Revision history for AngelSummoningSpaceBadgers

Revision [18342]

Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:11:12 by CaryCollett [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [7145]

Edited on 2005-04-08 01:35:54 by CaryCollett [Modified links pointing to docs server]
Obviously this is comedy...
- Humans colonize Mars, mainly to mine it for... something.
- Badgers, being compact, powerful diggers were geneticaly engineered to be more intelligent and trained to help the miners
- How to make the badgers fully intelligent and introduce magic?
- Tunnel into hell, and have demons teach them to summon angels, just to piss the angels off
- Tunnel into some sort of rock/gas pocket that makes them really smart and able to open gates to heaven/hell
- Similar to above, but the gas is mystical (ie a magic effect instead of the biological/psionic effect above)

Revision [7144]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-04-08 01:35:33 by CaryCollett [Modified links pointing to docs server]
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