don't get what you expected when pointing to //##""http://yoursite/subdirectory_if_it_exists""/##// or ##//""http://yoursite/""##// if your wikka is installed at root (we'll name this URL ::indexpage::), then try these little steps:
1) edit the file ##.htaccess## and change ##""RewriteEngine"" {{color c="red" text="On"}}## to ##""RewriteEngine"" {{color c="green" text="Off"}}##
1) go to the corresponding URL (::indexpage::). This should lead you to something like ##{{color c="blue" text="/wikka.php?wakka=HomePage"}}##. If that happens, and you get the first-step installation page, then
a) smile, you can run Wikka. But don't continue the installation process yet.
a) Re-edit the file ##.htaccess## and restore the ##""RewriteEngine""## directive to ##""RewriteEngine"" {{color c="green" text="On"}}##
a) put a ##""RewriteBase""## directive after it : ##{{color c="green" text="RewriteBase /"}}## if you install wikka at root or ##{{color c="green" text="RewriteBase /subdirectory/"}}##
a) Go to ::indexpage::, if you are not redirected to another page, and if you get the first-step install page, then everything is okay. Continue the installation.
a) If you get an error, your server might have disabled ##mod_rewrite##. You should:
i) consider disabling ##""RewriteEngine""## and continue to use Wikka without it.
i) Talk to your Administrator about ##mod_rewrite##, or check up on [[ModRewrite | Wikka and mod_rewrite]] if you control your server yourself.
==Config file==
During first installs, the installer will try to create a file called ##[[ConfigurationOptions | wikka.config.php]]## in your Wikka directory. In order to do this, you will need to either make the Wikka directory writable by the web server, or create a new (empty) file called ##wikka.config.php## which is writable by the web server. On Unix systems this can be done via the following commands:
##touch wikka.config.php; chmod 666 wikka.config.php;## (don't forget to remove write access again later, i.e. ##chmod 644 wikka.config.php##).
If the installer still fails to create the file, it will dump the file's contents which you can then save and upload manually.
__IMPORTANT__: for installing or upgrading Wikka, do NOT access any of the files contained in the ##setup/## subdirectory. They're used by the web-based installer/updater and should not be called directly from a browser.
If you want to use [[ | HTTPS]], you have to adjust the ##base dir##, i.e. the path to your wikka which you enter during the installation must start with //##https##// instead of //##http##//. You can change this at any time in the [[ConfigurationOptions | configuration file]].