Revision [17555]

This is an old revision of CategoryTree made by LeOn on 2007-09-30 16:25:18.



At the time only a dirty hack to show categories as a tree, initiated by LeOn

The plain structure on Wikis allows to generate a lot of connected pages fast and simple. The navigation in the Wiki is as simple as using internet - with links. But after 5-6 steps I cannot remember, why I'm at the actually opened page. For me it is helpful to have an hierarchical tree with the structure of the Wiki. The idea was also to use the Category-system of Wikka (CategoryCategory and so on) to automatically generated tree.

The results are presented here. At the time I call it "dirty hack", because it doesn't match the idea of WikkaWiki to use plugins / actions for Wikka expansions. Maybe somebody could help to make this hack better (and become to be a nice action).

I will describe everything more precisely. As a start I put here only the code (all comments and instructions based on Wikka

replace the line 1336 in Wikka.Class.php

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