Abbreviation Action

See also:
This is the development page for the abbreviation action.

The php code:
 * Create a <abbr> or <acronym> link.
 * Usage: {{abbr type="acronym" short="IMHO" long="In My Humble Opinion"}}
 * @package         Actions
 * @subpackage        
 * @name              abbr
 * @author            {@link Christian Barthelemy} - original idea and code.
 * @version           0.1
 * @since             Not (yet?) part of offical Wikka release
 * @input             string  $type  optional: the type of abbreviation
 *                            default is abbr any other value means acronym - will be used as the html tag and as the name of the class too                    
 * @input             string  $short  required: the short writting that needs to be explained
 * @input             string $long optional: the long text to explain the meaning of the short one
 *                            default is empty - it assumes that it  has been previously provided in the same page
 * @todo              Nothing I can think about for now.

// set defaults
$type = "abbr";
$output = "";

// ***** PARAMETERS Interface *****
$uType = $vars['type'];
if ($uType) $type = "acronym";

$uShort = $vars['short'];
if ($uShort) $short = $uShort;

$uLong = $vars['long'];
if ($uLong) $long = $uLong;
// ***** end PARAMETERS Interface *****

// ***** HTML code generation *****
// if short parameter hasn't been provided nothing is done
if ($short) {
    $output="<".$type." class=\"".$type."\" ";
    if ($long) {$output.="TITLE=\"".$long."\">";}
// ***** end HTML code generation *****
print $output;

The added css (example):
.abbr {
        color: red;
        cursor: hand;

.acronym {
        color: red;
        cursor: hand;

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