Revision history for BigImageGalleryAction

Revision [19371]

Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:15:26 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [17609]

Edited on 2007-10-06 14:14:46 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
=====""BigImageGallery"" Action=====
=====BigImageGallery Action=====

Revision [17608]

Edited on 2007-10-05 08:43:56 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
>>==See also:==
Documentation: inside this page.>>This is the development page for the BigImageGallery action.::c::

Revision [17606]

Edited on 2007-10-04 07:58:12 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
**That's how it looks like:**
{{image url=""}}

Revision [17602]

Edited on 2007-10-02 17:06:31 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
CategoryDevelopmentActions CategoryUserContributions
CategoryDevelopmentActions CategoryUserContribution

Revision [17601]

Edited on 2007-10-02 17:04:49 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
~~the directory path (relative to wikka.php) where all the images are placed. **Note:** In order to show the thumbnails you image directory have to have a subdir called "thumbs" with the thumbnail images. All the thumbs should have the same names as their big brothers
~~the directory path (relative to wikka.php) where all the images are placed. **Note** In order to show the thumbnails you image directory have to have a subdir with the thumbnail images. All the thumbs should have the same names as their big brothers

Revision [17600]

Edited on 2007-10-02 17:04:03 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
You can have parameters:

Revision [17599]

Edited on 2007-10-02 16:59:03 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
CategoryDevelopmentActions CategoryUserContribution

Revision [17598]

Edited on 2007-10-02 16:57:10 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
~~the vertical size of the thumbs, that means that this param together with factor defines all the geometry of your gallery page
~~the vertical size of the thumbs, that means that this param together with factor defines all of your gallery

Revision [17597]

Edited on 2007-10-02 16:27:24 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
1) grap code and place it in //actions/bigimagegallery.php//
1) grab the code for your css file
1) put images in a directory (e.g. "images/mydir/")
1) put thumbnails in a subdir named thumbs (e.g. "images/mydir/thumbs/")
1) put a "loading.gif" image in your "images/" directory. This is needed to show instant response to the user after clicking a small image while loading the big image.
1) put action in your wiki side ""{{bigimagegallery url="images/mydir"}}""
1) grap code and place it in //actions/bigimagegallery.php//
1) grab the code for your css file
1) put images in a directory (e.g. "images/mydir/")
1) put thumbnails in a subdir named thumbs (e.g. "images/mydir/thumbs/")
1) put a "loading.gif" image in your "images/" directory. This is needed to show instant response to the user after clicking a small image while loading the big image.
1) put action in your wiki side ""{{bigimagegallery url="images/mydir"}}""

Revision [17596]

Edited on 2007-10-02 16:25:50 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
1) grab the code for your css file
1) put images in a directory (e.g. "images/mydir/")
1) put thumbnails in a subdir named thumbs (e.g. "images/mydir/thumbs/")
1) put a "loading.gif" image in your "images/" directory. This is needed to show instant response to the user after clicking a small image while loading the big image.
1) put action in your wiki side ""{{bigimagegallery url="images/mydir"}}""
2) grab the code for your css file
3) put images in a directory (e.g. "images/mydir/")
4) put thumbnails in a subdir named thumbs (e.g. "images/mydir/thumbs/")
5) put a "loading.gif" image in your "images/" directory. This is needed to show instant response to the user after clicking a small image while loading the big image.
5) put action in your wiki side ""{{bigimagegallery url="images/mydir"}}""

Revision [17595]

Edited on 2007-10-02 16:25:15 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
Documentation: inside this page.>>This is the development page for the BigImageGallery action.::c::
Documentation: xxxxxActionInfo.>>This is the development page for the BigImageGallery action.::c::

Revision [17592]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2007-10-02 16:05:28 by AdaAn [Modified links pointing to docs server]
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