Revision history for CalendarLinkActionInfo

Revision [19246]

Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:44 by MasinAlDujaili [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [17045]

Edited on 2007-06-01 06:56:28 by MasinAlDujaili [update to 0.2]
This action creates relations between pages belonging to the same calendar or displays the next or previous entry of a specified calendar. If provided with a date, it will use this as origin for the parameter link. If provided with an offset, this will first be added (haven't tried negative offsets yet) to date (if provided) or the current day (if parameter date is not provided). After this, the relation will take effect.
<tr><td>link</td><td>string</td><td>optional</td><td>next</td><td>This can be either 'next' (the default), 'prev', 'following', 'latest' or 'today', where 'next' and 'prev' work only correct if the action is on a calendar entry page, displaying the entry next or previous to the current entry, while 'following' and 'latest' use the current or calculated date and and shows the next upcoming or latest entry in the calendar.</td></tr>
<tr><td>date</td><td>integer</td><td>optional</td><td>current date</td><td>The relative origin for link mode</td></tr>
<tr><td>offset</td><td>integer</td><td>optional</td><td>0</td><td>Offset for date calculation [days]</td></tr>
%%{{calendarlink [calendar="xxx"] [link="next|prev|following"] [date="yyyymmdd"] [offset="[number of days]"]}}%%
%%{{calendarlink calendar="ConCerts" link="following" date="20070601" offset="14"}}%%
===To do===
~-Extend offset with the ability to accept other values than days or even mixed values like '4a2m2w3d' which should be read as 4 years, 2 month, 2 weeks and 3 days.
~-enabling negative or more complexoffset: '-4a+3m+2w-1d'
~-checking if 'next' and 'following', and 'prev' and 'latest' can be combined
~-code cleanup
This action creates relations between pages belonging to the same calendar or displays the next entry of a specified calendar.
<tr><td>link</td><td>string</td><td>optional</td><td>next</td><td>This can be either 'next' (the default), 'prev' or 'following', where 'next' and 'prev' work only correct if the action is on a calendar entry page, displaying the entry next or previous to the current entry, while 'following' uses the current date and and shows the next upcoming entry in the calendar.</td></tr>
%%{{calendarlink [calendar="xxx"] [link="next|prev|following"]}}%%
%%{{calendarlink calendar="ConCerts" link="following"}}%%

Revision [16262]

Edited on 2007-03-06 11:56:34 by BrianKoontz [fixed category]

Revision [16260]

Edited on 2007-03-06 08:02:44 by MasinAlDujaili [first draft]
=====Calendar Link Action Documentation=====
//not included in Wikka//
Development: CalendarLinkAction
JwCalendarWithPageCreation>>This is the documentation page for the calendar link action.::c::
===Short description===
This action creates relations between pages belonging to the same calendar or displays the next entry of a specified calendar.
<tr><td>calendarname</td><td>string</td><td>optional</td><td>current calendar or current user</td><td>The calendar base name on which to operate.</td></tr>
<tr><td>link</td><td>string</td><td>optional</td><td>next</td><td>This can be either 'next' (the default), 'prev' or 'following', where 'next' and 'prev' work only correct if the action is on a calendar entry page, displaying the entry next or previous to the current entry, while 'following' uses the current date and and shows the next upcoming entry in the calendar.</td></tr>
===Long description===
%%{{calendarlink [calendar="xxx"] [link="next|prev|following"]}}%%
%%{{calendarlink calendar="ConCerts" link="following"}}%%
with code from JavaWoman and DennyShimkoski
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====xxxxx Action Documentation=====
//Included in Wikka since version X.X.X.X//
Development: xxxxxAction.>>This is the documentation page for the xxxxx action.::c::
//This page is a **template**. It belongs to CategoryTemplate (which contains more handy templates). To create an **action documentation** page, [[ clone this page]] to a page called **xxxxxActionInfo** (where xxxxx is the (capitalized) name of the action), replace all occurrences of 'xxxxx' with the name of the action and replace this paragraph with the actual content.//
__Note__: Please **remove** the "Wikka Documentation" link at the top, the CategoryDocumentation at the bottom and the "included in Wikka" note unless and until the action is part of the official Wikka distribution!
==Short description==
Describe your action in one sentence.
<tr><td>param1</td><td>string</td><td>optional</td><td>your_default</td><td>This is one of the params, your action uses. If yuopr action uses no params, remove this table</td></tr>
==Long description==
%%{{action_name [optional_param="xxx"]}}%%
you can put in an example here.
The name(s) of the person(s) who wrote this action.

Revision [16259]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2007-03-06 06:50:57 by MasinAlDujaili [first draft]
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