Revision history for AbbreviationActionInfo

Revision [19575]

Last edited on 2008-02-22 01:36:13 by DarTar [restoring non-documentation page]
=====Abbreviation Action Documentation=====
//Not Included in official Wikka version//
>>==See also:==
Development: AbbreviationAction.>>This is the documentation page for the abbreviation action.::c::
I wanted a support of the <abbr> and <acronym> tags.
Interesting information on these tags at
""{{abbr type="acronym" short="CMS" long="Content Management System"}}""
- Type is optional, defaulted to "abbr" if it is not empty it will be considered as "acronym" and used so to define the appropriate html tag as well as the class associated with this tag
- Short is mandatory and represents the abbreviation you want to explain
- Long is optional and represents the explanation you want to display when the mouse is over the abbreviation or the acronym. If empty, the long description of a previously used similar tag in the same page will be displayed (so if you use several times CMS in a same page you may have the second and later occurence defined as ""{{abbr short="CMS"}}"")
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:AbbreviationActionInfo Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [17951]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:52 by ChristianBarthelemy [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===

This page can now be found on the [[Docs:AbbreviationActionInfo Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
=====Abbreviation Action Documentation=====
//Not Included in official Wikka version//

>>==See also:==
Development: AbbreviationAction.>>This is the documentation page for the abbreviation action.::c::

I wanted a support of the <abbr> and <acronym> tags.

Interesting information on these tags at

""{{abbr type="acronym" short="CMS" long="Content Management System"}}""

- Type is optional, defaulted to "abbr" if it is not empty it will be considered as "acronym" and used so to define the appropriate html tag as well as the class associated with this tag
- Short is mandatory and represents the abbreviation you want to explain
- Long is optional and represents the explanation you want to display when the mouse is over the abbreviation or the acronym. If empty, the long description of a previously used similar tag in the same page will be displayed (so if you use several times CMS in a same page you may have the second and later occurence defined as ""{{abbr short="CMS"}}"")


Revision [5302]

Edited on 2005-01-28 07:07:04 by ChristianBarthelemy [An action to use the <abbr> and <acronym> tags]
=====Abbreviation Action Documentation=====
Development: AbbreviationAction.>>This is the documentation page for the abbreviation action.::c::
I wanted a support of the <abbr> and <acronym> tags.
Interesting information on these tags at
""{{abbr type="acronym" short="CMS" long="Content Management System"}}""
- Type is optional, defaulted to "abbr" if it is not empty it will be considered as "acronym" and used so to define the appropriate html tag as well as the class associated with this tag
- Short is mandatory and represents the abbreviation you want to explain
- Long is optional and represents the explanation you want to display when the mouse is over the abbreviation or the acronym. If empty, the long description of a previously used similar tag in the same page will be displayed (so if you use several times CMS in a same page you may have the second and later occurence defined as ""{{abbr short="CMS"}}"")
=====Enhanced Image Action Documentation=====
Development: EnhancedImageAction.>>This is the documentation page for the enhanced image action.::c::
The code here below is just a quick modification to the offical image action code.
"image" action
url - URL of image to be embedded
link - target link for image (optional). Supports URL, WikiName links, InterWiki links etc.
title - title text displayed when mouse hovers above image
class - a class for the image
alt - an alt text
width - optional width
heigth - optional heigth
openfull - if different from nothing it will link to open the full size image in a new window
if (is_array($vars))
foreach ($vars as $param => $value)
if ($param == 'src' and $vars['url'] == '') {$vars['url']=$value;}
if ($param == 'title') {$title=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['title']);}
if ($param == 'class') {$class=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['class']);}
if ($param == 'alt') {$alt=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['alt']);}
if ($param == 'width') {$alt=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['width']);}
if ($param == 'heigth') {$alt=$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($vars['heigth']);}
$url = $this->cleanUrl(trim($vars['url']));
if ($openfull) {$output.="<a href=\"".$url."\" target=\"_blank\" >";}
$output.="<img ";
if ($class) {$output.="class=\"".$class."\" ";}
$output.="src=\"".$url."\" ";
if ($alt) {$output.="alt=\"".$alt."\" ";}
if ($title) {$output.="title=\"".$title."\" ";}
if ($width) {$output.="width=\"".$width."\" ";}
if ($heigth) {$output.="heigth=\"".$heigth."\" ";}
$output.=" />";
if ($openfull) {$output.="<a>";}
// link?
if ($link = $vars['link'])
$output = $this->Link($link, "", $output, 1, 0, 0);
$output = $this->ReturnSafeHTML($output);

Revision [5300]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-01-28 06:55:50 by ChristianBarthelemy [An action to use the <abbr> and <acronym> tags]
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