Development Test Category
This category is a subcategory of CategoryDevelopment: it is intended specifically for pages that contain tests for new or extended features currently under development, and implemented on this site as a beta feature.
If you create or edit a page to test a new (beta) feature under development that is intended for release with Wikka, make sure you add it into this category rather than in the main CategoryDevelopment. If a page contains code as well as test(s), please add it into all appropriate categories.
The following 11 page(s) belong to CategoryDevelopmentTest
AdminBadWords [AdminBadWords] | AdminSpamLog [AdminSpamLog] | DbInfo [DbInfo] |
HtmlSpecialChars [HtmlSpecialChars] | RegisterActionTest [RegisterActionTest] | SysInfo [SysInfo] |
TestSkin [TestSkin] | TestUTF8 [TestUTF8] | UserAdminTest [UserAdminTest] |
WikkaBetaFeatures [Wikka Beta Features] | WikkaMenulets [WikkaMenulets] |