Revision history for CKeditor4Wikka
Revision [23431]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:48 by BrianKoontz [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
[[ | edit.php hack]]
[[ | fckinput.php]]
[[ | fckoutput.php]]
The big difference with the [[ | FCK+MediaWiki]] project is that i didn't want to change anything in the FCK core because this project change really often so i would like to have a combo that we can easily update from both sides (Wikka and CK).
[[ | fckinput.php]]
[[ | fckoutput.php]]
The big difference with the [[ | FCK+MediaWiki]] project is that i didn't want to change anything in the FCK core because this project change really often so i would like to have a combo that we can easily update from both sides (Wikka and CK).
[[ fckinput.php]]
[[ fckoutput.php]]
The big difference with the [[ FCK+MediaWiki]] project is that i didn't want to change anything in the FCK core because this project change really often so i would like to have a combo that we can easily update from both sides (Wikka and CK).
[[ Resume Writing]]
a WYSIWYG editor for WikkaWiki, running with Wiki Text !
codes are here :
codes are here :
here it is :
[[ edit.php hack]]
[[ fckinput.php]]
[[ fckoutput.php]]
[[ edit.php hack]]
[[ fckinput.php]]
[[ fckoutput.php]]
I removed the code because it's changing all the time.
have a look there :
and if you want the code, just ask (post a comment) :)
i will post it when it will be more stable
& -> the editor view now support css from the wiki !
(Well, in the 3.0beta2, the filemanager is not available)
thomas.bohl ##at##
& -> demo here : [[]]
**You can use some Wikitext syntax in Html mode ! (actions, CamelWords, forced links)**
& -> indent problems solved (not entirely but it looks ok)
& -> cool ! image action is working with resize support !
& -> demo here :
& -> cool ! image action is working with resize support !
& -> demo here :
-> cool ! image action is working with resize support !
-> demo here :
& -> div problem ok
& -> div problem ok
-> div problem ok
-> div problem ok
The new 3.0 WYSIWYG Html editor by Frederico Caldeira Knabbe is about to be released :
& there is a tiny documentation for the moment
The big difference with the [[ FCK+MediaWiki]] project is that i didn't want to change anything in the FCK core because this project change really often so i would like to have a combo that we can easily update from both sides (Wikka and CK).
So CKeditor will run normally with HTML output, but i am working on a formatter that translate common html output into Wikka-wikitext.
When starting edition, we need also Html to feed the editor with the current state of the page. I did a modification of the usual wakka.php formatter, in order to desactivate some translations
I began to learn Regexp since couple days so my formatter is not optimized (i ask for your help...)
**You can use some Wikitext syntax in Html mode ! (actions, CamelWords, forced links)
- normal list is not perfectly working
- stuffs using actions like Tables, Colored Text,.. but i'm working on (and i'm waiting fo Wikka 1.7 table's !)
- make CKeditor use the wikka stylesheet for a better editing view
- MindMap not tested
The "waiting_for-support" features are still available if you choose ""WikiEdit"" editor mode
I started this 19 may 2009 so it's definitly just a start,
and if you want the code, just ask (post a comment) :)
The new 3.0 WYSIWYG Html editor by Frederico Caldeira Knabbe is about to be released :
& there is a tiny documentation for the moment
The big difference with the [[ FCK+MediaWiki]] project is that i didn't want to change anything in the FCK core because this project change really often so i would like to have a combo that we can easily update from both sides (Wikka and CK).
So CKeditor will run normally with HTML output, but i am working on a formatter that translate common html output into Wikka-wikitext.
When starting edition, we need also Html to feed the editor with the current state of the page. I did a modification of the usual wakka.php formatter, in order to desactivate some translations
I began to learn Regexp since couple days so my formatter is not optimized (i ask for your help...)
**You can use some Wikitext syntax in Html mode ! (actions, CamelWords, forced links)
- normal list is not perfectly working
- stuffs using actions like Tables, Colored Text,.. but i'm working on (and i'm waiting fo Wikka 1.7 table's !)
- make CKeditor use the wikka stylesheet for a better editing view
- MindMap not tested
The "waiting_for-support" features are still available if you choose ""WikiEdit"" editor mode
I started this 19 may 2009 so it's definitly just a start,
and if you want the code, just ask (post a comment) :)
& there is no documentation for the moment ,
& and i need to configure a little bit more ckeditor, to get for example <div> and not <p>
& and also to configure the filemanager.
The big difference with the [[ FCK+MediaWiki]] project is that
i didn't want to change anything in the FCK core because this project change really often
so i would like to have a combo that we can easily update from both sides (Wikka and CK).
Example : CKeditor 3.0 will be radically different than FCKeditor 2.x :)
So CKeditor will run normally with HTML output, but i am working on a formatter
that translate common html output into Wikka-wikitext.
When starting edition, we need also Html to feed the editor with the current state of the page.
I did a modification of the usual wakka.php formatter, in order to desactivate some translations
I began to learn Regexp since yesterday so my formatter is not optimized (i ask for your help...)
-> Demo ici : http:/
**You can of course use Wikitext syntax in Html mode !**
- normal list is not perfect
- stuffs using actions like Tables, Colored Text, Pictures.. but i'm working on (and i'm waiting fo Wikka 1.7 table's !)
- MindMap not tested (actually i don't realy know it..)
The TODO list features are still available if you choose ""WikiEdit"" editor mode
I started this yesterday (19 april 2009) so it's definitly just a start,
Those files are not up to date...
If you want see the current state : go to the demo page.
If you need the last version code just post a comment..
and if you want the code, just ask :)
- hack /handlers/page/edit.php
I removed the code because it's changing all the time.
have a look there :
and if you want the code, just ask :)
i will post it when it will be more stable
I removed the code because it's changing all the time.
have a look there :
and if you want the code, just ask :)
i will post it when it will be more stable
REPLACE in /handlers/page/edit.php - line 271
$output .=
'<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="'.$previous.'" />'."\n".
// We need to escape ALL entity refs before display so we display them _as_ entities instead of interpreting them
// hence hsc_secure() instead of htmlspecialchars_ent() which UNescapes entities!
// JW/2007-02-20: why is this? wouldn't it be easier for the person editing to show actual characters instead of entities?
'<div id="textarea_container">'."\n".
'<textarea id="body" name="body" rows="100" cols="20">'.$this->hsc_secure($body).'</textarea>'."\n". #427
$output .=
'<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="'.$previous.'" />'."\n";
$linkCK = explode('&editor=',$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
if($_GET['editor'] == 'wikiedit')
//classic WikiEdit
$output .=
'switch to <input type="button" onCLick=\'javascript:document.location="'.$linkCK[0].'&editor=ckeditor"\'
value="CKeditor mode"> (unsaved changes will be lost)'."\n".
'<div id="textarea_container">'."\n".
'<textarea id="body" name="body" rows="100" cols="20">'.$this->hsc_secure($body).'</textarea>'."\n". #427
//CKeditor !
$output .=
'switch to <input type="button" onCLick=\'javascript:document.location="'.$linkCK[0].'&editor=wikiedit"\'
value="WikiEdit edit"> (unsaved changes will be lost)'."\n".
'<script type="text/javascript" src="handlers/page/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>'."\n".
'<div id="textarea_container">'."\n".
'<textarea name="body">'.$this->Format($body,'fckinput').'</textarea>'."\n".
'<script type="text/javascript"> CKEDITOR.replace( \'body\' ) </script>';
//end CKeditor !
the fckinput.php file :
/** fckinput.php
* /formatters/
* Wikka Formatting Engine
* Mod of the wakka.php formatter to feed FCKeditor input html
* -> disable mindmap
* -> disable code // TODO: enable CODE!
* -> disable literal
* -> disable action
* -> enable action only for image - waiting for a better image support :)
* -> disable InterWiki
* -> disable urls
* by Thomas Bohl - MaiGre
// i18n strings
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE', 'Grab');
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE', 'Download %s');
// code block patterns
if (!defined('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET', '\(');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FORMATTER')) define('PATTERN_FORMATTER', '([^;\)]+)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER')) define('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER', '(;(\d*?))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FILENAME')) define('PATTERN_FILENAME', '(;([^\)\x01-\x1f\*\?\"<>\|]*)([^\)]*))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET', '\)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CODE')) define('PATTERN_CODE', '(.*)');
// Note: all possible formatting tags have to be in a single regular expression for this to work correctly.
if (!function_exists("wakka2callback")) # DotMG [many lines] : Unclosed tags fix!
function wakka2callback($things)
$thing = $things[1];
$valid_filename = '';
static $oldIndentLevel = 0;
static $oldIndentLength= 0;
static $indentClosers = array();
static $newIndentSpace= array();
static $br = 1;
static $trigger_bold = 0;
static $trigger_italic = 0;
static $trigger_underline = 0;
static $trigger_monospace = 0;
static $trigger_notes = 0;
static $trigger_strike = 0;
static $trigger_inserted = 0;
static $trigger_deleted = 0;
static $trigger_floatl = 0;
static $trigger_keys = 0;
static $trigger_strike = 0;
static $trigger_inserted = 0;
static $trigger_center = 0;
static $trigger_l = array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
static $output = '';
static $invalid = '';
static $curIndentType;
global $wakka;
if ((!is_array($things)) && ($things == 'closetags'))
if ($trigger_strike % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_notes % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_inserted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_deleted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_underline % 2) echo('</span>');
if ($trigger_floatl % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_center % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_italic % 2) echo('</em>');
if ($trigger_monospace % 2) echo('</tt>');
if ($trigger_bold % 2) echo('</strong>');
for ($i = 1; $i<=5; $i ++)
if ($trigger_l[$i] % 2) echo ("</h$i>");
$trigger_bold = $trigger_center = $trigger_floatl = $trigger_inserted = $trigger_deleted = $trigger_italic = $trigger_keys = 0;
$trigger_l = array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$trigger_monospace = $trigger_notes = $trigger_strike = $trigger_underline = 0;
// convert HTML thingies
if ($thing == "<")
return "<";
else if ($thing == ">")
return ">";
// float box left
else if ($thing == "<<")
return (++$trigger_floatl % 2 ? "<div class=\"floatl\">\n" : "\n</div>\n");
// float box right
else if ($thing == ">>")
return (++$trigger_floatl % 2 ? "<div class=\"floatr\">\n" : "\n</div>\n");
// clear floated box
else if ($thing == "::c::")
return ("<div class=\"clear\"> </div>\n");
// keyboard
else if ($thing == "#%")
return (++$trigger_keys % 2 ? "<kbd class=\"keys\">" : "</kbd>");
// bold
else if ($thing == "**")
return (++$trigger_bold % 2 ? "<strong>" : "</strong>");
// italic
else if ($thing == "//")
return (++$trigger_italic % 2 ? "<em>" : "</em>");
// underlinue
else if ($thing == "__")
return (++$trigger_underline % 2 ? "<u>" : "</u>");
// monospace
else if ($thing == "##")
return (++$trigger_monospace % 2 ? "<tt>" : "</tt>");
// notes
else if ($thing == "''")
return (++$trigger_notes % 2 ? "<span class=\"notes\">" : "</span>");
// strikethrough
else if ($thing == "++")
return (++$trigger_strike % 2 ? "<strike>" : "</strike>");
// additions
else if ($thing == "££")
return (++$trigger_inserted % 2 ? "<ins>" : "</ins>");
// deletions
else if ($thing == "¥¥")
return (++$trigger_deleted % 2 ? "<del>" : "</del>");
// center
else if ($thing == "@@")
return (++$trigger_center % 2 ? "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\n" : "\n</div>\n");
// urls
else if (preg_match("/^([a-z]+:\/\/\S+?)([^[:alnum:]^\/])?$/", $thing, $matches))
$url = $matches[1];
/* Inline images are disabled for security reason, use {{image action}} #142
But if you still need this functionality, update this file like below
if (preg_match("/\.(gif|jpg|png|svg)$/si", $url)) {
return '<img src="'.$wakka->Link($url).'" alt="image" />'.$wakka->htmlspecialchars_ent($matches[2]);
} else */
// Mind Mapping Mod
if (preg_match("/\.(mm)$/si", $url)) { #145
return $wakka->Action("mindmap ".$url);
} else
$link = $wakka->Link($url);
if(isset($matches[2])) $link .= $matches[2];
return $link;
// header level 5
else if ($thing == "==")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[5] % 2 ? "<h5>" : "</h5>\n");
// header level 4
else if ($thing == "===")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[4] % 2 ? "<h4>" : "</h4>\n");
// header level 3
else if ($thing == "====")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[3] % 2 ? "<h3>" : "</h3>\n");
// header level 2
else if ($thing == "=====")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[2] % 2 ? "<h2>" : "</h2>\n");
// header level 1
else if ($thing == "======")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[1] % 2 ? "<h1>" : "</h1>\n");
// forced line breaks
else if ($thing == "---")
return "<br />";
// escaped text
else if (preg_match("/^\"\"(.*)\"\"$/s", $thing, $matches))
{//"\{\{.*?\}\}|". # action
$allowed_double_doublequote_html = $wakka->GetConfigValue("double_doublequote_html");
if ($allowed_double_doublequote_html == 'safe')
$filtered_output = $wakka->ReturnSafeHTML($matches[1]);
return $filtered_output;
elseif ($allowed_double_doublequote_html == 'raw')
return $matches[1];
return $wakka->htmlspecialchars_ent($matches[1]);
// code text
// forced links
// \S : any character that is not a whitespace character
// \s : any whitespace character
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[(\S*)(\s+(.+))?\]\]$/s", $thing, $matches)) # recognize forced links across lines
if (isset($matches[1])) // url?
//if ($url!=($url=(preg_replace("/@@|££||\[\[/","",$url))))$result="</span>";
$text = '';
$url = $matches[1];
if (isset($matches[3])) $text = $matches[3]; // forced link title
return $result.$wakka->Link($url, "", $text);
return "";
// indented text
elseif (preg_match("/(^|\n)([\t~]+)(-|&|([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\))?(\n|$)/s", $thing, $matches))
// new line
$result .= ($br ? "<br />\n" : "\n");
// we definitely want no line break in this one.
$br = 0;
// find out which indent type we want
$newIndentType = $matches[3];
if (!$newIndentType) { $opener = "<div class=\"indent\">"; $closer = "</div>"; $br = 1; }
elseif ($newIndentType == "-") { $opener = "<ul><li>"; $closer = "</li></ul>"; $li = 1; }
elseif ($newIndentType == "&") { $opener = "<ul class=\"thread\"><li>"; $closer = "</li></ul>"; $li = 1; } #inline comments
if (ereg('[0-9]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = '1'; }
elseif (ereg('[IVX]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'I'; }
elseif (ereg('[ivx]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'i'; }
elseif (ereg('[A-Z]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'A'; }
elseif (ereg('[a-z]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'a'; }
$opener = '<ol type="'.$newIndentType.'"><li>';
$closer = '</li></ol>';
$li = 1;
// get new indent level
$newIndentLevel = strlen($matches[2]);
if (($newIndentType != $curIndentType) && ($oldIndentLevel > 0))
for (; $oldIndentLevel > $newIndentLevel; $oldIndentLevel --)
$result .= array_pop($indentClosers);
if ($newIndentLevel > $oldIndentLevel)
for ($i = 0; $i < $newIndentLevel - $oldIndentLevel; $i++)
$result .= $opener;
array_push($indentClosers, $closer);
else if ($newIndentLevel < $oldIndentLevel)
for ($i = 0; $i < $oldIndentLevel - $newIndentLevel; $i++)
$result .= array_pop($indentClosers);
$oldIndentLevel = $newIndentLevel;
if (isset($li) && !preg_match("/".str_replace(")", "\)", $opener)."$/", $result))
$result .= "</li><li>";
$curIndentType = $newIndentType;
return $result;
// new lines
else if ($thing == "\n")
// if we got here, there was no tab in the next line; this means that we can close all open indents.
$c = count($indentClosers);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++)
$result .= array_pop($indentClosers);
$br = 0;
$oldIndentLevel = 0;
$oldIndentLength= 0;
$result .= ($br ? "<br />\n" : "\n");
$br = 1;
return $result;
// Actions
else if (preg_match("/^\{\{(.*?)\}\}$/s", $thing, $matches))
if ($matches[1])
return $wakka->Action($matches[1]);
return "{{}}";
// interwiki links!
else if (preg_match("/^[A-ZÄÖÜ][A-Za-zÄÖÜßäöü]+[:]\S*$/s", $thing))
return $wakka->Link($thing);
// wiki links!
else if (preg_match("/^[A-ZÄÖÜ]+[a-zßäöü]+[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*$/s", $thing))
return $wakka->Link($thing);
// separators
else if (preg_match("/-{4,}/", $thing, $matches))
// TODO: This could probably be improved for situations where someone puts text on the same line as a separator.
// Which is a stupid thing to do anyway! HAW HAW! Ahem.
$br = 0;
return "<hr />\n";
// mind map xml
else if (preg_match("/^<map.*<\/map>$/s", $thing))
return $wakka->Action("mindmap ".$wakka->Href()."/");
// if we reach this point, it must have been an accident.
return $thing;
$text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text);
// replace 4 consecutive spaces at the beginning of a line with tab character
// $text = preg_replace("/\n[ ]{4}/", "\n\t", $text); // moved to edit.php
//if ($this->method == "show") $mind_map_pattern = "<map.*?<\/map>|"; else $mind_map_pattern = "";
$text = preg_replace_callback(
//"\"\".*z\"\"|". # literal
"\[\[[^\[]*?\]\]|". # forced link
"-{4,}|---|". # separator (hr)
//"\b[a-z]+:\/\/\S+|". # URL
"\*\*|\'\'|\#\#|\#\%|@@|::c::|\>\>|\<\<|££|¥¥|\+\+|__|<|>|\/\/|". # Wiki markup
"======|=====|====|===|==|". # headings
"(^|\n)([\t~]+)(-(?!-)|&|([0-9]+|[a-zA-Z]+)\))?|". # indents and lists
//"\{\{.*?\}\}|". # action
"\{\{image.*?\}\}|". # action image
//"\b[A-ZÄÖÜ][A-Za-zÄÖÜßäöü]+[:](?![=_])\S*\b|". # InterWiki link
"\b([A-ZÄÖÜ]+[a-zßäöü]+[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*)\b|". # CamelWords
"\n". # new line
")/ms", "wakka2callback", $text."\n"); #append \n (#444)
// we're cutting the last <br />
$text = preg_replace("/<br \/>$/","", $text);
echo ($text);
/** fckoutput.php
* /formatters/
* Wikka un-Formatting Engine
* Mod of the wakka.php formatter to transform hmtl from FCKeditor output to wikitext !
* TODO: For WikiEdit support -> colored text action, numered list, thread list, tables, mindmap, code, literal
* TODO: For CKeditor support -> colored text, right align, justify, anchor, image, flash, tables, fonts, text-size, background color
* by Thomas Bohl - MaiGre
// i18n strings
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE', 'Grab');
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE', 'Download %s');
// code block patterns
if (!defined('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET', '\(');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FORMATTER')) define('PATTERN_FORMATTER', '([^;\)]+)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER')) define('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER', '(;(\d*?))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FILENAME')) define('PATTERN_FILENAME', '(;([^\)\x01-\x1f\*\?\"<>\|]*)([^\)]*))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET', '\)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CODE')) define('PATTERN_CODE', '(.*)');
if (!function_exists("html2wikitext"))
function html2wikitext($things)
$thing = $things[1];
$valid_filename = '';
static $openedDIV = array();
static $openedSPAN = array();
global $wakka;
// TODO : close wikiTag !
/*if ((!is_array($things)) && ($things == 'closetags'))
if ($trigger_strike % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_notes % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_inserted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_deleted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_underline % 2) echo('</span>');
if ($trigger_floatl % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_center % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_italic % 2) echo('</em>');
if ($trigger_monospace % 2) echo('</tt>');
if ($trigger_bold % 2) echo('</strong>');
for ($i = 1; $i<=5; $i ++)
if ($trigger_l[$i] % 2) echo ("</h$i>");
$trigger_bold = $trigger_center = $trigger_floatl = $trigger_inserted = $trigger_deleted = $trigger_italic = $trigger_keys = 0;
$trigger_l = array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$trigger_monospace = $trigger_notes = $trigger_strike = $trigger_underline = 0;
//close current div
if ($thing == '</div>')
if(count($openedDIV[0]) >= 1) return array_shift($openedDIV);
else return $thing;
else if ($thing == '</span>')
if(count($openedSPAN[0]) >= 1) return array_shift($openedSPAN);
else return $thing;
else if ($thing == "<div>")
return "";
// separator
else if ($thing == "<hr />")
return "----\n";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?strong>$/i", $thing))
return "**";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?em>$/i", $thing))
return "//";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?tt>$/i", $thing))
return "##";
else if (($thing == '</kbd>')||($thing == '<kbd class="keys">'))
return "#%";
else if ((preg_match("/^<div style=\"text-align: ?center;\">$/i", $thing)))
return '@@';
else if ((preg_match("/^<div style=\"margin-left: ?[2-5]0px;\">$/i", $thing)))
return "\t";
else if ($thing == "<div class=\"clear\"> <\/div>")
return "::c::";
else if (preg_match("/^<div class=\"floatl\">$/i", $thing))
return '<<';
else if (preg_match("/^<div class=\"floatr\">$/i", $thing))
return '>>';
else if (preg_match("#<\/?ins>#", $thing))
return "££";
else if (preg_match("#<\/?del>#", $thing))
return "¥¥";
else if (preg_match("/^<span class=\"strikethrough\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return '++';
else if (preg_match("/^<span class=\"underline\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return '__';
else if (preg_match("/^<span class=\"notes\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return "''";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?h([1-5])>$/i", $thing, $matches))
if (preg_match("#\/#", $thing)) $break = "\n";
else $break = "";
if($matches[1] == 5) return '=='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 4) return '==='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 3) return '===='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 2) return '====='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 1) return '======'.$break;
else if (preg_match("/^<div class=\"indent\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return "\t~- ";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?ul>$/i", $thing))
return "";
else if ($thing == "<li>")
return "\t~- ";
else if ($thing == "</li>")
return "\n";
else if (preg_match("/^<a .*href=[\"'](.+)[\"'](.*)>(.*)<\/a>$/i", $thing,$matches))
if (stripos($matches[1],$wakka->config['base_url']) !== FALSE)
$camel = explode($wakka->config['base_url'],$matches[1]);
$camel = explode('/',$camel[1]);
//forced CamelLink?
if($matches[3] == $camel[0]) return $camel[0];
else return '[['.$camel[0].' '.$matches[3].']]';
//normal links
if ($matches[3] == $matches[1]) return '[['.$matches[1].']]';
else return '[['.$matches[1].' '.$matches[3].']]';
else if ($thing == "<br />")
return "\n";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?u>$/i", $thing))
return "__";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?strike>$/i", $thing))
return "++";
// if we reach this point, it must have been an accident.
return 'bordel';
$text = str_replace("\n", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("\t", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("<p", "<div", $text);
$text = str_replace("</p>", "</div>", $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback(
//stuff from fckinput.php formatter
"<hr \/>|". # separator
"<kbd class=\"keys\">|<\/kbd>|".
"<div style=\"text-align: ?center;\">|".
"<div class=\"clear\"> <\/div>|".
"<div class=\"floatr\">|".
"<div class=\"floatl\">|".
"<span class=\"strikethrough\">|".
"<span class=\"underline\">|".
"<span class=\"notes\">|". # Wiki markup
"<\/?h[1-5]>|". # headings
"<div class=\"indent\">|".
"<\/?ul>|". # indents simplified..
"<a (.*)href=[\"'].+[\"'].*>(.*)<\/a>|". # links
"<br \/>|".
"<\/div>|". # new line
//additional stuff from CKeditor AND wikka actions
"<div style=\"margin-left: ?[2-5]0px;\">|". #tab
//"<img(.*)\/>". # action image
")/msi", "html2wikitext", $text);
echo ($text);
-> indent problems solved (not entirely but it looks ok)
-> cool ! image action is working with resize support !
-> demo here :
& there is no documentation for the moment ,
Those files are not up to date...
If you want see the current state : go to the demo page.
If you need the last version code just post a comment..
-> cool ! image action is working with resize support !
-> demo here :
& there is no documentation for the moment ,
Those files are not up to date...
If you want see the current state : go to the demo page.
If you need the last version code just post a comment..
& and i need to configure a little bit more ckeditor, to get for example <div> and not <p>
& i will wait for the final release to finish this project, because there is for the moment no documentation,
& and i need to configure a little bit more ckeditor, to get for example ""<div>"" and not ""<p>""
& and also to configure the filemanager.
& and i need to configure a little bit more ckeditor, to get for example ""<div>"" and not ""<p>""
& and also to configure the filemanager.
&and i need to configure a little bit more ckeditor, to get for example ""<div>"" and not ""<p>""
&and also to configure the filemanager.
&i will wait for the final release to finish this project, because there is for the moment no documentation,
&and i need to configure a little bit more ckeditor, to get for example ""<div>"" and not ""<p>""
&and also to configure the filemanager.
&and i need to configure a little bit more ckeditor, to get for example ""<div>"" and not ""<p>""
&and also to configure the filemanager.
-> Demo ici : http:/
-> Demo ici :
-> Demo ici : (AdminAdmin/azerty)
$output .=
'<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="'.$previous.'" />'."\n";
$linkCK = explode('&editor=',$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
if($_GET['editor'] == 'wikiedit')
//classic WikiEdit
$output .=
'switch to <input type="button" onCLick=\'javascript:document.location="'.$linkCK[0].'&editor=ckeditor"\'
value="CKeditor mode"> (unsaved changes will be lost)'."\n".
'<div id="textarea_container">'."\n".
'<textarea id="body" name="body" rows="100" cols="20">'.$this->hsc_secure($body).'</textarea>'."\n". #427
//CKeditor !
$output .=
'switch to <input type="button" onCLick=\'javascript:document.location="'.$linkCK[0].'&editor=wikiedit"\'
value="WikiEdit edit"> (unsaved changes will be lost)'."\n".
'<script type="text/javascript" src="handlers/page/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>'."\n".
'<div id="textarea_container">'."\n".
'<textarea name="body">'.$this->Format($body,'fckinput').'</textarea>'."\n".
'<script type="text/javascript"> CKEDITOR.replace( \'body\' ) </script>';
//end CKeditor !
'<input type="hidden" name="previous" value="'.$previous.'" />'."\n";
$linkCK = explode('&editor=',$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
if($_GET['editor'] == 'wikiedit')
//classic WikiEdit
$output .=
'switch to <input type="button" onCLick=\'javascript:document.location="'.$linkCK[0].'&editor=ckeditor"\'
value="CKeditor mode"> (unsaved changes will be lost)'."\n".
'<div id="textarea_container">'."\n".
'<textarea id="body" name="body" rows="100" cols="20">'.$this->hsc_secure($body).'</textarea>'."\n". #427
//CKeditor !
$output .=
'switch to <input type="button" onCLick=\'javascript:document.location="'.$linkCK[0].'&editor=wikiedit"\'
value="WikiEdit edit"> (unsaved changes will be lost)'."\n".
'<script type="text/javascript" src="handlers/page/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>'."\n".
'<div id="textarea_container">'."\n".
'<textarea name="body">'.$this->Format($body,'fckinput').'</textarea>'."\n".
'<script type="text/javascript"> CKEDITOR.replace( \'body\' ) </script>';
//end CKeditor !
'<script type="text/javascript" src="handlers/page/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>'."\n".
'<div id="textarea_container">'."\n".
'<textarea name="body">'.$this->Format($body,'fckinput').'</textarea>'."\n".
'<script type="text/javascript"> CKEDITOR.replace( \'body\' ) </script>';
//end CKeditor !
I started this yesterday (19 april 2009) so it's definitly just a start,
but i think i need advices to clean and optimize this code!
send corrections, remarks, feedbacks, tips, ideas ! :)
but i think i need advices to clean and optimize this code!
send corrections, remarks, feedbacks, tips, ideas ! :)
$output = ''; //reinitialize variable
$code = $matches[1];
// if configuration path isn't set, make sure we'll get an invalid path so we
// don't match anything in the home directory
$geshi_hi_path = isset($wakka->config['geshi_languages_path']) ? $wakka->config['geshi_languages_path'] : '/:/';
$wikka_hi_path = isset($wakka->config['wikka_highlighters_path']) ? $wakka->config['wikka_highlighters_path'] : '/:/';
// check if a language (and an optional starting line or filename) has been specified
list(, $language, , $start, , $filename, $invalid, $code) = $matches;
// get rid of newlines at start and end (and preceding/following whitespace)
// Note: unlike trim(), this preserves any tabs at the start of the first "real" line
$code = preg_replace('/^\s*\n+|\n+\s*$/','',$code);
// check if GeSHi path is set and we have a GeSHi highlighter for this language
# if (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['geshi_path']) && file_exists($geshi_hi_path.'/'.$language.'.php'))
if (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['geshi_path']) && file_exists($geshi_hi_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$language.'.php')) #89
// check if specified filename is valid and generate code block header
if (isset($filename) && strlen($filename) > 0 && strlen($invalid) == 0) # #34 TODO: use central regex library for filename validation
$valid_filename = $filename;
// create code block header
$output .= '<div class="code_header">';
// display filename and start line, if specified
$output .= $filename;
if (strlen($start)>0)
$output .= ' (line '.$start.')';
$output .= '</div>'."\n";
// use GeSHi for highlighting
$output .= $wakka->GeSHi_Highlight($code, $language, $start);
// check Wikka highlighter path is set and if we have an internal Wikka highlighter
# elseif (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['wikka_formatter_path']) && file_exists($wikka_hi_path.'/'.$language.'.php') && 'wakka' != $language)
elseif (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['wikka_formatter_path']) && file_exists($wikka_hi_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$language.'.php') && 'wakka' != $language) #89
// use internal Wikka highlighter
$output = '<div class="code">'."\n";
$output .= $wakka->Format($code, $language);
$output .= "</div>\n";
// no language defined or no formatter found: make default code block;
// IncludeBuffered() will complain if 'code' formatter doesn't exist
$output = '<div class="code">'."\n";
$output .= $wakka->Format($code, 'code');
$output .= "</div>\n";
// display grab button if option is set in the config file
if ($wakka->config['grabcode_button'] == '1')
$output .= $wakka->FormOpen("grabcode");
// build form
$output .= '<input type="submit" class="grabcode" name="save" value="'.GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE.'" title="'.rtrim(sprintf(GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE, $valid_filename)).'" />';
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="'.urlencode($valid_filename).'" />';
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="code" value="'.urlencode($code).'" />';
$output .= $wakka->FormClose();
// output
return $output;
//"%%.*?%%|". # code
else if (preg_match("/^""%%""(.*?)""%%""$/s", $thing, $matches))
* Note: this routine is rewritten such that (new) language formatters
* will automatically be found, whether they are GeSHi language config files
* or "internal" Wikka formatters.
* Path to GeSHi language files and Wikka formatters MUST be defined in config.
* For line numbering (GeSHi only) a starting line can be specified after the language
* code, separated by a ; e.g., %%(php;27)....%%.
* Specifying >= 1 turns on line numbering if this is enabled in the configuration.
* An optional filename can be specified as well, e.g. %%(php;27;myfile.php)....%%
* This filename will be used by the grabcode handler.
the fckinput.php file :
/** fckinput.php
* /formatters/
* Wikka Formatting Engine
* Mod of the wakka.php formatter to feed FCKeditor input html
* -> disable mindmap
* -> disable code // TODO: enable CODE!
* -> disable literal
* -> disable action
* -> enable action only for image - waiting for a better image support :)
* -> disable InterWiki
* -> disable urls
* by Thomas Bohl - MaiGre
// i18n strings
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE', 'Grab');
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE', 'Download %s');
// code block patterns
if (!defined('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET', '\(');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FORMATTER')) define('PATTERN_FORMATTER', '([^;\)]+)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER')) define('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER', '(;(\d*?))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FILENAME')) define('PATTERN_FILENAME', '(;([^\)\x01-\x1f\*\?\"<>\|]*)([^\)]*))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET', '\)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CODE')) define('PATTERN_CODE', '(.*)');
// Note: all possible formatting tags have to be in a single regular expression for this to work correctly.
if (!function_exists("wakka2callback")) # DotMG [many lines] : Unclosed tags fix!
function wakka2callback($things)
$thing = $things[1];
$valid_filename = '';
static $oldIndentLevel = 0;
static $oldIndentLength= 0;
static $indentClosers = array();
static $newIndentSpace= array();
static $br = 1;
static $trigger_bold = 0;
static $trigger_italic = 0;
static $trigger_underline = 0;
static $trigger_monospace = 0;
static $trigger_notes = 0;
static $trigger_strike = 0;
static $trigger_inserted = 0;
static $trigger_deleted = 0;
static $trigger_floatl = 0;
static $trigger_keys = 0;
static $trigger_strike = 0;
static $trigger_inserted = 0;
static $trigger_center = 0;
static $trigger_l = array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
static $output = '';
static $invalid = '';
static $curIndentType;
global $wakka;
if ((!is_array($things)) && ($things == 'closetags'))
if ($trigger_strike % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_notes % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_inserted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_deleted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_underline % 2) echo('</span>');
if ($trigger_floatl % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_center % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_italic % 2) echo('</em>');
if ($trigger_monospace % 2) echo('</tt>');
if ($trigger_bold % 2) echo('</strong>');
for ($i = 1; $i<=5; $i ++)
if ($trigger_l[$i] % 2) echo ("</h$i>");
$trigger_bold = $trigger_center = $trigger_floatl = $trigger_inserted = $trigger_deleted = $trigger_italic = $trigger_keys = 0;
$trigger_l = array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$trigger_monospace = $trigger_notes = $trigger_strike = $trigger_underline = 0;
// convert HTML thingies
if ($thing == "<")
return "<";
else if ($thing == ">")
return ">";
// float box left
else if ($thing == "<<")
return (++$trigger_floatl % 2 ? "<div class=\"floatl\">\n" : "\n</div>\n");
// float box right
else if ($thing == ">>")
return (++$trigger_floatl % 2 ? "<div class=\"floatr\">\n" : "\n</div>\n");
// clear floated box
else if ($thing == "::c::")
return ("<div class=\"clear\"> </div>\n");
// keyboard
else if ($thing == "#%")
return (++$trigger_keys % 2 ? "<kbd class=\"keys\">" : "</kbd>");
// bold
else if ($thing == "**")
return (++$trigger_bold % 2 ? "<strong>" : "</strong>");
// italic
else if ($thing == "//")
return (++$trigger_italic % 2 ? "<em>" : "</em>");
// underlinue
else if ($thing == "__")
return (++$trigger_underline % 2 ? "<u>" : "</u>");
// monospace
else if ($thing == "##")
return (++$trigger_monospace % 2 ? "<tt>" : "</tt>");
// notes
else if ($thing == "''")
return (++$trigger_notes % 2 ? "<span class=\"notes\">" : "</span>");
// strikethrough
else if ($thing == "++")
return (++$trigger_strike % 2 ? "<strike>" : "</strike>");
// additions
else if ($thing == "££")
return (++$trigger_inserted % 2 ? "<ins>" : "</ins>");
// deletions
else if ($thing == "¥¥")
return (++$trigger_deleted % 2 ? "<del>" : "</del>");
// center
else if ($thing == "@@")
return (++$trigger_center % 2 ? "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\n" : "\n</div>\n");
// urls
else if (preg_match("/^([a-z]+:\/\/\S+?)([^[:alnum:]^\/])?$/", $thing, $matches))
$url = $matches[1];
/* Inline images are disabled for security reason, use {{image action}} #142
But if you still need this functionality, update this file like below
if (preg_match("/\.(gif|jpg|png|svg)$/si", $url)) {
return '<img src="'.$wakka->Link($url).'" alt="image" />'.$wakka->htmlspecialchars_ent($matches[2]);
} else */
// Mind Mapping Mod
if (preg_match("/\.(mm)$/si", $url)) { #145
return $wakka->Action("mindmap ".$url);
} else
$link = $wakka->Link($url);
if(isset($matches[2])) $link .= $matches[2];
return $link;
// header level 5
else if ($thing == "==")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[5] % 2 ? "<h5>" : "</h5>\n");
// header level 4
else if ($thing == "===")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[4] % 2 ? "<h4>" : "</h4>\n");
// header level 3
else if ($thing == "====")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[3] % 2 ? "<h3>" : "</h3>\n");
// header level 2
else if ($thing == "=====")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[2] % 2 ? "<h2>" : "</h2>\n");
// header level 1
else if ($thing == "======")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[1] % 2 ? "<h1>" : "</h1>\n");
// forced line breaks
else if ($thing == "---")
return "<br />";
// escaped text
else if (preg_match("/^\"\"(.*)\"\"$/s", $thing, $matches))
{//"\{\{.*?\}\}|". # action
$allowed_double_doublequote_html = $wakka->GetConfigValue("double_doublequote_html");
if ($allowed_double_doublequote_html == 'safe')
$filtered_output = $wakka->ReturnSafeHTML($matches[1]);
return $filtered_output;
elseif ($allowed_double_doublequote_html == 'raw')
return $matches[1];
return $wakka->htmlspecialchars_ent($matches[1]);
// code text
else if (preg_match("/^%%(.*?)%%$/s", $thing, $matches))
* Note: this routine is rewritten such that (new) language formatters
* will automatically be found, whether they are GeSHi language config files
* or "internal" Wikka formatters.
* Path to GeSHi language files and Wikka formatters MUST be defined in config.
* For line numbering (GeSHi only) a starting line can be specified after the language
* code, separated by a ; e.g., %%(php;27)....%%.
* Specifying >= 1 turns on line numbering if this is enabled in the configuration.
* An optional filename can be specified as well, e.g. %%(php;27;myfile.php)....%%
* This filename will be used by the grabcode handler.
$output = ''; //reinitialize variable
$code = $matches[1];
// if configuration path isn't set, make sure we'll get an invalid path so we
// don't match anything in the home directory
$geshi_hi_path = isset($wakka->config['geshi_languages_path']) ? $wakka->config['geshi_languages_path'] : '/:/';
$wikka_hi_path = isset($wakka->config['wikka_highlighters_path']) ? $wakka->config['wikka_highlighters_path'] : '/:/';
// check if a language (and an optional starting line or filename) has been specified
list(, $language, , $start, , $filename, $invalid, $code) = $matches;
// get rid of newlines at start and end (and preceding/following whitespace)
// Note: unlike trim(), this preserves any tabs at the start of the first "real" line
$code = preg_replace('/^\s*\n+|\n+\s*$/','',$code);
// check if GeSHi path is set and we have a GeSHi highlighter for this language
# if (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['geshi_path']) && file_exists($geshi_hi_path.'/'.$language.'.php'))
if (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['geshi_path']) && file_exists($geshi_hi_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$language.'.php')) #89
// check if specified filename is valid and generate code block header
if (isset($filename) && strlen($filename) > 0 && strlen($invalid) == 0) # #34 TODO: use central regex library for filename validation
$valid_filename = $filename;
// create code block header
$output .= '<div class="code_header">';
// display filename and start line, if specified
$output .= $filename;
if (strlen($start)>0)
$output .= ' (line '.$start.')';
$output .= '</div>'."\n";
// use GeSHi for highlighting
$output .= $wakka->GeSHi_Highlight($code, $language, $start);
// check Wikka highlighter path is set and if we have an internal Wikka highlighter
# elseif (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['wikka_formatter_path']) && file_exists($wikka_hi_path.'/'.$language.'.php') && 'wakka' != $language)
elseif (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['wikka_formatter_path']) && file_exists($wikka_hi_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$language.'.php') && 'wakka' != $language) #89
// use internal Wikka highlighter
$output = '<div class="code">'."\n";
$output .= $wakka->Format($code, $language);
$output .= "</div>\n";
// no language defined or no formatter found: make default code block;
// IncludeBuffered() will complain if 'code' formatter doesn't exist
$output = '<div class="code">'."\n";
$output .= $wakka->Format($code, 'code');
$output .= "</div>\n";
// display grab button if option is set in the config file
if ($wakka->config['grabcode_button'] == '1')
$output .= $wakka->FormOpen("grabcode");
// build form
$output .= '<input type="submit" class="grabcode" name="save" value="'.GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE.'" title="'.rtrim(sprintf(GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE, $valid_filename)).'" />';
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="'.urlencode($valid_filename).'" />';
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="code" value="'.urlencode($code).'" />';
$output .= $wakka->FormClose();
// output
return $output;
// forced links
// \S : any character that is not a whitespace character
// \s : any whitespace character
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[(\S*)(\s+(.+))?\]\]$/s", $thing, $matches)) # recognize forced links across lines
if (isset($matches[1])) // url?
//if ($url!=($url=(preg_replace("/@@|££||\[\[/","",$url))))$result="</span>";
$text = '';
$url = $matches[1];
if (isset($matches[3])) $text = $matches[3]; // forced link title
return $result.$wakka->Link($url, "", $text);
return "";
// indented text
elseif (preg_match("/(^|\n)([\t~]+)(-|&|([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\))?(\n|$)/s", $thing, $matches))
// new line
$result .= ($br ? "<br />\n" : "\n");
// we definitely want no line break in this one.
$br = 0;
// find out which indent type we want
$newIndentType = $matches[3];
if (!$newIndentType) { $opener = "<div class=\"indent\">"; $closer = "</div>"; $br = 1; }
elseif ($newIndentType == "-") { $opener = "<ul><li>"; $closer = "</li></ul>"; $li = 1; }
elseif ($newIndentType == "&") { $opener = "<ul class=\"thread\"><li>"; $closer = "</li></ul>"; $li = 1; } #inline comments
if (ereg('[0-9]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = '1'; }
elseif (ereg('[IVX]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'I'; }
elseif (ereg('[ivx]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'i'; }
elseif (ereg('[A-Z]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'A'; }
elseif (ereg('[a-z]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'a'; }
$opener = '<ol type="'.$newIndentType.'"><li>';
$closer = '</li></ol>';
$li = 1;
// get new indent level
$newIndentLevel = strlen($matches[2]);
if (($newIndentType != $curIndentType) && ($oldIndentLevel > 0))
for (; $oldIndentLevel > $newIndentLevel; $oldIndentLevel --)
$result .= array_pop($indentClosers);
if ($newIndentLevel > $oldIndentLevel)
for ($i = 0; $i < $newIndentLevel - $oldIndentLevel; $i++)
$result .= $opener;
array_push($indentClosers, $closer);
else if ($newIndentLevel < $oldIndentLevel)
for ($i = 0; $i < $oldIndentLevel - $newIndentLevel; $i++)
$result .= array_pop($indentClosers);
$oldIndentLevel = $newIndentLevel;
if (isset($li) && !preg_match("/".str_replace(")", "\)", $opener)."$/", $result))
$result .= "</li><li>";
$curIndentType = $newIndentType;
return $result;
// new lines
else if ($thing == "\n")
// if we got here, there was no tab in the next line; this means that we can close all open indents.
$c = count($indentClosers);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++)
$result .= array_pop($indentClosers);
$br = 0;
$oldIndentLevel = 0;
$oldIndentLength= 0;
$result .= ($br ? "<br />\n" : "\n");
$br = 1;
return $result;
// Actions
else if (preg_match("/^\{\{(.*?)\}\}$/s", $thing, $matches))
if ($matches[1])
return $wakka->Action($matches[1]);
return "{{}}";
// interwiki links!
else if (preg_match("/^[A-ZÄÖÜ][A-Za-zÄÖÜßäöü]+[:]\S*$/s", $thing))
return $wakka->Link($thing);
// wiki links!
else if (preg_match("/^[A-ZÄÖÜ]+[a-zßäöü]+[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*$/s", $thing))
return $wakka->Link($thing);
// separators
else if (preg_match("/-{4,}/", $thing, $matches))
// TODO: This could probably be improved for situations where someone puts text on the same line as a separator.
// Which is a stupid thing to do anyway! HAW HAW! Ahem.
$br = 0;
return "<hr />\n";
// mind map xml
else if (preg_match("/^<map.*<\/map>$/s", $thing))
return $wakka->Action("mindmap ".$wakka->Href()."/");
// if we reach this point, it must have been an accident.
return $thing;
$text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text);
// replace 4 consecutive spaces at the beginning of a line with tab character
// $text = preg_replace("/\n[ ]{4}/", "\n\t", $text); // moved to edit.php
//if ($this->method == "show") $mind_map_pattern = "<map.*?<\/map>|"; else $mind_map_pattern = "";
$text = preg_replace_callback(
//"%%.*?%%|". # code
//"\"\".*z\"\"|". # literal
"\[\[[^\[]*?\]\]|". # forced link
"-{4,}|---|". # separator (hr)
//"\b[a-z]+:\/\/\S+|". # URL
"\*\*|\'\'|\#\#|\#\%|@@|::c::|\>\>|\<\<|££|¥¥|\+\+|__|<|>|\/\/|". # Wiki markup
"======|=====|====|===|==|". # headings
"(^|\n)([\t~]+)(-(?!-)|&|([0-9]+|[a-zA-Z]+)\))?|". # indents and lists
//"\{\{.*?\}\}|". # action
"\{\{image.*?\}\}|". # action image
//"\b[A-ZÄÖÜ][A-Za-zÄÖÜßäöü]+[:](?![=_])\S*\b|". # InterWiki link
"\b([A-ZÄÖÜ]+[a-zßäöü]+[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*)\b|". # CamelWords
"\n". # new line
")/ms", "wakka2callback", $text."\n"); #append \n (#444)
// we're cutting the last <br />
$text = preg_replace("/<br \/>$/","", $text);
echo ($text);
/** fckoutput.php
* /formatters/
* Wikka un-Formatting Engine
* Mod of the wakka.php formatter to transform hmtl from FCKeditor output to wikitext !
* TODO: For WikiEdit support -> colored text action, numered list, thread list, tables, mindmap, code, literal
* TODO: For CKeditor support -> colored text, right align, justify, anchor, image, flash, tables, fonts, text-size, background color
* by Thomas Bohl - MaiGre
// i18n strings
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE', 'Grab');
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE', 'Download %s');
// code block patterns
if (!defined('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET', '\(');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FORMATTER')) define('PATTERN_FORMATTER', '([^;\)]+)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER')) define('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER', '(;(\d*?))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FILENAME')) define('PATTERN_FILENAME', '(;([^\)\x01-\x1f\*\?\"<>\|]*)([^\)]*))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET', '\)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CODE')) define('PATTERN_CODE', '(.*)');
if (!function_exists("html2wikitext"))
function html2wikitext($things)
$thing = $things[1];
$valid_filename = '';
static $openedDIV = array();
static $openedSPAN = array();
global $wakka;
// TODO : close wikiTag !
/*if ((!is_array($things)) && ($things == 'closetags'))
if ($trigger_strike % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_notes % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_inserted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_deleted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_underline % 2) echo('</span>');
if ($trigger_floatl % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_center % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_italic % 2) echo('</em>');
if ($trigger_monospace % 2) echo('</tt>');
if ($trigger_bold % 2) echo('</strong>');
for ($i = 1; $i<=5; $i ++)
if ($trigger_l[$i] % 2) echo ("</h$i>");
$trigger_bold = $trigger_center = $trigger_floatl = $trigger_inserted = $trigger_deleted = $trigger_italic = $trigger_keys = 0;
$trigger_l = array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$trigger_monospace = $trigger_notes = $trigger_strike = $trigger_underline = 0;
//close current div
if ($thing == '</div>')
if(count($openedDIV[0]) >= 1) return array_shift($openedDIV);
else return $thing;
else if ($thing == '</span>')
if(count($openedSPAN[0]) >= 1) return array_shift($openedSPAN);
else return $thing;
else if ($thing == "<div>")
return "";
// separator
else if ($thing == "<hr />")
return "----\n";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?strong>$/i", $thing))
return "**";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?em>$/i", $thing))
return "//";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?tt>$/i", $thing))
return "##";
else if (($thing == '</kbd>')||($thing == '<kbd class="keys">'))
return "#%";
else if ((preg_match("/^<div style=\"text-align: ?center;\">$/i", $thing)))
return '@@';
else if ((preg_match("/^<div style=\"margin-left: ?[2-5]0px;\">$/i", $thing)))
return "\t";
else if ($thing == "<div class=\"clear\"> <\/div>")
return "::c::";
else if (preg_match("/^<div class=\"floatl\">$/i", $thing))
return '<<';
else if (preg_match("/^<div class=\"floatr\">$/i", $thing))
return '>>';
else if (preg_match("#<\/?ins>#", $thing))
return "££";
else if (preg_match("#<\/?del>#", $thing))
return "¥¥";
else if (preg_match("/^<span class=\"strikethrough\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return '++';
else if (preg_match("/^<span class=\"underline\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return '__';
else if (preg_match("/^<span class=\"notes\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return "''";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?h([1-5])>$/i", $thing, $matches))
if (preg_match("#\/#", $thing)) $break = "\n";
else $break = "";
if($matches[1] == 5) return '=='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 4) return '==='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 3) return '===='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 2) return '====='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 1) return '======'.$break;
else if (preg_match("/^<div class=\"indent\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return "\t~- ";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?ul>$/i", $thing))
return "";
else if ($thing == "<li>")
return "\t~- ";
else if ($thing == "</li>")
return "\n";
else if (preg_match("/^<a .*href=[\"'](.+)[\"'](.*)>(.*)<\/a>$/i", $thing,$matches))
if (stripos($matches[1],$wakka->config['base_url']) !== FALSE)
$camel = explode($wakka->config['base_url'],$matches[1]);
$camel = explode('/',$camel[1]);
//forced CamelLink?
if($matches[3] == $camel[0]) return $camel[0];
else return '[['.$camel[0].' '.$matches[3].']]';
//normal links
if ($matches[3] == $matches[1]) return '[['.$matches[1].']]';
else return '[['.$matches[1].' '.$matches[3].']]';
else if ($thing == "<br />")
return "\n";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?u>$/i", $thing))
return "__";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?strike>$/i", $thing))
return "++";
// if we reach this point, it must have been an accident.
return 'bordel';
$text = str_replace("\n", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("\t", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("<p", "<div", $text);
$text = str_replace("</p>", "</div>", $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback(
//stuff from fckinput.php formatter
"<hr \/>|". # separator
"<kbd class=\"keys\">|<\/kbd>|".
"<div style=\"text-align: ?center;\">|".
"<div class=\"clear\"> <\/div>|".
"<div class=\"floatr\">|".
"<div class=\"floatl\">|".
"<span class=\"strikethrough\">|".
"<span class=\"underline\">|".
"<span class=\"notes\">|". # Wiki markup
"<\/?h[1-5]>|". # headings
"<div class=\"indent\">|".
"<\/?ul>|". # indents simplified..
"<a (.*)href=[\"'].+[\"'].*>(.*)<\/a>|". # links
"<br \/>|".
"<\/div>|". # new line
//additional stuff from CKeditor AND wikka actions
"<div style=\"margin-left: ?[2-5]0px;\">|". #tab
//"<img(.*)\/>". # action image
")/msi", "html2wikitext", $text);
echo ($text);
/** fckinput.php
* /formatters/
* Wikka Formatting Engine
* Mod of the wakka.php formatter to feed FCKeditor input html
* -> disable mindmap
* -> disable code // TODO: enable CODE!
* -> disable literal
* -> disable action
* -> enable action only for image - waiting for a better image support :)
* -> disable InterWiki
* -> disable urls
* by Thomas Bohl - MaiGre
// i18n strings
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE', 'Grab');
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE', 'Download %s');
// code block patterns
if (!defined('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET', '\(');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FORMATTER')) define('PATTERN_FORMATTER', '([^;\)]+)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER')) define('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER', '(;(\d*?))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FILENAME')) define('PATTERN_FILENAME', '(;([^\)\x01-\x1f\*\?\"<>\|]*)([^\)]*))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET', '\)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CODE')) define('PATTERN_CODE', '(.*)');
// Note: all possible formatting tags have to be in a single regular expression for this to work correctly.
if (!function_exists("wakka2callback")) # DotMG [many lines] : Unclosed tags fix!
function wakka2callback($things)
$thing = $things[1];
$valid_filename = '';
static $oldIndentLevel = 0;
static $oldIndentLength= 0;
static $indentClosers = array();
static $newIndentSpace= array();
static $br = 1;
static $trigger_bold = 0;
static $trigger_italic = 0;
static $trigger_underline = 0;
static $trigger_monospace = 0;
static $trigger_notes = 0;
static $trigger_strike = 0;
static $trigger_inserted = 0;
static $trigger_deleted = 0;
static $trigger_floatl = 0;
static $trigger_keys = 0;
static $trigger_strike = 0;
static $trigger_inserted = 0;
static $trigger_center = 0;
static $trigger_l = array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
static $output = '';
static $invalid = '';
static $curIndentType;
global $wakka;
if ((!is_array($things)) && ($things == 'closetags'))
if ($trigger_strike % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_notes % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_inserted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_deleted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_underline % 2) echo('</span>');
if ($trigger_floatl % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_center % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_italic % 2) echo('</em>');
if ($trigger_monospace % 2) echo('</tt>');
if ($trigger_bold % 2) echo('</strong>');
for ($i = 1; $i<=5; $i ++)
if ($trigger_l[$i] % 2) echo ("</h$i>");
$trigger_bold = $trigger_center = $trigger_floatl = $trigger_inserted = $trigger_deleted = $trigger_italic = $trigger_keys = 0;
$trigger_l = array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$trigger_monospace = $trigger_notes = $trigger_strike = $trigger_underline = 0;
// convert HTML thingies
if ($thing == "<")
return "<";
else if ($thing == ">")
return ">";
// float box left
else if ($thing == "<<")
return (++$trigger_floatl % 2 ? "<div class=\"floatl\">\n" : "\n</div>\n");
// float box right
else if ($thing == ">>")
return (++$trigger_floatl % 2 ? "<div class=\"floatr\">\n" : "\n</div>\n");
// clear floated box
else if ($thing == "::c::")
return ("<div class=\"clear\"> </div>\n");
// keyboard
else if ($thing == "#%")
return (++$trigger_keys % 2 ? "<kbd class=\"keys\">" : "</kbd>");
// bold
else if ($thing == "**")
return (++$trigger_bold % 2 ? "<strong>" : "</strong>");
// italic
else if ($thing == "//")
return (++$trigger_italic % 2 ? "<em>" : "</em>");
// underlinue
else if ($thing == "__")
return (++$trigger_underline % 2 ? "<u>" : "</u>");
// monospace
else if ($thing == "##")
return (++$trigger_monospace % 2 ? "<tt>" : "</tt>");
// notes
else if ($thing == "''")
return (++$trigger_notes % 2 ? "<span class=\"notes\">" : "</span>");
// strikethrough
else if ($thing == "++")
return (++$trigger_strike % 2 ? "<strike>" : "</strike>");
// additions
else if ($thing == "££")
return (++$trigger_inserted % 2 ? "<ins>" : "</ins>");
// deletions
else if ($thing == "¥¥")
return (++$trigger_deleted % 2 ? "<del>" : "</del>");
// center
else if ($thing == "@@")
return (++$trigger_center % 2 ? "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\n" : "\n</div>\n");
// urls
else if (preg_match("/^([a-z]+:\/\/\S+?)([^[:alnum:]^\/])?$/", $thing, $matches))
$url = $matches[1];
/* Inline images are disabled for security reason, use {{image action}} #142
But if you still need this functionality, update this file like below
if (preg_match("/\.(gif|jpg|png|svg)$/si", $url)) {
return '<img src="'.$wakka->Link($url).'" alt="image" />'.$wakka->htmlspecialchars_ent($matches[2]);
} else */
// Mind Mapping Mod
if (preg_match("/\.(mm)$/si", $url)) { #145
return $wakka->Action("mindmap ".$url);
} else
$link = $wakka->Link($url);
if(isset($matches[2])) $link .= $matches[2];
return $link;
// header level 5
else if ($thing == "==")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[5] % 2 ? "<h5>" : "</h5>\n");
// header level 4
else if ($thing == "===")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[4] % 2 ? "<h4>" : "</h4>\n");
// header level 3
else if ($thing == "====")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[3] % 2 ? "<h3>" : "</h3>\n");
// header level 2
else if ($thing == "=====")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[2] % 2 ? "<h2>" : "</h2>\n");
// header level 1
else if ($thing == "======")
$br = 0;
return (++$trigger_l[1] % 2 ? "<h1>" : "</h1>\n");
// forced line breaks
else if ($thing == "---")
return "<br />";
// escaped text
else if (preg_match("/^\"\"(.*)\"\"$/s", $thing, $matches))
{//"\{\{.*?\}\}|". # action
$allowed_double_doublequote_html = $wakka->GetConfigValue("double_doublequote_html");
if ($allowed_double_doublequote_html == 'safe')
$filtered_output = $wakka->ReturnSafeHTML($matches[1]);
return $filtered_output;
elseif ($allowed_double_doublequote_html == 'raw')
return $matches[1];
return $wakka->htmlspecialchars_ent($matches[1]);
// code text
else if (preg_match("/^%%(.*?)%%$/s", $thing, $matches))
* Note: this routine is rewritten such that (new) language formatters
* will automatically be found, whether they are GeSHi language config files
* or "internal" Wikka formatters.
* Path to GeSHi language files and Wikka formatters MUST be defined in config.
* For line numbering (GeSHi only) a starting line can be specified after the language
* code, separated by a ; e.g., %%(php;27)....%%.
* Specifying >= 1 turns on line numbering if this is enabled in the configuration.
* An optional filename can be specified as well, e.g. %%(php;27;myfile.php)....%%
* This filename will be used by the grabcode handler.
$output = ''; //reinitialize variable
$code = $matches[1];
// if configuration path isn't set, make sure we'll get an invalid path so we
// don't match anything in the home directory
$geshi_hi_path = isset($wakka->config['geshi_languages_path']) ? $wakka->config['geshi_languages_path'] : '/:/';
$wikka_hi_path = isset($wakka->config['wikka_highlighters_path']) ? $wakka->config['wikka_highlighters_path'] : '/:/';
// check if a language (and an optional starting line or filename) has been specified
list(, $language, , $start, , $filename, $invalid, $code) = $matches;
// get rid of newlines at start and end (and preceding/following whitespace)
// Note: unlike trim(), this preserves any tabs at the start of the first "real" line
$code = preg_replace('/^\s*\n+|\n+\s*$/','',$code);
// check if GeSHi path is set and we have a GeSHi highlighter for this language
# if (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['geshi_path']) && file_exists($geshi_hi_path.'/'.$language.'.php'))
if (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['geshi_path']) && file_exists($geshi_hi_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$language.'.php')) #89
// check if specified filename is valid and generate code block header
if (isset($filename) && strlen($filename) > 0 && strlen($invalid) == 0) # #34 TODO: use central regex library for filename validation
$valid_filename = $filename;
// create code block header
$output .= '<div class="code_header">';
// display filename and start line, if specified
$output .= $filename;
if (strlen($start)>0)
$output .= ' (line '.$start.')';
$output .= '</div>'."\n";
// use GeSHi for highlighting
$output .= $wakka->GeSHi_Highlight($code, $language, $start);
// check Wikka highlighter path is set and if we have an internal Wikka highlighter
# elseif (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['wikka_formatter_path']) && file_exists($wikka_hi_path.'/'.$language.'.php') && 'wakka' != $language)
elseif (isset($language) && isset($wakka->config['wikka_formatter_path']) && file_exists($wikka_hi_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$language.'.php') && 'wakka' != $language) #89
// use internal Wikka highlighter
$output = '<div class="code">'."\n";
$output .= $wakka->Format($code, $language);
$output .= "</div>\n";
// no language defined or no formatter found: make default code block;
// IncludeBuffered() will complain if 'code' formatter doesn't exist
$output = '<div class="code">'."\n";
$output .= $wakka->Format($code, 'code');
$output .= "</div>\n";
// display grab button if option is set in the config file
if ($wakka->config['grabcode_button'] == '1')
$output .= $wakka->FormOpen("grabcode");
// build form
$output .= '<input type="submit" class="grabcode" name="save" value="'.GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE.'" title="'.rtrim(sprintf(GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE, $valid_filename)).'" />';
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="'.urlencode($valid_filename).'" />';
$output .= '<input type="hidden" name="code" value="'.urlencode($code).'" />';
$output .= $wakka->FormClose();
// output
return $output;
// forced links
// \S : any character that is not a whitespace character
// \s : any whitespace character
else if (preg_match("/^\[\[(\S*)(\s+(.+))?\]\]$/s", $thing, $matches)) # recognize forced links across lines
if (isset($matches[1])) // url?
//if ($url!=($url=(preg_replace("/@@|££||\[\[/","",$url))))$result="</span>";
$text = '';
$url = $matches[1];
if (isset($matches[3])) $text = $matches[3]; // forced link title
return $result.$wakka->Link($url, "", $text);
return "";
// indented text
elseif (preg_match("/(^|\n)([\t~]+)(-|&|([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\))?(\n|$)/s", $thing, $matches))
// new line
$result .= ($br ? "<br />\n" : "\n");
// we definitely want no line break in this one.
$br = 0;
// find out which indent type we want
$newIndentType = $matches[3];
if (!$newIndentType) { $opener = "<div class=\"indent\">"; $closer = "</div>"; $br = 1; }
elseif ($newIndentType == "-") { $opener = "<ul><li>"; $closer = "</li></ul>"; $li = 1; }
elseif ($newIndentType == "&") { $opener = "<ul class=\"thread\"><li>"; $closer = "</li></ul>"; $li = 1; } #inline comments
if (ereg('[0-9]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = '1'; }
elseif (ereg('[IVX]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'I'; }
elseif (ereg('[ivx]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'i'; }
elseif (ereg('[A-Z]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'A'; }
elseif (ereg('[a-z]', $newIndentType[0])) { $newIndentType = 'a'; }
$opener = '<ol type="'.$newIndentType.'"><li>';
$closer = '</li></ol>';
$li = 1;
// get new indent level
$newIndentLevel = strlen($matches[2]);
if (($newIndentType != $curIndentType) && ($oldIndentLevel > 0))
for (; $oldIndentLevel > $newIndentLevel; $oldIndentLevel --)
$result .= array_pop($indentClosers);
if ($newIndentLevel > $oldIndentLevel)
for ($i = 0; $i < $newIndentLevel - $oldIndentLevel; $i++)
$result .= $opener;
array_push($indentClosers, $closer);
else if ($newIndentLevel < $oldIndentLevel)
for ($i = 0; $i < $oldIndentLevel - $newIndentLevel; $i++)
$result .= array_pop($indentClosers);
$oldIndentLevel = $newIndentLevel;
if (isset($li) && !preg_match("/".str_replace(")", "\)", $opener)."$/", $result))
$result .= "</li><li>";
$curIndentType = $newIndentType;
return $result;
// new lines
else if ($thing == "\n")
// if we got here, there was no tab in the next line; this means that we can close all open indents.
$c = count($indentClosers);
for ($i = 0; $i < $c; $i++)
$result .= array_pop($indentClosers);
$br = 0;
$oldIndentLevel = 0;
$oldIndentLength= 0;
$result .= ($br ? "<br />\n" : "\n");
$br = 1;
return $result;
// Actions
else if (preg_match("/^\{\{(.*?)\}\}$/s", $thing, $matches))
if ($matches[1])
return $wakka->Action($matches[1]);
return "{{}}";
// interwiki links!
else if (preg_match("/^[A-ZÄÖÜ][A-Za-zÄÖÜßäöü]+[:]\S*$/s", $thing))
return $wakka->Link($thing);
// wiki links!
else if (preg_match("/^[A-ZÄÖÜ]+[a-zßäöü]+[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*$/s", $thing))
return $wakka->Link($thing);
// separators
else if (preg_match("/-{4,}/", $thing, $matches))
// TODO: This could probably be improved for situations where someone puts text on the same line as a separator.
// Which is a stupid thing to do anyway! HAW HAW! Ahem.
$br = 0;
return "<hr />\n";
// mind map xml
else if (preg_match("/^<map.*<\/map>$/s", $thing))
return $wakka->Action("mindmap ".$wakka->Href()."/");
// if we reach this point, it must have been an accident.
return $thing;
$text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text);
// replace 4 consecutive spaces at the beginning of a line with tab character
// $text = preg_replace("/\n[ ]{4}/", "\n\t", $text); // moved to edit.php
//if ($this->method == "show") $mind_map_pattern = "<map.*?<\/map>|"; else $mind_map_pattern = "";
$text = preg_replace_callback(
//"%%.*?%%|". # code
//"\"\".*z\"\"|". # literal
"\[\[[^\[]*?\]\]|". # forced link
"-{4,}|---|". # separator (hr)
//"\b[a-z]+:\/\/\S+|". # URL
"\*\*|\'\'|\#\#|\#\%|@@|::c::|\>\>|\<\<|££|¥¥|\+\+|__|<|>|\/\/|". # Wiki markup
"======|=====|====|===|==|". # headings
"(^|\n)([\t~]+)(-(?!-)|&|([0-9]+|[a-zA-Z]+)\))?|". # indents and lists
//"\{\{.*?\}\}|". # action
"\{\{image.*?\}\}|". # action image
//"\b[A-ZÄÖÜ][A-Za-zÄÖÜßäöü]+[:](?![=_])\S*\b|". # InterWiki link
"\b([A-ZÄÖÜ]+[a-zßäöü]+[A-Z0-9ÄÖÜ][A-Za-z0-9ÄÖÜßäöü]*)\b|". # CamelWords
"\n". # new line
")/ms", "wakka2callback", $text."\n"); #append \n (#444)
// we're cutting the last <br />
$text = preg_replace("/<br \/>$/","", $text);
echo ($text);
/** fckoutput.php
* /formatters/
* Wikka un-Formatting Engine
* Mod of the wakka.php formatter to transform hmtl from FCKeditor output to wikitext !
* TODO: For WikiEdit support -> colored text action, numered list, thread list, tables, mindmap, code, literal
* TODO: For CKeditor support -> colored text, right align, justify, anchor, image, flash, tables, fonts, text-size, background color
* by Thomas Bohl - MaiGre
// i18n strings
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_VALUE', 'Grab');
if (!defined('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE')) define('GRABCODE_BUTTON_TITLE', 'Download %s');
// code block patterns
if (!defined('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_OPEN_BRACKET', '\(');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FORMATTER')) define('PATTERN_FORMATTER', '([^;\)]+)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER')) define('PATTERN_LINE_NUMBER', '(;(\d*?))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_FILENAME')) define('PATTERN_FILENAME', '(;([^\)\x01-\x1f\*\?\"<>\|]*)([^\)]*))?');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET')) define('PATTERN_CLOSE_BRACKET', '\)');
if (!defined('PATTERN_CODE')) define('PATTERN_CODE', '(.*)');
if (!function_exists("html2wikitext"))
function html2wikitext($things)
$thing = $things[1];
$valid_filename = '';
static $openedDIV = array();
static $openedSPAN = array();
global $wakka;
// TODO : close wikiTag !
/*if ((!is_array($things)) && ($things == 'closetags'))
if ($trigger_strike % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_notes % 2) echo ('</span>');
if ($trigger_inserted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_deleted % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_underline % 2) echo('</span>');
if ($trigger_floatl % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_center % 2) echo ('</div>');
if ($trigger_italic % 2) echo('</em>');
if ($trigger_monospace % 2) echo('</tt>');
if ($trigger_bold % 2) echo('</strong>');
for ($i = 1; $i<=5; $i ++)
if ($trigger_l[$i] % 2) echo ("</h$i>");
$trigger_bold = $trigger_center = $trigger_floatl = $trigger_inserted = $trigger_deleted = $trigger_italic = $trigger_keys = 0;
$trigger_l = array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
$trigger_monospace = $trigger_notes = $trigger_strike = $trigger_underline = 0;
//close current div
if ($thing == '</div>')
if(count($openedDIV[0]) >= 1) return array_shift($openedDIV);
else return $thing;
else if ($thing == '</span>')
if(count($openedSPAN[0]) >= 1) return array_shift($openedSPAN);
else return $thing;
else if ($thing == "<div>")
return "";
// separator
else if ($thing == "<hr />")
return "----\n";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?strong>$/i", $thing))
return "**";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?em>$/i", $thing))
return "//";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?tt>$/i", $thing))
return "##";
else if (($thing == '</kbd>')||($thing == '<kbd class="keys">'))
return "#%";
else if ((preg_match("/^<div style=\"text-align: ?center;\">$/i", $thing)))
return '@@';
else if ((preg_match("/^<div style=\"margin-left: ?[2-5]0px;\">$/i", $thing)))
return "\t";
else if ($thing == "<div class=\"clear\"> <\/div>")
return "::c::";
else if (preg_match("/^<div class=\"floatl\">$/i", $thing))
return '<<';
else if (preg_match("/^<div class=\"floatr\">$/i", $thing))
return '>>';
else if (preg_match("#<\/?ins>#", $thing))
return "££";
else if (preg_match("#<\/?del>#", $thing))
return "¥¥";
else if (preg_match("/^<span class=\"strikethrough\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return '++';
else if (preg_match("/^<span class=\"underline\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return '__';
else if (preg_match("/^<span class=\"notes\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return "''";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?h([1-5])>$/i", $thing, $matches))
if (preg_match("#\/#", $thing)) $break = "\n";
else $break = "";
if($matches[1] == 5) return '=='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 4) return '==='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 3) return '===='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 2) return '====='.$break;
else if($matches[1] == 1) return '======'.$break;
else if (preg_match("/^<div class=\"indent\">$/i", $thing,$matches))
return "\t~- ";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?ul>$/i", $thing))
return "";
else if ($thing == "<li>")
return "\t~- ";
else if ($thing == "</li>")
return "\n";
else if (preg_match("/^<a .*href=[\"'](.+)[\"'](.*)>(.*)<\/a>$/i", $thing,$matches))
if (stripos($matches[1],$wakka->config['base_url']) !== FALSE)
$camel = explode($wakka->config['base_url'],$matches[1]);
$camel = explode('/',$camel[1]);
//forced CamelLink?
if($matches[3] == $camel[0]) return $camel[0];
else return '[['.$camel[0].' '.$matches[3].']]';
//normal links
if ($matches[3] == $matches[1]) return '[['.$matches[1].']]';
else return '[['.$matches[1].' '.$matches[3].']]';
else if ($thing == "<br />")
return "\n";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?u>$/i", $thing))
return "__";
else if (preg_match("/^<\/?strike>$/i", $thing))
return "++";
// if we reach this point, it must have been an accident.
return 'bordel';
$text = str_replace("\n", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("\t", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("<p", "<div", $text);
$text = str_replace("</p>", "</div>", $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback(
//stuff from fckinput.php formatter
"<hr \/>|". # separator
"<kbd class=\"keys\">|<\/kbd>|".
"<div style=\"text-align: ?center;\">|".
"<div class=\"clear\"> <\/div>|".
"<div class=\"floatr\">|".
"<div class=\"floatl\">|".
"<span class=\"strikethrough\">|".
"<span class=\"underline\">|".
"<span class=\"notes\">|". # Wiki markup
"<\/?h[1-5]>|". # headings
"<div class=\"indent\">|".
"<\/?ul>|". # indents simplified..
"<a (.*)href=[\"'].+[\"'].*>(.*)<\/a>|". # links
"<br \/>|".
"<\/div>|". # new line
//additional stuff from CKeditor AND wikka actions
"<div style=\"margin-left: ?[2-5]0px;\">|". #tab
//"<img(.*)\/>". # action image
")/msi", "html2wikitext", $text);
echo ($text);