Sites using WikkaWiki
Currently listing 110 websitesNote: In an effort to keep this page as up-to-date as possible, I am in the process of removing dead links and other links that appear to no longer point to Wikka installations. If your link has been removed, and you believe it was removed in error, please contact me to discuss.
Selected sites
WikkaFeaturedSites Featured Wikka sites
The CTeX project homepage, a portable extension of TeX designed specifically for the professional oriental language typesetting community (content in Chinese).

randomly selected [WikkaFeaturedSites show full list]
See also
Below is a list of Wikka-powered websites in alphabetical order. Most of them are retrieved from search engines or from the referrer-list of this server. Many more wikka sites not listed in this page are access-restricted intranets of companies and organizations. Sites marked with a (c) have a custom layout; sites with a (l) have a localized interface.
Feel free to add your own Wikka site!
Sites by name
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | #Selected Wikka-sites with WikkaLocalization custom charsets
(special fonts may be needed to display these sites)- Chinese (simplified) - 简体中文 (UTF-8)
- Czech - Česky (ISO-8859-2)
- Hebrew - עברית (WINDOWS-1255)
- Polish - Polski (ISO-8859-2)
A selection of Wikka-sites with notable layout
Invisible integration of Wikka engine
- ExaTorq Tuning and Performance [English (c) 2-column layout]
Wikka as a software development/documentation tool

- Alauda Linux Driver Development [English]
- An Xiao Studio [English]
- Analogue HiFi [English]
- Andreas Tobola [German/English]
- ANY2YUV Conversion Tool [English]
- Architectionary [English]
- Astronomy [English]
- Atheist Bible [English]
- BeeGFS Wiki [English (c)]
- BotTrapWiki [German (c)]
- Brainy Groveland [English]
- Buddy5 Wiki [Simplified Chinese]
- Canisius College Psychology Department Wiki [English (c)]
- Castellani-Con X: El Borracho [German (c)]
- CESE Wiki [English]
- Chess Assistant [English]
- CookerSpot [English French Spanish German]
- CRUX [English (c)]
- CTEX [Chinese (simplified)]
- Cybernetics Wiki Workshops [Italian]
- DarTar's homepage [English (c)]
- The Directorium [English (c)]
- Editions L. Mauguin [French (c)]
- Elements of Electronic Rhetoric [English (c)]
- Emerald Island[French (c)]
- Euroburners [English (c)]
- Europäische Verbund für territoriale Zusammenarbeit [German (c)]
- EVE-Survival [English (c)]
- ExaTorq Tuning and Performance [English (c)]
- Finite Element Method Magnetics [English]
- FreeBasic [English]
- Freemap Slovakia [Slovak]
- Fritt Regnskap [Norwegian]
- FunTOM Wiki [Czech]
- Das Grosse Heer [German (c)]
- Guegue Comunicaciones [German (c)]
- Gungirl Sequencer [English (c)]
- Haisoft Support [English/French (c)]
- Hempel Krzymuski Partner [German (c)]
- Il wiki della programmazione [Italian]
- itextXML [English]
- JavaCM @ [English]
- Jens Maus [English]
- jLaBase Development [English]
- Kikipedia - קיקיפדיה [Hebrew (l)]
- Koppermine [English]
- Leah Keshet Research Group UBC [English]
- LEIBnix [English]
- Liberal Awakening [English]
- Lindëfirion wiki [English, Finnish]
- Magisk/MagiskHide Troubleshooting Guide [English]
- Maulana Sheikh Nazim [English, German]
- Meditation4all Wiki [English]
- [English]
- MoneyWiki [English]
- My Little RP Wiki [English]
- Nocera Lab (Harvard Univ.) [English
- [English, Dutch (c)]
- [English]
- OpenSpectrum UK [English (c)]
- Overy Staithe SC History [English]
- Peach Parts Wiki (DIY) [English]
- Performance Testing Knowledge Base [English]
- Community [English (c)]
- Programming Wiki [English]
- Pulp.Wiki [English (c)]
- PuppyLinuxWiki [English]
- Research Group of Daniel G. Nocera [English (c)]
- RISC OS North West User Group [English (c)]
- ScoreHero Wiki [English (c)]
- Sébastien CELLES [French]
- Slackware Forum Wiki [German (c)]
- Somers Knowledge Base [English]
- Sustainable Bellingham [English (c)]
- Teachmaster Wiki [English]
- The Tomorrowlands Universe [English]
- TrawonienWiki [German]
- Variation Hunter [English]
- Visioneer Knowledge Accelerator [English, German]
- webERP [English]
- Weblogs and Wikis [English]
- WikkaGopher [English (c)]
World's first wiki-based gopher proxy
- Wikka Wiki FR [French (l)]
- Woda, the Web Oriented DAtabase [English (c))]
- XML Home [English]
- xmlsh - XML Shell [English (c)]
- XQilla [English (c)]
- XUI: Rich Internet Application framework [English]
- Yrazul - A D&D Campaign [English]
- ZHANGroup [English/Chinese (Simplified)]
- 4WDiki [English (c)]
- I suggest using a link-checker on this page as a lot of wikis either are not found, don't contain any wikis, are protected sites or have expired domain names. --DaC
- DaC is absolutely right. If I may make a suggestion, 'Snap Preview Anywhere' ( might improve this page and give an easy way of seeing busted links. --DavePreston
- I have compiled a list of the busted pages: WikkaSitesBrokenLinks. Right now I don't have the time to parse it but at least it can be used as a starting point. All "forbidden request" pages have been checked manually.--DaC
- id (autoinc)
- name
- url
- language
- layout
- comment
name can also be a short description (=> link text)
(field size: language should allow multiple names or language codes)
Maybe it would be more interesting if we had some way of paging and (re)organizing alphabetically the content of a page from its source. Think of the potential of manipulating raw code. Imagine for example a page containing a list of entries formatted in such a way that the system (maybe through a dedicated handler) can give the user the choice to display only part of the list, or a paged version, or filter the entries according to some criteria, or even display a form (an interface with the source code) for adding entries, etc. **without** retrieving content from an extra table, but just rearranging the existing content of a page. I find this idea of an interface to list-formatted or tabular content much more challenging and potentially adaptable to the user's needs than an action that just prints Wikka sites. Your opinion?
Some sort of new "tabular" format that could be easily specified with ts own formatter might help though. I've noticed there are wikis that actually have two "table" formats - one more formal with all sorts of options for colspans and rowspans and headers, and a more simple CVS-like format: just rows with equal numbers of comma-separated data (with some sort of enclosing "tag" of course). For the latter, extra options "sort" and "page" might do the trick.
(And no, I can't remember where I've seen that :( )
Good idea - I agree this could be more generally useful, too. It's tempting to try and code it but I still have a few other things on my plate right now. ;-)
I do like the new header and intro, though!
I had a discussion yesterday with JavaWoman who suggested not to qualify as customized sites that merely changed the font family or made minor hacks to the CSS.
But I looked hard before removing your link - I do not do such things lightly. What I see at is a site done in vBulletin, which I know can be used as a kind of CMS. At the same time (and I poked around quite a lot), I do not see any kind of Wiki functionality. I looked at page source for several pages, too, and while I saw traces of vBulletin all over the place, not a trace of Wikka. I thought maybe you'd integrated Wikka into vBuleltin - but could not find it. I'm looking again now, and the only thing I can find is the Impressum page that looks like it has some Wikka content (but not the page structure).
In other words, what I see is vBulletin used as CMS, not Wikka (not even skinned Wikka) used as CMS. Structure, menu system, user registration, it's all vBulletin (adapted maybe), not Wikka.
Now, integrating Wikka into other packages is very nice - but Wikka integrated into what is essentially is a vBulletin site does not make this a "Wikka" site. Not when it's so hard to even find a trace of it.
Maybe we need a separate page for Wikka integration projects. Feel free to start such a page, and add your site to it. In that case some explanation of the role of Wikka in the whole framework would not be amiss.
I don't want to play games at all - but if you can explain to me *how* this really is a "Wikka" site and not a vBulletin site with a tiny bit of Wikka integrated in it, I'm quite prepared to add your link back...
I accept your whatever you decide (everybody is free to link have a link to my pages or not ;). However I would like to explain it:
Try for example the Impressum Page and add /edit or any other wikka handle to the url - you will see, it is a wikka.
It is very little integrated into vB - I'm using the vB authentication and I include the output (with ob_start()) in the template of vbulletin - this is why you can't see very much of it in the source, but it is there ;) You can also try to call default pages which are with a leading "honda-silverwing-" like "honda-silverwing-FormattingRules". Btw you will see no Edit/History links because they are only visible to me when I'm logged in - same for the doubleclick edit.
My idea is to use wikka and do a full integration in vB - of course with some modification, this is why I'm waiting for the next wikka release to go on. Then I want to use wikka not only as CMS but as wiki for my community.
btw, if you don't find many wikka pages on my site: I just relaunched this site and I had no time to rewrite all the content in wikka pages, but this will be done in the next couple of weeks.
Maybe I come back to your offer to start a vB integration page.
@JsnX and you: Ok, its true that it is hard to see (that why I added the "Yes its a wikka), but does a wikka only qualify as a wikka if you can see it? btw, one some of the wikka pages at my site I added the html of my old site to be able to relaunch timely - I definetly will work on this!
-- DarTar (2005-01-10 23:47:06)
IE is itself "notable" for its layout :) - but I could not resist playing with your stylesheet a bit. With this (insetad of what you have at the end) it won't look perfect in IE, but better (even in IE5); it will even look better in Mozilla, Netscape (especially Netscape 6) and Opera, and the borders "fit" better:
.header ul {
float: right;
width: 11em;
background: #9ab;
margin: 13px 9px 0 10px;
padding: 0;
.header li {
list-style-type: none;
line-height: 1.5em;
margin: 0;
padding-left: 4px;
width: 100%;
border: none;
border-left: 1px solid #000;
.header li a {display: block; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 1.5em;}
.header li a:hover {background: #bcd;}
.header #bottom {border-bottom: 1px solid #000;}
I tried the above and yes, it looked better in IE 6, but the desired effect of the "cut out navigation" was lost in firefox.
I am delivering an extra css to IE now using conditional comments, in IE 6 it looks 'ok' now.
In Opera 7.54 the left border of the navigation box starts a few px to high, Netscape 7.2 has the same problem - which is kinda confusing since Firefox and Netscape are build upon the Gecko render engine. Anyhow, this little bit is not to much of a problem for me, especially since removing it 'kills' the desired effect in firefox completly.
I will fiddle with the CSS some more tomorrow or maybe later today, when my lectures are boring and the WLAN is working.
Thank you for the suggestions JavaWomen, I see you are skilled on this area too :)
(BTW: If anyone is missing one of the browsers mentioned, but wants to see what I mean, contains screenshots)
Still, I played with it only a little - I /think/ it should be possible to get a reasonable cross-browser solution. But hey, I just needed a break from hackin a sessions module ;-)
There are still some slight differences on the borders between Firefox and Netscape 7, but I don't mind those either since it's a few pixels.
One thing that really puzzles me tho: On the page where I took the design from (see above comment) the hover effect is working in IE6 too, on the new page it isnt. If anyone wants to earn some incoming links (from my PR5 blog for example) and my eternal gratitude, enlighten me what I am missing there and how I can get the hover effect to work in IE too.
I thought does not use WikkaWikki anymore,
I guess its integrated into Nucleus, but I don't speak Dutch ? (Is that dutch ?)
I didn't test all the list, I was looking for my own website and it was not in it (maybe because of a customized rootpage, header and footer actions). and
Wikka got me up and running really fast for these! I love it.