Revision history for CategoryWikkaArchitecture
Revision [22982]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:44 by JavaWoman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
~//See also: [[WikkaCodeStructure | Wikka Code Structure]] and [[Docs:WikkaSystemFiles | Wikka Files]]//
~//See also: [[Docs:WikkaTableStructure | Wikka Tables]] (partial description, physical model only)//
~//See also: [[Docs:WikkaCore | Wikka Core]].//
~//See also: [[Docs:WikkaTableStructure | Wikka Tables]] (partial description, physical model only)//
~//See also: [[Docs:WikkaCore | Wikka Core]].//
~//See also: [[Docs:WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]] (partial description, physical model only)//
~//See also: [[Docs:WikkaCore Wikka Core]].//
Revision [18421]
Edited on 2008-01-28 00:11:27 by JavaWoman [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
~//See also: [[WikkaCodeStructure Wikka Code Structure]] and [[Docs:WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]//
~//See also: [[Docs:WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]] (partial description, physical model only)//
~//See also: [[Docs:WikkaCore Wikka Core]].//
~//See also: [[Docs:WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]] (partial description, physical model only)//
~//See also: [[Docs:WikkaCore Wikka Core]].//
~//See also: [[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]] (partial description, physical model only)//
~//See also: [[WikkaCore Wikka Core]].//
Revision [8566]
Edited on 2005-05-28 10:57:39 by JavaWoman [move to subcategory (plus more precise defintion of this category)]Additions:
//This subcategory is intended to gather **development and idea documents** about Wikka's (future) architecture. Actual development for a new or improved architecture belongs in the parent CategoryDevelopmentArchitecture.//
[[CategoryDevelopment Wikka Development]]
The data model describes structure of the data for the application, whether in files and / or a database. With respect to the database it refers to the //logical// model as well as the //physical// model described in the DDL (data description language) that (to the extent possible) implements that logical structure. Since (depending on the type of database used) it is not always possible to completely implement the logical structure into the physical database, some of it may have to be implemented as program code instead.
~//See also: [[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]] (partial description, physical model only)//
~//See also: [[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]] (partial description, physical model only)//
~//See also: [[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]] (partial description, implementation-oriented)//
=====Wikka Architecture Category=====
//This category is intended to gather development and idea documents about Wikka's (future) architecture.//
===What architecture is===
Architecture (of an application, and Wikka specifically) has a number of aspects:
~-Data model
With the term "structure" we refer to how the application is structured in different files, how they are organised in a directory structure, and how they cooperate together.
~//See also: [[WikkaCodeStructure Wikka Code Structure]] and [[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]//
==Data model==
The data model describes structure of the data for the application, whether in files and / or a database. With respect to the database it refers to the //logical// structure as well as the physical model described in the DDL (data description language) that (to the extent possible) implements that logical structure. Since (depending on the type of database used) it is not always possible to completely implement the logical structure into the physical database, some of it may have to be implemented as program code instead.
~//See also: [[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]] (partial description, implementation-oriented)//
"Mechanism" refers to the set of programs (files, classes and functions) that work with the "back-end" data and files and make these available for "front end" functionality that is seen by the end user. In short, it forms the API (application programming interface) that "front-end" functionality makes use of.
~//See also: [[WikkaCore Wikka Core]].//
===The function of architecture===
Architecture (in particular Wikka's architecture) should enable creating "core" functionality, as well as provide a platform on which extensions can easily be built making use of the API for functionality and of the application structure for organizing files. A well-designed architecture provides easy extensibility and standards that developers can follow to reliably change functionality or build extensions.
===What architecture is not===
The functionality that is exposed to the end user (whether WikiUser or WikiAdmin) is **not** architecture: instead this functionality //makes use// of the underlying architecture for accessing data and functions. Only the developer sees (and uses or extends) the architecture; through the developer's work the user only sees the user interface and the data it presents.
{{category col="4"}}
[[CategoryDevelopment Wikka Development]]
//This category is intended to gather development and idea documents about Wikka's (future) architecture.//
===What architecture is===
Architecture (of an application, and Wikka specifically) has a number of aspects:
~-Data model
With the term "structure" we refer to how the application is structured in different files, how they are organised in a directory structure, and how they cooperate together.
~//See also: [[WikkaCodeStructure Wikka Code Structure]] and [[WikkaSystemFiles Wikka Files]]//
==Data model==
The data model describes structure of the data for the application, whether in files and / or a database. With respect to the database it refers to the //logical// structure as well as the physical model described in the DDL (data description language) that (to the extent possible) implements that logical structure. Since (depending on the type of database used) it is not always possible to completely implement the logical structure into the physical database, some of it may have to be implemented as program code instead.
~//See also: [[WikkaTableStructure Wikka Tables]] (partial description, implementation-oriented)//
"Mechanism" refers to the set of programs (files, classes and functions) that work with the "back-end" data and files and make these available for "front end" functionality that is seen by the end user. In short, it forms the API (application programming interface) that "front-end" functionality makes use of.
~//See also: [[WikkaCore Wikka Core]].//
===The function of architecture===
Architecture (in particular Wikka's architecture) should enable creating "core" functionality, as well as provide a platform on which extensions can easily be built making use of the API for functionality and of the application structure for organizing files. A well-designed architecture provides easy extensibility and standards that developers can follow to reliably change functionality or build extensions.
===What architecture is not===
The functionality that is exposed to the end user (whether WikiUser or WikiAdmin) is **not** architecture: instead this functionality //makes use// of the underlying architecture for accessing data and functions. Only the developer sees (and uses or extends) the architecture; through the developer's work the user only sees the user interface and the data it presents.
{{category col="4"}}
[[CategoryDevelopment Wikka Development]]
//**NOTE:** In Wikka Wiki, categories are created by creating a **page** with a name that indicates the category. The page name should start with "Category". It should contain a description of the category itself, as well as a ""{{category}}"" action (with optional parameters) which shows which pages are part of that category.
This page is a **template**. It belongs to CategoryTemplate (which contains more handy templates). To create a **category**, [[ clone this page]] to a page called **Categoryxxxxx** (where xxxxx is the (capitalized) name of the category), replace 'xxxxx' in the heading with the name of the category, uncomment the link at the bottom of the page and replace this paragraph with a description of the purpose of the category.
New pages can then be added to this category by including "Categoryxxxxx" somewhere on the page. The category action below will automatically create a table of contents for the category!//
{{category col="4"}}
[[CategoryCategory List of all categories]]