Here's a brief description of IP filter:
- Added action MarkSpam that shows admin the number of comments made from each IP and allows blacklisting of IPs
- Modified SpamBlacklist to log spam to DB instead of a file
- Modified SpamBlacklist to block IPs that have been blacklisted or that previously hit blacklisted word before
A few days now with no spam. I received a single comment that said something like: "I've accessed your site 730 times" and promptly blacklisted it.
DB Changes
Added following fileds to wikka_commentsip, varchar(16)
spam, tinyint(1)
spamrule, varchar(64)
- <?php
- // actions/commentsspamlog.php
- // written by AlexBernstein
- if ($this->IsAdmin())
- {
- $wikitext = "<b>Mark following comments as SPAM?</b><br><br>\n";
- //Show comments about to be marked as spam
- $wikitext .= $this->FormOpen();
- foreach ($_POST['spammers'] as $spammer) {
- $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."comments WHERE ip = '".mysql_real_escape_string($spammer)."' AND spam = '0' ORDER BY time";
- $comments = $this->LoadAll($query);
- if ($comments) {
- $wikitext .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"spammers[]\" value=\"".$spammer."\" checked><b>".$spammer."</b><br>\n";
- foreach ($comments as $comment) {
- $wikitext .= '<div class="comment">'."\n".
- '<span id="comment_'.$comment['id'].'"></span>'.$comment['comment']."\n".
- "\t".'<div class="commentinfo">'."\n-- ";
- $wikitext .= $comment['user'];
- $wikitext .= ' ('.$comment['time'].')'."\n";
- $wikitext .= "\n\t".'</div>'."\n";
- $wikitext .= '</div>'."\n";
- }
- }
- }
- $wikitext .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Mark As Spam\" name=\"mark\">";
- $wikitext .= $this->FormClose();
- // FINALIZE marking as SPAM
- foreach ($_POST['spammers'] as $spammer) {
- $query = "UPDATE ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."comments SET spam ='1' WHERE ip ='".$spammer."'";
- $this->Query($query);
- }
- // redirect to page
- $this->redirect($this->Href());
- } else {
- // FIRST page that display potential spammers
- $wikitext = "This page manages blacklist for the " .
- "comment spam IP filter.<br><br>\n";
- $wikitext .= "<h1>Frequent Commenters not yet blacklisted</h1><hr>";
- if ($ipentries = $this->LoadAll("SELECT ip, MAX(time) AS lastdate, COUNT(*) AS count FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."comments WHERE spam = '0' GROUP BY ip ORDER BY count DESC;")) {
- $wikitext .= $this->FormOpen();
- foreach ($ipentries as $ipentry) {
- $wikitext .= "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"spammers[]\" value=\"".$ipentry['ip']."\"><b>".$ipentry['ip']."</b> blocked ".$ipentry['count']." times, last was ".$ipentry['lastdate']."<br>\n";
- }
- $wikitext .= "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Show Comments\" name=\"show\">";
- $wikitext .= $this->FormClose();
- } else {
- $wikitext .= "<em>No entries found.</em>";
- }
- }
- }
- // show result
- ?>
Modified SpamBlacklist
- <?php
- // Spam Blacklisting Plugin for Wikka Wiki
- // Copyright (C) Manuel Reimer (Manuel _dot_ Reimer _at_ gmx _dot_ de)
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- // version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation
- // More information about SpamBlacklist here:
- // Main spam detection routine. If the message has been spam, then this
- // one will call "sb_do_output_magic" and will *exit* the script immediately!
- function sb_checkit($wikkaref, $body) {
- if (!$wikkaref->config["sbl_page"])
- // test if user has been blocked by admin
- if ($wikkaref->LoadSingle("SELECT spam FROM ".$wikkaref->config["table_prefix"]."comments WHERE ip = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])."' AND spam = '1' LIMIT 1")) {
- // store new comment
- $wikkaref->SaveComment($wikkaref->tag, $body, 3, "");
- sb_do_output_magic($wikkaref);
- }
- // test if user hit RegExp blacklist before
- if ($wikkaref->LoadSingle("SELECT spam FROM ".$wikkaref->config["table_prefix"]."comments WHERE ip = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])."' AND spam = '2' LIMIT 1")) {
- // store new comment
- $wikkaref->SaveComment($wikkaref->tag, $body, 4, "");
- sb_do_output_magic($wikkaref);
- }
- $sb_blacklist = $wikkaref->LoadPage($wikkaref->config["sbl_page"]);
- if (!$wikkaref->GetUser() || !$wikkaref->config["sbl_only_anon"]) {
- $sb_blacklist = $sb_blacklist["body"];
- foreach ($sb_blacklist as $sb_expression) {
- continue;
- // store new comment
- $wikkaref->SaveComment($wikkaref->tag, $body, 2, $sb_expression);
- // if ($wikkaref->config["sbl_logfile"]) {
- // $sb_fp = fopen($wikkaref->config["sbl_logfile"], "a");
- // if ($sb_fp && flock($sb_fp, LOCK_EX)) {
- // $sb_logline = date("M d Y H:i:s") . "\t";
- // $sb_logline .= $sb_expression . "\t";
- // $sb_logline .= $wikkaref->GetUserName() . "\n";
- // fwrite($sb_fp, $sb_logline);
- // fclose($sb_fp);
- // }
- // }
- sb_do_output_magic($wikkaref);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Function for decoding all html entities
- //
- function sb_unhtmlentities($string) {
- return $string;
- }
- // Function for doing the output magic
- // Will send the user a message first
- // Then a short definition of "spam" is sent *really* slow, to slow down
- // the spammer (teergrubing). The whole process takes about 20 seconds.
- // This should be within the "max_execution_time" of most providers.
- function sb_do_output_magic($wikkaref) {
- $slow_message = array("Spamming", "is", "the", "abuse", "of", "electronic", "messaging", "systems", "to", "send", "unsolicited", "bulk", "messages,", "which", "are", "almost", "universally", "undesired.");
- print("<div class=\"page\">");
- print $wikkaref->config["sbl_message"] . "<br/>\n<br/>\n";
- foreach ($slow_message as $word) {
- print $word . " ";
- }
- print "</div>";
- print "<div class=\"smallprint\">Spam notice was generated in > 20 seconds. ";
- print "Spam filtering powered by <a href=\"\">SpamBlacklist<a>. <a href=\"\">Teergrubing</a> ends here ;-)</div>\n</body>\n</html>";
- }
- ?>
Changes to Wakka.class.php
- function LoadComments($tag) { return $this->LoadAll("SELECT * FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."comments WHERE page_tag = '".mysql_real_escape_string($tag)."' AND spam = '0' ORDER BY time"); }
- function LoadRecentComments($limit = 50) { return $this->LoadAll("SELECT * FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."comments WHERE spam = '0' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ".$limit); }
- function LoadRecentlyCommented($limit = 50)
- {
- $sql = "SELECT, comments.page_tag, comments.time, comments.comment, comments.user"
- . " FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."comments AS comments"
- . " LEFT JOIN ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."comments AS c2 ON comments.page_tag = c2.page_tag AND comments.spam = '0' AND c2.spam = '0' AND <"
- . " WHERE c2.page_tag IS NULL AND comments.spam = '0' "
- . " ORDER BY time DESC "
- . " LIMIT ".$limit;
- return $this->LoadAll($sql);
- }
- function SaveComment($page_tag, $comment, $spam = 0, $spamrule= "")
- {
- // get current user
- $user = $this->GetUserName();
- $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
- // add new comment
- $this->Query("INSERT INTO ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."comments SET ".
- "time = now(), ".
- "spam = '".$spam."', ".
- "spamrule = '".$spamrule."'");
- }