Revision history for AncestorPage
Revision [19123]
Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:03 by PivWan [Modified links pointing to docs server]No Differences
elseif(( $this->page['time'] > $ancestor_page['time'] ) && ( $show == "yes" ))
$output = "<div class=\"lastedit\">Original page not modified.<br />Ancestor: ".$this->Format("[[".$ancestor."]]")." </div>";
print $output;
- Default value if no page is passed in parameter. If current page is WikkaDocumentationFR, it will link to WikkaDocumentation.
$output = "<div class=\"lastedit\">Original page not modified.<br />Ancestor: ".$this->Format("[[".$ancestor."]]")." </div>";
print $output;
- Default value if no page is passed in parameter. If current page is WikkaDocumentationFR, it will link to WikkaDocumentation.
elseif(( $this->page['time'] > $ancestor_page['time'] )
$output = "<div class=\"lastedit\">Original page not modified.<br />Ancestor: ".$this->Format("[[".$ancestor."]]")." </div>";
print $output;
- Default value if no page is passed in parameter. If current page is WikkaDocumentationFR, it will link to WikkaDocumentation.
=====Tracking page modification=====
<<This action checks whether selected page has been modified since the last edition of the current page. If yes, it shows a small text about the situation. The main goal of this action is to track changes which happen on wikka english documentation when user is surfing doc's translations.<<
>> Version: **0.3**>>
""{{pwancestor page="MyPage" show="yes|no"}}""
- page: page to track.
- show: displays a notice even if tracked page wasn't modified after current page.
* Ancestor Action
* Displays sth is original page was modified after current one.
* @version 0.3
* @filename: pwancestor.php
* @author: PivWan
* @date: 2005-06-22
(!empty($vars['page'])) ? $ancestor=$vars['page']: $ancestor="HomePage";
(!empty($vars['show'])) ? $show=$vars['show']: $show="no";
// This action will be displayed only if on "show" mode.
if ($this->method == "show")
$ancestor_page = $this->LoadSingle("SELECT time FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages WHERE tag='".$ancestor."' AND latest = 'Y' ORDER BY time desc LIMIT 1");
if($this->page['time'] < $ancestor_page['time'])
$output = "<div class=\"lastedit\">Ancestor: ".$this->Format("[[".$ancestor."]]")." has been modified since the last edition of this page!</div>";
elseif(( $this->page['time'] > $ancestor_page['time'] ) && ( $show == "yes" ))
$output = "<div class=\"lastedit\">Original page not modified.<br />Ancestor: ".$this->Format("[[".$ancestor."]]")." </div>";
print $output;
- Default value if no page is passed in parameter. If current page is WikkaDocumentationFR, it will link to WikkaDocumentation.
<<This action checks whether selected page has been modified since the last edition of the current page. If yes, it shows a small text about the situation. The main goal of this action is to track changes which happen on wikka english documentation when user is surfing doc's translations.<<
>> Version: **0.3**>>
""{{pwancestor page="MyPage" show="yes|no"}}""
- page: page to track.
- show: displays a notice even if tracked page wasn't modified after current page.
* Ancestor Action
* Displays sth is original page was modified after current one.
* @version 0.3
* @filename: pwancestor.php
* @author: PivWan
* @date: 2005-06-22
(!empty($vars['page'])) ? $ancestor=$vars['page']: $ancestor="HomePage";
(!empty($vars['show'])) ? $show=$vars['show']: $show="no";
// This action will be displayed only if on "show" mode.
if ($this->method == "show")
$ancestor_page = $this->LoadSingle("SELECT time FROM ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages WHERE tag='".$ancestor."' AND latest = 'Y' ORDER BY time desc LIMIT 1");
if($this->page['time'] < $ancestor_page['time'])
$output = "<div class=\"lastedit\">Ancestor: ".$this->Format("[[".$ancestor."]]")." has been modified since the last edition of this page!</div>";
elseif(( $this->page['time'] > $ancestor_page['time'] ) && ( $show == "yes" ))
$output = "<div class=\"lastedit\">Original page not modified.<br />Ancestor: ".$this->Format("[[".$ancestor."]]")." </div>";
print $output;
- Default value if no page is passed in parameter. If current page is WikkaDocumentationFR, it will link to WikkaDocumentation.
>> Version: **0.5**>>
Idea taken from [[ CraoWiki]], so "toute coincidence ne serait pas fortuite". It is based on [[ Edgar]] script so will try to implement all its functionnalities.
The action will be written in this form:
""{{jabberpresence jid="[email protected]" iconset="phpbb" type="html" iconset="phpbb"}}""
and result of this will be:
**[email protected]/Psi** {{image alt="Jabber status for [email protected]" title="Jabber status for [email protected]" url=""}}
===Available iconsets===
- gabber: {{image url=""}}
- stellar: {{image url=""}}
- dudes: {{image url=""}}
- icq: {{image url=""}}
- licq: {{image url=""}}
- phpbb: {{image url=""}}
- invision: {{image url=""}}
- frickenhuge: {{image url=""}}
* Jabber Presence Action
* Displays selected user jabber status.
* @version 0.5
* @filename: jabberpresence.php
* @author: PivWan (based on a CraoWiki plugin)
* @date:
* @description: A small action (first one) to display your jabber status (any server) on wikka.
* @usage: insert {{jabberpresence jid="[email protected]"}}
* @param jid (required): user's jid
* @param type (optionnal): displays status as image, text or both (default: both). Allowed values are "image", "text" and "html"
* @param iconset (optionnal): if type=image or html, displays icon from selected iconset (see edgar's homepage or wikka for examples) (default gabber)
// If you're using your own edgar install, change URI below
$base_edgar_uri = "";
// Default values.
(!empty($vars['type'])) ? $type=$vars['type']: $type="html";
(!empty($vars['iconset'])) ? $iconset=$vars['iconset']: $iconset="gabber";
// jid is required!
if($vars['jid']!='' && !empty($vars['jid']))
$edgar_uri = $base_edgar_uri."?jid=".$vars['jid']."&type=".$type."&iconset=".$iconset;
echo file_get_contents($edgar_uri);
echo $this->Action('{{image alt="Jabber status for '.$vars['jid'].'" title="Jabber status for '.$vars['jid'].'" url="'.$edgar_uri.'"}}');
echo "No JID defined.";
It's very simple, as this is my first action.