Revision [21578]
This is an old revision of WikkaSites made by BrianKoontz on 2011-08-21 11:39:53.
Sites using WikkaWiki
Currently listing 261 websitesNote: In an effort to keep this page as up-to-date as possible, I am in the process of removing dead links and other links that appear to no longer point to Wikka installations. If your link has been removed, and you believe it was removed in error, please [email protected] contact me to discuss.
Selected sites
WikkaFeaturedSites Featured Wikka sites
Puppy Linux
Wikka powers the knowledge base of this popular Linux distribution (content in English).

randomly selected [WikkaFeaturedSites show full list]
See also
Below is a list of Wikka-powered websites in alphabetical order. Most of them are retrieved from search engines or from the referrer-list of this server. Many more wikka sites not listed in this page are access-restricted intranets of companies and organizations. Sites marked with a (c) have a custom layout; sites with a (l) have a localized interface.
Feel free to add your own Wikka site!
Sites by name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #Selected Wikka-sites with WikkaLocalization custom charsets
(special fonts may be needed to display these sites)- Chinese (simplified) - 简体中文 (UTF-8)
- Czech - Česky (ISO-8859-2)
- Hebrew - עברית (WINDOWS-1255)
- Japanese - 日本語 (EUC-JP)
- Polish - Polski (ISO-8859-2)
- Urdu - اردو (UTF-8)
A selection of Wikka-sites with notable layout
- DescentiaPedia [English (c)]
- Klenwell Information Services [English (c)-3-column layout]
Invisible integration of Wikka engine
- ExaTorq Tuning and Performance [English (c) 2-column layout]
Wikka as a software development/documentation tool

- ACK Associazione Studentesca [Italian (c)]
- Advanced Internet Research Group Wiki [English]
- Alauda Linux Driver Development [English]
- Anime News Manga [English]
- Antique Outboard Wiki [English]
- AqDWeb [English (c)]
- Astronomy [English]
- Bogor Linux User Group [Bahasa Indonesia]
- BraveTerry [English (c)]
- Brilaps Wiki [English (c)]
- Brookes School of Art and Humanities Wiki [English (c)]
- BSD Installer Wiki [English]
- Buddy5 Wiki [Simplified Chinese]
- Canisius College Psychology Department Wiki [English (c)]
- CESE Wiki [English]
- Chess Assistant [English]
- Clan Ranta: An Asheron's Call Wiki [English (c)]
- Coding Wiki [Portuguese (Brazilian)]
- The Collective Library [English (c)]
- CookerSpot [English French Spanish German]
- CRUX [English (c)]
- CTEX [Chinese (simplified)]
- The Cuckoo's Nest [English (c)]
- Dafke [German (c)]
- DarTar's homepage [English (c)]
- Diabetycy [Polish (c)(l)]
- The Directorium [English (c)]
- Dirty South Development Wiki [English]
- Dugtrio 17 Wiki [English]
- Descentiapedia [English (c)]
- eComStation [English (c)]
- eFTE - a Programmers Editor [English (c)]
- ele-et [English (c)]
- Emerald Island[French (c)]
- Empire Universe Wiki [German (l)]
- Epiphanic Networks [English, (some) Spanish]
- ESQuaReD [English (c)]
- Euroburners [English (c)]
- ExaTorq Tuning and Performance [English (c)]
- ExiteCMS [English, multilingual]
- FAQ for Orkut Programming Forums [English]
- Firefox Malayisia Wiki [English]
- Free Linux CD Project Community Wiki [not available]--> - [[ FreeBasic]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ Free Ed Kie]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ Free Software Server Environment]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ FunTOM Wiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Czech]"}} ==G== - [[ Gambling Pedia]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ George Mason University ACM Repository]] {{color hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Wiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ GLScene: OpenGL Library for Delphi]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ Gradus in Obscuritatem (GiO) - Vampire Live in Berlin und Brandenburg]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German (cl)]"}} - [[ Greenliga Almanach]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German]"}} - [[ Das Grosse Heer]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German (c)]"}} - [[ Gungirl Sequencer]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} ==H== - [[ Haisoft Support]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English/French (c)]"}} - [[ Hilton Parish Council]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ HND Computer Games Development]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ Homeline Wiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Hungarian]"}} - [[ HTML Executable]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} ==I== - [[ I40 Wiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ Il wiki della programmazione]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Italian]"}} - [[ Intermedia Department]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Polish]"}} - [[ Insu^tv wiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Italian (c)]"}} - [[ InterPET-SC]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Portuguese (Brazilian) (c)]"}} - [[ IoWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ itextXML]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} ==J== - [[ JavaCM @]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ jLaBase Development]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} ==K== - [[ KFlickr]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ Kikipedia - קיקיפדיה]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Hebrew (l)]"}} - [[ Kings of Chaos Help Guide]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ Klenwell Information Services]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ KnowledgeOfAsia]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ Koppermine]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} ==L== - [[ LEIBnix]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ Lily Wiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German (c)]"}} ==M== - [[]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Italy]"}} - [[ Magic User Group Knowledge Base]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ Marcie's Website]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ Meditation4all Wiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ Melbourn Village College Wiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ MoneyWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ MoksloPopuliarinimui]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Lithuanian]"}} - [[ Moliu Wiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ M0n0wall Documentation Project]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ MosaicMinds]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} ==N== - [[ Nählexikon für Nutzer von Freiarm-, Overlock- und Coverlock Nähmaschinen]]{{colour hex="#888888" text="[German (c)]"}} - [[ Nina Project]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ Nolte Infosysteme]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[German (l)]"}} ==O== - [[]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English, Dutch (c)]"}} - [[]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Chinese (Simplified), English, French, German, Italian, Modern Greek, Malagasy, Spanish (c)]"}} - [[ OpenNIC Wiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ Open Source Desktop Environment]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English]"}} - [[ OpenSpectrum UK]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)]"}} - [[ Orsorum]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English and any other (c)]"}} ==P== - [[ Parus's working place]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[Korean]"}} - [[ PhiloWiki]] {{colour hex="#888888" text="[English (c)] [404]"}}-->
- Performance Testing Knowledge Base [English]
- Community [English (c)]
- phpList [English]
- PHP XTemplate Wiki [English]
- PMB Wiki [mainly French]
- ProFX2 Documentation [English (c)]
- Programming Wiki [English]
- Promise Software Engineering Repository [English (c)]
- Promoción Cultural [Spanish]
- Pulp.Wiki [English (c)]
- PuppyLinuxWiki [English]
- Pyrkki Documentation [English]
- Rant This Space! [English (c)]
- r0ro's Wiki [French (c) (l)]
- Red@ctor Wiki [Czech]
- RegentTalk [English (c)]
- Riachtanas [Polish (c)]
- Rufus's Wiki [English (c)]
- [German (c)]
- RedSoliceWiki [English (c)]
- The Vault [English]
- RHM Consultants [French (c)]
- Richard Berg's Homepage [English]
- [English (c)]
- RockMonkey [English (c)]
- [Dutch (c)]
- RSSChomp [English]
- RxReform [English]
- RevWiki [English]
- RPGWatch [English]
- Scuole Modugnesi [Italy]
- SalsaBerlin [German]
- Santa Clara Valley Section of the ARRL [English]
- Sascha Carlin's Homepage [German]
- SBackup - Simple backup suite [English]
- ScoutInfo [English (c)]
- [German (c)(I)]
- Seiklusjutte baidimerelt [Estonian (c)]
- [Brazilian (c)]
- Singularity [English]
- Sincat Tutorial [Indonesian (c)]
- SkyEye Documentation Wiki [English]
- Slackware Forum Wiki [German (c)]
- SLAMPP Linux Live CD [English]
- SlimCar [English]
- S.L.I.M. - Software: Less Is More [English (c)]
- SlutWikka [French (c)]
- SMAP Wiki [Dutch]
- Sniper Clan Elite Official Wiki [English]
- Soasi [Italian (c)]
- SocioCampus Texts [English]
- Society of the Spectacle Group [English (c)]
- Wiki [English]
- Srilanka Wiki [English]
- [English/Portuguese (c)]
- Strategikon [French (c)]
- Stumpner Kunden Informationssystem [German]
- SulaWiki [German (c)(l)]
- SUSE Linux Support [English (c)]
- Sustainable Bellingham [English (c)]
- SWAT @ [English (c)]
- SwineCT Wiki [English]
- Syllable [Polish]
- Tappy [English]
- Tech Islands Wiki [English]
- Teachmaster Wiki [English]
- TeaM-TL Wiki [Polish (c) (l)]
- The Techbugs (Tech and Blog) Website [English (c)]
- Technical Computer Science Group, Bonn University [German (c)]
- Timo Kissing's Wiki [German]
- Tmxxine [English (c)]
- TonExtraWiki [English (c)]
- Tourclub "Romantic" (Турклуб "Романтик") [Russian (c) (l)]
- Almanach [German (c)]
- Trading Wiki [English]
- Tranquille [French]
- TrawonienWiki [German]
- Treo600 Wiki [English]
- The Treo 650 Knowledge Base [English]
- TresGeek Wiki [English]
- Triumphrat Wiki [English (c)]
- UFR Etudes Anglo-Américaines [French]
- UK Cannabis Internet Activists [English (c)]
- Unoc Wiki (Private) [English]
- UnWiki [German (c)(l)]
- Urban Sim Commons [English]
- Urban Paganism Wiki [English]
- URCentral Internet Services [English]
- UrduWiki - اردو وکی [Urdu]
- Urijoe [Italian]
- UTS Engineering Society FAQ [English (c)]
- VLinux Live CD [Vietnamese]
- Weather Graphics Knowledge Base [English]
- Web Epistemology [English (c)]
- WebmasterWiki [German (c)(l)]
- Webpet Wiki [English]
- WibbleWobbleWah Ian Hayhurst's Homepage [English]
- WickIT [Dutch (c)(l)]
- Wiki Ambiente [Italian (c)]
- - Simon Fraser University's Learning and Instructional Development Centre [English (c)]
- WikiTGDX [English (c)]
- Wiki Tuck [English (c)]
- WikkaGopher [English (c)]
World's first wiki-based gopher proxy
- Wikka Skins [English (c)]
An unofficial CSS Repository for Wikka Wikis
- Wikka Wiki FR [French (l)]
- World of Warcraft TG-Db Wiki [English (c)]
- World of Shimrod Development Site [English]
- Worldwide Direct Democracy Movement [English]
- WoWWiki [Dutch]
- VietTUG [Vietnamese]
- Xcomic [English (c)]
- XQilla [English (c)]
- xt:commerce Wiki [German (c)(l)]
- XTemplate: PHP Template engine [English]
- XUI: Rich Internet Application framework [English]
- YodaWiki [German (c)]
- YanB's homepage [English and French (c)]
- Yrazul - A D&D Campaign [English]
- Zen Of It [English (c)]
- ZHANGroup [English/Chinese (Simplified)]
- 120 Degree Games Wiki [English]
- 4WDiki [English (c)]
- 81100 Wiki [Italian]
- I suggest using a link-checker on this page as a lot of wikis either are not found, don't contain any wikis, are protected sites or have expired domain names. --DaC
- DaC is absolutely right. If I may make a suggestion, 'Snap Preview Anywhere' ( might improve this page and give an easy way of seeing busted links. --DavePreston
- I have compiled a list of the busted pages: WikkaSitesBrokenLinks. Right now I don't have the time to parse it but at least it can be used as a starting point. All "forbidden request" pages have been checked manually.--DaC