Revision [4324]
This is an old revision of CodeContributions made by GmBowen on 2005-01-09 17:42:04.
Code Contributions
The purpose of this page is to briefly list/summarize code contributions that have been created by various contributors but which are not included in wikka as part of the general WikkaReleaseNotes release package. This is in recognition that there are now many enhancements of wikka that it is difficult to stay aware of without going to each and every page listed in WikkaDevelopment. In addition, this provides a summary of enhancements that (potential) new wikka adopters can use to rapidly figure out if wikka will meet their needs. As code contributions are included in the wikka package then they should either be removed from this page or noted as being a formal modification of wikka (the argument to not remove them is so that wikka owners using a previous package can add changes they might find useful). A second category is now started at the bottom containing actions available for wakka-forks but which have not been adopted/adapted for wikka.
User-contributed modules/extensions for WikkaWiki
- StayingLoggedIn - code so that how cookies are dealt with for persistence of logging in is altered [code]
- RichardTerry Blog - action which includes a series of wikka pages into a single blog. [action & code changes]
- see section at bottom of page for developments elsewhere...
- SuggestionsBoard - allows to include a message-board to a page [action & new table]
- WikkaForum - allows small discussion forums to be placed on any wiki page [action & new table]
- GmBowen Search Comments - code addtion for textsearch.php that allows searching of comments [code addition]
- UserCommentsAction - list of pages commented on by any user (part of UserAdmin) [action]
- PagedComments - code to allow the user to set the pagination of comments (useful for faster loading of initial page) [code]
- GmBowen Data Base Status - action modified from one at wikini which shows the status of the wiki database tables [action]
- GmBowen Gallery - show image thumbnails in a particular directory [action] (designated in various ways, including interactively, by wikka owner)
- GmBowen Graphics Tools - file uploader, image approval system, etc. [action & file addition]
- BannerMaker - allows placing colored banners on pages to enhance formatting/layout [action & file addition]
- GraphMaker - generates graphs....both images that can be saved & uploaded, & wiki action code that can be placed on the page to generate the graph. [actions & file addition]
- GmBowen Google Language Translation - addition of code for footer.php for adding language translation [code addition]
- GmBowen Erase History - auto erase history of page [action]
- GmBowen My Pages menu - a horizontal listing of pages you own [action]
- GmBowen Show Page Code - adds link so that raw page code can be shown easily [action & code addition] (builds on Mod042fShowPageCodeHandler)
- GmBowen Owned Pages - code addition for textsearch.php that shows pages owned by search if search term is registered user [code addition]
- GmBowenRecentEditCheck Recent Edit Check - indicates in the header if a page has been edited recently (to reduce conflicts in editing) [code addition]
- GmBowenCounter Page Hit Counter - a counter to record how many times a page has been loaded [action & code addition]
- UserPagesAction - list the pages owned by any user (part of UserAdmin) [action]
- NotifyOnChange Notify On Change - code to allow receiving feedback by email when a page is edited
- GmBowen Column Making - Simple code to allow a user to place 2+ columns of text on a saved page [actions]
- MostVisited - indicates which pages (out of those with the GmBowenCounter page counter modification added) have been visited most often [action]
- WikkaMenus - a system of creating custom header and footer menus in wikka [code]
- CloneAction - clone another page (also CloneHandler) [action]
- FormattedIncludeAction Formatted Include - modification of wikka include action so there are formatting controls [action & css code]
- FilesManagementHandler - provides another (simpler) way to manage attachments [handler]
- AutoReplace - allows to display WikiWords as Wiki Words depending on the user's choice - defaulted for guests [code]
- UserMenus - another way to have users managing their personal menus - different from WikkaMenus in many ways, it only offers one menu per user [code]
- UserCleanerModification - keep track of users who are online [action & code change]
- GmBowenCalendar Year Calendar - add a year-long calendar to your wikka [action & code addition]
- GmBowenWikkaAsPIM Scheduler - code to have a day scheduler to keep track of appts, etc. With day view & monthly view. [action & code addition]
- GmBowenWikkaAsPIM Task Manager - use the wikka as a structured task manager [action]
- Skins - create/modify/change skins using WikkaSkinEditor, WikkaSkinSelector, MySkin MySkin Action, WikkaSkinsRepository (see TestSkin) [actions & code]
- GmBowenSpellchecker - a simple text-file based (english) spellchecker for the editor [code & file addition]
- GmBowenUnitConverter - converts between different units (e.g., ounces to milliliters) [action]
- FeedbackActionUpgrade - allows the admin to send feedback to the email of any user (part of UserAdmin) [action]
- GroupManagement - allows to manage ACLs at User Group level [code]
- ACLsWithUserGroups - an alternative to manage ACLs at User Group level [code]
- FileManagerHack - add a file manager to the editor [code change & file addition]
Administrator Related
- UserRegistration Control Registration - code so that the administrator can control whether registration is allowed, not allowed or allowed only with a password [code]
- UserAdmin - a tool developed (with additional support listed beneath this) to improve the management of users by the administrator [action]
- UserChangesAction - list the changes made by any user (part of UserAdmin) [action]
- GmBowenAdminPageControlTool - erase history, hide page, delete page (menu system) [code addition]
- GmBowenAdminPageControlTool List Hidden Pages - list the pages hidden by the admin control toll [action]
- DescribeUsers - an action which provides a list of information about each user [action]
Data Exchange
- ShowCsv - shows the content of a *.csv-file ona wikka-page [action]
- ImportUBB - conversion between wikka and UBB [javascript]
Actions developed in other Wakka-forks
- Table of Contents Action code for wikini to provide a structured table of contents action with page anchors
Like other TOC actions I've seen this seems to create anchors as numbers. Quite apart from validity questions (an anchor must be an ID so it cannot start with a digit), this is a bad idea - especially in a Wiki - since such anchors would change with many types of page change, such as addition of a heading or section or slight re-arrangement. Which means you can never create links to those anchors within a page. A better idea is to create anchors based on the actual text of the headings which have a much higher chance of being stable. Yes, a TOC action would be nice - but a better one! (MediaWiki does it right.) --JavaWoman
- Tables with formatting Action developed for wikini to provide tables with active page links, colour, etc... (another example)(Be warned...this is not a simple plug-and-play code exercise....although it is pretty straight-forward.... and only means copying in a few lines of code.... but it doesn't work...worse, if you put table code IN to a page it actually breaks the formatter (WSOD....white screen of death, at least in wikka ....although it seems fine with everything else EXCEPT the table code, so it might be a regex problem...but I couldn't get it working (needs one of the whizzes out there I guess) -- Mike)
I think we should just develop our own (new) table formatting code. Looking at what others are doing (not just Wakka forks) is useful, but then we should not start with copying but write some specs - what do we want to be able to do, short term? long term? Then write code based on those specs. Table markup is complicated enough that you cannot just dive in and write some code and then just tweak it a little. See also the discussions on WikkaTables. --JavaWoman
I agree with all of what you write. All of this is just intended as a stimulant for development. I was quite impressed with the degree of formatting achieved with wikini and thought it would provide us ideas. --GmBowen
- User Information Action developed for wikini to provide a list of information for a user. I could see how this could be adapted to be useful for admin
- System Information Action developed for wikini to show brief system information
- Include page action Action developed for wikini which includes a page BUT with formatting that might be useful
I like the formatting idea though we should probably define different classes/default values. --JavaWoman
Now adapted for wikka (see above), and ready for further development {wink} -- GmBowen
- Slide Show Cycles through a listed series of wikka pages?? (the translation wasn't good)
- WikkaBlog - code to link wakka (not wikka, but easy to modify apparently) to a blog. (There's also a blog embedded in CoMaWiki and GmBowen is developing one, that can be seen here) [code]
- Another Calendar - a simple calendar developed & released at wackowiki [action]