Revision history for CodeExportdb
Revision [18257]
Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:10:47 by NilsLindenberg [Modified links pointing to docs server]No Differences
<<Code for **exportdb.php** (put this in actions/ )<<::c::
<<Code for **dump_database.xml.php** (put this in /handlers/page/) :<<::c::
<<Code for **dump_database.xml.php** (put this in /handlers/page/) :<<::c::
<<Code for **dump_database.xml.php** (put this in /handlers/page/) :<<
Revision [1987]
Edited on 2004-10-25 18:32:42 by NilsLindenberg [category added + highlighter changed]Additions:
== DB Export ==
ExportDB : as i'm discovering Wikki (and WikkaWiki) and playing with it on my main server and on my laptop (which too runs an Apache installation), I
was needing a quickly way of making export of my database. So I wrote a quick (and dirty ...) export page to get all the replace SQL commands to populate an instance.
I too may use this in the future to quickly backup an online Wikki site.
Code is borrowed from phpMyAdmin, but I wanted something as simple as possible (datas are just one link away). It's easier for me to use this page rather than switching on phpMyAdmin.
Just in case someone would need this:
~-You have to add an **exportdb.php** file in your "actions/" directory (with the code above)
~-Add the **dump_database.xml.php** file in your "handlers/page/" directory
~-Add in your wikka.config.php the line %%"language" => "fr",%% anywhere
~-Finally put anywhere the %%{{ExportDB}}%% tag on any page (only admin can view it) ;
<<Code for **exportdb.php** (put this in actions/ )<<
// File : actions/exportdb.php
// Written by SergiO
$strings['fr']['S_EXPORT_LABEL'] = 'Export de la base de données';
$strings['fr']['S_DOWNLOAD'] = 'Downloader';
$strings['fr']['S_VIEW'] = 'Visualiser';
$strings['fr']['S_NO_ADMIN'] = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à lire cette page";
// === Array set to current strings definitions with the current selected language
// (this array is to be used later like this : $lng_strings['STRING_LABEL'])
$lng_strings = $strings[strtolower($this->GetConfigValue('language'))];
// === Only admin can access this page
if ($this->IsAdmin())
// === Begining of this script ...
$result = "<form action=\"".$this->href('dump_database.xml',$this->GetPageTag(),"")."\" method=\"post\">\n";
print "
<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<strong>$lng_strings[S_EXPORT_LABEL]</strong> : <br />
<td colspan='4' valign='top' align='right' nowrap>
<input name=\"submit_download\" type=\"submit\" value=\" $lng_strings[S_DOWNLOAD] \" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 10px\">
<input name=\"submit_view\" type=\"submit\" value=\" $lng_strings[S_VIEW] \" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 10px\">
echo "<i>" . $lng_strings[S_NO_ADMIN] . "</i>" ;
<<Code for **dump_database.xml.php** (put this in /handlers/page/) :<<
// File : handlers/page/dum_database.xml.php
// Written by SergiO
// === ZipFile class
* Zip file creation class.
* Makes zip files.
* Based on :
* By Eric Mueller <[email protected]>
* by Denis125 <[email protected]>
* a patch from Peter Listiak <[email protected]> for last modified
* date and time of the compressed file
* Official ZIP file format:
* @access public
class zipfile
* Array to store compressed data
* @var array $datasec
var $datasec = array();
* Central directory
* @var array $ctrl_dir
var $ctrl_dir = array();
* End of central directory record
* @var string $eof_ctrl_dir
var $eof_ctrl_dir = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00";
* Last offset position
* @var integer $old_offset
var $old_offset = 0;
* Converts an Unix timestamp to a four byte DOS date and time format (date
* in high two bytes, time in low two bytes allowing magnitude comparison).
* @param integer the current Unix timestamp
* @return integer the current date in a four byte DOS format
* @access private
function unix2DosTime($unixtime = 0) {
$timearray = ($unixtime == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($unixtime);
if ($timearray['year'] < 1980) {
$timearray['year'] = 1980;
$timearray['mon'] = 1;
$timearray['mday'] = 1;
$timearray['hours'] = 0;
$timearray['minutes'] = 0;
$timearray['seconds'] = 0;
} // end if
return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) | ($timearray['mday'] << 16) |
($timearray['hours'] << 11) | ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1);
} // end of the 'unix2DosTime()' method
* Adds "file" to archive
* @param string file contents
* @param string name of the file in the archive (may contains the path)
* @param integer the current timestamp
* @access public
function addFile($data, $name, $time = 0)
$name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
$dtime = dechex($this->unix2DosTime($time));
$hexdtime = '\x' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7]
. '\x' . $dtime[4] . $dtime[5]
. '\x' . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3]
. '\x' . $dtime[0] . $dtime[1];
eval('$hexdtime = "' . $hexdtime . '";');
$fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04";
$fr .= "\x14\x00"; // ver needed to extract
$fr .= "\x00\x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
$fr .= "\x08\x00"; // compression method
$fr .= $hexdtime; // last mod time and date
// "local file header" segment
$unc_len = strlen($data);
$crc = crc32($data);
$zdata = gzcompress($data);
$zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); // fix crc bug
$c_len = strlen($zdata);
$fr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$fr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
$fr .= pack('v', strlen($name)); // length of filename
$fr .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length
$fr .= $name;
// "file data" segment
$fr .= $zdata;
// "data descriptor" segment (optional but necessary if archive is not
// served as file)
$fr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$fr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
// add this entry to array
$this -> datasec[] = $fr;
$new_offset = strlen(implode('', $this->datasec));
// now add to central directory record
$cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02";
$cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // version made by
$cdrec .= "\x14\x00"; // version needed to extract
$cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
$cdrec .= "\x08\x00"; // compression method
$cdrec .= $hexdtime; // last mod time & date
$cdrec .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$cdrec .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($name) ); // length of filename
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // extra field length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // file comment length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // disk number start
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // internal file attributes
$cdrec .= pack('V', 32 ); // external file attributes - 'archive' bit set
$cdrec .= pack('V', $this -> old_offset ); // relative offset of local header
$this -> old_offset = $new_offset;
$cdrec .= $name;
// optional extra field, file comment goes here
// save to central directory
$this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;
} // end of the 'addFile()' method
* Dumps out file
* @return string the zipped file
* @access public
function file()
$data = implode('', $this -> datasec);
$ctrldir = implode('', $this -> ctrl_dir);
$data .
$ctrldir .
$this -> eof_ctrl_dir .
pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) . // total # of entries "on this disk"
pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) . // total # of entries overall
pack('V', strlen($ctrldir)) . // size of central dir
pack('V', strlen($data)) . // offset to start of central dir
"\x00\x00"; // .zip file comment length
} // end of the 'file()' method
} // end of the 'zipfile' class
// === Fonctions borrowed (and adapted) from phpMyAdmin
function backquote($a_name, $do_it = TRUE)
if ($do_it
&& !empty($a_name) && $a_name != '*') {
if (is_array($a_name)) {
$result = array();
while(list($key, $val) = each($a_name)) {
$result[$key] = '`' . $val . '`';
return $result;
} else {
return '`' . $a_name . '`';
} else {
return $a_name;
} // end of the 'PMA_backquote()' function
function sqlAddslashes($a_string = '', $is_like = FALSE, $crlf = FALSE)
if ($is_like) {
$a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\', $a_string);
} else {
$a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $a_string);
if ($crlf) {
$a_string = str_replace("\n", '\n', $a_string);
$a_string = str_replace("\r", '\r', $a_string);
$a_string = str_replace("\t", '\t', $a_string);
$a_string = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $a_string);
return $a_string;
} // end of the 'PMA_sqlAddslashes()' function
function fieldTypes($db_link, $table, $use_backquotes) {
$table_def = mysql_query('SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . backquote($db) . '.' . backquote($table));
while($row = @mysql_fetch_array($table_def)) {
$types[backquote($row['Field'],$use_backquotes)] = ereg_replace('\\(.*', '', $row['Type']);
return $types;
function getTableContentFast($db_link, $table, $crlf, $parameter_insert_kind, &$datas)
$buffer = '';
$use_backquotes = TRUE;
$sql_query = 'SELECT * from ' . $table . ' ';
$result = mysql_query($sql_query);
if ($result != FALSE) {
$fields_cnt = mysql_num_fields($result);
$rows_cnt = mysql_num_rows($result);
// get the real types of the table's fields (in an array)
// the key of the array is the backquoted field name
$field_types = fieldTypes($db,$table,$use_backquotes);
// Checks whether the field is an integer or not
for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
$field_set[$j] = backquote(mysql_field_name($result, $j), $use_backquotes);
$type = $field_types[$field_set[$j]];
if ($type == 'tinyint' || $type == 'smallint' || $type == 'mediumint' || $type == 'int' ||
$type == 'bigint' || (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40100 && $type == 'timestamp')) {
$field_num[$j] = TRUE;
} else {
$field_num[$j] = FALSE;
// blob
if ($type == 'blob' || $type == 'mediumblob' || $type == 'longblob' || $type == 'tinyblob') {
$field_blob[$j] = TRUE;
} else {
$field_blob[$j] = FALSE;
} // end for
// Sets the scheme
if (isset($GLOBALS['showcolumns'])) {
$fields = implode(', ', $field_set);
$schema_insert = $parameter_insert_kind . ' INTO ' . backquote($table, $use_backquotes)
. ' (' . $fields . ') VALUES (';
} else {
$schema_insert = $parameter_insert_kind . ' INTO ' . backquote($table, $use_backquotes)
. ' VALUES (';
$search = array("\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a"); //\x08\\x09, not required
$replace = array('\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z');
$current_row = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
if (!isset($row[$j])) {
$values[] = 'NULL';
} else if ($row[$j] == '0' || $row[$j] != '') {
// a number
if ($field_num[$j]) {
$values[] = $row[$j];
// a not empty blob
} else if ($field_blob[$j] && !empty($row[$j])) {
$values[] = '0x' . bin2hex($row[$j]);
// a string
} else {
$values[] = "'" . str_replace($search, $replace, sqlAddslashes($row[$j])) . "'";
} else {
$values[] = "''";
} // end if
} // end for
// Extended inserts case
if (isset($GLOBALS['extended_ins'])) {
if ($current_row == 1) {
$insert_line = $schema_insert . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
} else {
$insert_line = '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
// Other inserts case
else {
$insert_line = $schema_insert . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
$datas[] = $insert_line . ";$crlf";
} // end while
} // end if ($result != FALSE)
return TRUE;
} // end of the 'PMA_getTableContentFast()' function
// === Build the dest filename
function buildDestFilename($s)
return ( strtolower($s) ); // has to be improved
// === Parameters of this script
$parameter_insert_kind = 'REPLACE'; // INSERT | REPLACE
$parameter_export_table_schema = FALSE;
$parameter_include_drop_tables = FALSE;
$parameter_gzip_result = TRUE; // Do we want a gzipped file if ouput mode is "download"
$crlf = "\n";
// === Language strings global definitions
$strings['fr']['S_EXPORT_LABEL'] = 'Export de la base de données';
$strings['fr']['S_STEP1'] = 'Récupération de la liste des tables ...';
$strings['fr']['S_STEP2'] = 'Récupération de la liste des tables ...';
$strings['fr']['S_DB_ERROR'] = "Erreur d'accès à la base de données, impossible de récupérer la liste des tables";
$strings['fr']['S_DB_NO_LINK'] = "Erreur d'accès à la base de données, le lien n'est pas actif";
$strings['fr']['S_MYSQL_ERROR'] = 'Erreur MySQL';
// === Array set to current strings definitions with the current selected language
// (this array is to be used later like this : $lng_strings['STRING_LABEL'])
$lng_strings = $strings[strtolower($this->GetConfigValue('language'))];
if ($this->IsAdmin())
// === For each WiKi Tables ...
if ($this->dblink)
$result = mysql_list_tables($this->config["mysql_database"], $this->dblink);
if (!$result) {
print($lnb_strings['S_DB_ERROR'] . "\n");
print($lnb_strings['S_MYSQL_ERROR'] . mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
// print("- Table: $row[0] ... ");
// Do we have to include drop statements
if ( $parameter_include_drop_table == TRUE )
// Do we have to include schemas
if ( $parameter_export_table_schema == TRUE )
// We build all those INSERT statements
getTableContentFast($db_link, $row[0], $crlf, $parameter_insert_kind, $datas);
if ( isset($_POST['submit_download'] ) ) $output = 'download';
else $output = 'view';
switch ($output)
case 'download' :
if ( eregi( 'MSIE', $HTTP_USER_AGENT ) || eregi( 'OPERA', $HTTP_USER_AGENT ) ) $mime_type = 'application/octetstream';
$mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';
if ( eregi( 'MSIE', $HTTP_USER_AGENT ) ) $content_disp = 'inline';
$content_disp = 'attachment';
// Génération du .zip
$sql_filename = buildDestFilename($this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name")) . '.sql';
if ( $parameter_gzip_result == TRUE )
$zip = new zipfile;
$zip->addFile(join("", $datas), $sql_filename);
$download_filename = buildDestFilename($this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name")) . '.zip';
$download_filename = $sql_filename;
//header("Content-Type: application/x-download");
header('Content-Type: ' . $mime_type);
header('Content-Disposition: '.$content_disp.'; filename="'.$download_filename);
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // toujours modifié
header('Expires: 0');
// header("Content-Length: ".filesize($dest_path.$dest_filename));
header("Connection: close");
if ( $parameter_gzip_result == TRUE )
echo $zip->file();
foreach ($datas as $line)
case 'view' :
if ( is_array($datas) && count($datas) > 0 )
print('<font size="-1">');
foreach ($datas as $line)
print("$line <br />");
// No DB connection
print($lng_strings['S_DB_NO_LINK'] . "\n");
ExportDB : as i'm discovering Wikki (and WikkaWiki) and playing with it on my main server and on my laptop (which too runs an Apache installation), I
was needing a quickly way of making export of my database. So I wrote a quick (and dirty ...) export page to get all the replace SQL commands to populate an instance.
I too may use this in the future to quickly backup an online Wikki site.
Code is borrowed from phpMyAdmin, but I wanted something as simple as possible (datas are just one link away). It's easier for me to use this page rather than switching on phpMyAdmin.
Just in case someone would need this:
~-You have to add an **exportdb.php** file in your "actions/" directory (with the code above)
~-Add the **dump_database.xml.php** file in your "handlers/page/" directory
~-Add in your wikka.config.php the line %%"language" => "fr",%% anywhere
~-Finally put anywhere the %%{{ExportDB}}%% tag on any page (only admin can view it) ;
<<Code for **exportdb.php** (put this in actions/ )<<
// File : actions/exportdb.php
// Written by SergiO
$strings['fr']['S_EXPORT_LABEL'] = 'Export de la base de données';
$strings['fr']['S_DOWNLOAD'] = 'Downloader';
$strings['fr']['S_VIEW'] = 'Visualiser';
$strings['fr']['S_NO_ADMIN'] = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à lire cette page";
// === Array set to current strings definitions with the current selected language
// (this array is to be used later like this : $lng_strings['STRING_LABEL'])
$lng_strings = $strings[strtolower($this->GetConfigValue('language'))];
// === Only admin can access this page
if ($this->IsAdmin())
// === Begining of this script ...
$result = "<form action=\"".$this->href('dump_database.xml',$this->GetPageTag(),"")."\" method=\"post\">\n";
print "
<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<strong>$lng_strings[S_EXPORT_LABEL]</strong> : <br />
<td colspan='4' valign='top' align='right' nowrap>
<input name=\"submit_download\" type=\"submit\" value=\" $lng_strings[S_DOWNLOAD] \" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 10px\">
<input name=\"submit_view\" type=\"submit\" value=\" $lng_strings[S_VIEW] \" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 10px\">
echo "<i>" . $lng_strings[S_NO_ADMIN] . "</i>" ;
<<Code for **dump_database.xml.php** (put this in /handlers/page/) :<<
// File : handlers/page/dum_database.xml.php
// Written by SergiO
// === ZipFile class
* Zip file creation class.
* Makes zip files.
* Based on :
* By Eric Mueller <[email protected]>
* by Denis125 <[email protected]>
* a patch from Peter Listiak <[email protected]> for last modified
* date and time of the compressed file
* Official ZIP file format:
* @access public
class zipfile
* Array to store compressed data
* @var array $datasec
var $datasec = array();
* Central directory
* @var array $ctrl_dir
var $ctrl_dir = array();
* End of central directory record
* @var string $eof_ctrl_dir
var $eof_ctrl_dir = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00";
* Last offset position
* @var integer $old_offset
var $old_offset = 0;
* Converts an Unix timestamp to a four byte DOS date and time format (date
* in high two bytes, time in low two bytes allowing magnitude comparison).
* @param integer the current Unix timestamp
* @return integer the current date in a four byte DOS format
* @access private
function unix2DosTime($unixtime = 0) {
$timearray = ($unixtime == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($unixtime);
if ($timearray['year'] < 1980) {
$timearray['year'] = 1980;
$timearray['mon'] = 1;
$timearray['mday'] = 1;
$timearray['hours'] = 0;
$timearray['minutes'] = 0;
$timearray['seconds'] = 0;
} // end if
return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) | ($timearray['mday'] << 16) |
($timearray['hours'] << 11) | ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1);
} // end of the 'unix2DosTime()' method
* Adds "file" to archive
* @param string file contents
* @param string name of the file in the archive (may contains the path)
* @param integer the current timestamp
* @access public
function addFile($data, $name, $time = 0)
$name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
$dtime = dechex($this->unix2DosTime($time));
$hexdtime = '\x' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7]
. '\x' . $dtime[4] . $dtime[5]
. '\x' . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3]
. '\x' . $dtime[0] . $dtime[1];
eval('$hexdtime = "' . $hexdtime . '";');
$fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04";
$fr .= "\x14\x00"; // ver needed to extract
$fr .= "\x00\x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
$fr .= "\x08\x00"; // compression method
$fr .= $hexdtime; // last mod time and date
// "local file header" segment
$unc_len = strlen($data);
$crc = crc32($data);
$zdata = gzcompress($data);
$zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); // fix crc bug
$c_len = strlen($zdata);
$fr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$fr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
$fr .= pack('v', strlen($name)); // length of filename
$fr .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length
$fr .= $name;
// "file data" segment
$fr .= $zdata;
// "data descriptor" segment (optional but necessary if archive is not
// served as file)
$fr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$fr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
// add this entry to array
$this -> datasec[] = $fr;
$new_offset = strlen(implode('', $this->datasec));
// now add to central directory record
$cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02";
$cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // version made by
$cdrec .= "\x14\x00"; // version needed to extract
$cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
$cdrec .= "\x08\x00"; // compression method
$cdrec .= $hexdtime; // last mod time & date
$cdrec .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$cdrec .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($name) ); // length of filename
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // extra field length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // file comment length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // disk number start
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // internal file attributes
$cdrec .= pack('V', 32 ); // external file attributes - 'archive' bit set
$cdrec .= pack('V', $this -> old_offset ); // relative offset of local header
$this -> old_offset = $new_offset;
$cdrec .= $name;
// optional extra field, file comment goes here
// save to central directory
$this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;
} // end of the 'addFile()' method
* Dumps out file
* @return string the zipped file
* @access public
function file()
$data = implode('', $this -> datasec);
$ctrldir = implode('', $this -> ctrl_dir);
$data .
$ctrldir .
$this -> eof_ctrl_dir .
pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) . // total # of entries "on this disk"
pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) . // total # of entries overall
pack('V', strlen($ctrldir)) . // size of central dir
pack('V', strlen($data)) . // offset to start of central dir
"\x00\x00"; // .zip file comment length
} // end of the 'file()' method
} // end of the 'zipfile' class
// === Fonctions borrowed (and adapted) from phpMyAdmin
function backquote($a_name, $do_it = TRUE)
if ($do_it
&& !empty($a_name) && $a_name != '*') {
if (is_array($a_name)) {
$result = array();
while(list($key, $val) = each($a_name)) {
$result[$key] = '`' . $val . '`';
return $result;
} else {
return '`' . $a_name . '`';
} else {
return $a_name;
} // end of the 'PMA_backquote()' function
function sqlAddslashes($a_string = '', $is_like = FALSE, $crlf = FALSE)
if ($is_like) {
$a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\', $a_string);
} else {
$a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $a_string);
if ($crlf) {
$a_string = str_replace("\n", '\n', $a_string);
$a_string = str_replace("\r", '\r', $a_string);
$a_string = str_replace("\t", '\t', $a_string);
$a_string = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $a_string);
return $a_string;
} // end of the 'PMA_sqlAddslashes()' function
function fieldTypes($db_link, $table, $use_backquotes) {
$table_def = mysql_query('SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . backquote($db) . '.' . backquote($table));
while($row = @mysql_fetch_array($table_def)) {
$types[backquote($row['Field'],$use_backquotes)] = ereg_replace('\\(.*', '', $row['Type']);
return $types;
function getTableContentFast($db_link, $table, $crlf, $parameter_insert_kind, &$datas)
$buffer = '';
$use_backquotes = TRUE;
$sql_query = 'SELECT * from ' . $table . ' ';
$result = mysql_query($sql_query);
if ($result != FALSE) {
$fields_cnt = mysql_num_fields($result);
$rows_cnt = mysql_num_rows($result);
// get the real types of the table's fields (in an array)
// the key of the array is the backquoted field name
$field_types = fieldTypes($db,$table,$use_backquotes);
// Checks whether the field is an integer or not
for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
$field_set[$j] = backquote(mysql_field_name($result, $j), $use_backquotes);
$type = $field_types[$field_set[$j]];
if ($type == 'tinyint' || $type == 'smallint' || $type == 'mediumint' || $type == 'int' ||
$type == 'bigint' || (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40100 && $type == 'timestamp')) {
$field_num[$j] = TRUE;
} else {
$field_num[$j] = FALSE;
// blob
if ($type == 'blob' || $type == 'mediumblob' || $type == 'longblob' || $type == 'tinyblob') {
$field_blob[$j] = TRUE;
} else {
$field_blob[$j] = FALSE;
} // end for
// Sets the scheme
if (isset($GLOBALS['showcolumns'])) {
$fields = implode(', ', $field_set);
$schema_insert = $parameter_insert_kind . ' INTO ' . backquote($table, $use_backquotes)
. ' (' . $fields . ') VALUES (';
} else {
$schema_insert = $parameter_insert_kind . ' INTO ' . backquote($table, $use_backquotes)
. ' VALUES (';
$search = array("\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a"); //\x08\\x09, not required
$replace = array('\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z');
$current_row = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
if (!isset($row[$j])) {
$values[] = 'NULL';
} else if ($row[$j] == '0' || $row[$j] != '') {
// a number
if ($field_num[$j]) {
$values[] = $row[$j];
// a not empty blob
} else if ($field_blob[$j] && !empty($row[$j])) {
$values[] = '0x' . bin2hex($row[$j]);
// a string
} else {
$values[] = "'" . str_replace($search, $replace, sqlAddslashes($row[$j])) . "'";
} else {
$values[] = "''";
} // end if
} // end for
// Extended inserts case
if (isset($GLOBALS['extended_ins'])) {
if ($current_row == 1) {
$insert_line = $schema_insert . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
} else {
$insert_line = '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
// Other inserts case
else {
$insert_line = $schema_insert . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
$datas[] = $insert_line . ";$crlf";
} // end while
} // end if ($result != FALSE)
return TRUE;
} // end of the 'PMA_getTableContentFast()' function
// === Build the dest filename
function buildDestFilename($s)
return ( strtolower($s) ); // has to be improved
// === Parameters of this script
$parameter_insert_kind = 'REPLACE'; // INSERT | REPLACE
$parameter_export_table_schema = FALSE;
$parameter_include_drop_tables = FALSE;
$parameter_gzip_result = TRUE; // Do we want a gzipped file if ouput mode is "download"
$crlf = "\n";
// === Language strings global definitions
$strings['fr']['S_EXPORT_LABEL'] = 'Export de la base de données';
$strings['fr']['S_STEP1'] = 'Récupération de la liste des tables ...';
$strings['fr']['S_STEP2'] = 'Récupération de la liste des tables ...';
$strings['fr']['S_DB_ERROR'] = "Erreur d'accès à la base de données, impossible de récupérer la liste des tables";
$strings['fr']['S_DB_NO_LINK'] = "Erreur d'accès à la base de données, le lien n'est pas actif";
$strings['fr']['S_MYSQL_ERROR'] = 'Erreur MySQL';
// === Array set to current strings definitions with the current selected language
// (this array is to be used later like this : $lng_strings['STRING_LABEL'])
$lng_strings = $strings[strtolower($this->GetConfigValue('language'))];
if ($this->IsAdmin())
// === For each WiKi Tables ...
if ($this->dblink)
$result = mysql_list_tables($this->config["mysql_database"], $this->dblink);
if (!$result) {
print($lnb_strings['S_DB_ERROR'] . "\n");
print($lnb_strings['S_MYSQL_ERROR'] . mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
// print("- Table: $row[0] ... ");
// Do we have to include drop statements
if ( $parameter_include_drop_table == TRUE )
// Do we have to include schemas
if ( $parameter_export_table_schema == TRUE )
// We build all those INSERT statements
getTableContentFast($db_link, $row[0], $crlf, $parameter_insert_kind, $datas);
if ( isset($_POST['submit_download'] ) ) $output = 'download';
else $output = 'view';
switch ($output)
case 'download' :
if ( eregi( 'MSIE', $HTTP_USER_AGENT ) || eregi( 'OPERA', $HTTP_USER_AGENT ) ) $mime_type = 'application/octetstream';
$mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';
if ( eregi( 'MSIE', $HTTP_USER_AGENT ) ) $content_disp = 'inline';
$content_disp = 'attachment';
// Génération du .zip
$sql_filename = buildDestFilename($this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name")) . '.sql';
if ( $parameter_gzip_result == TRUE )
$zip = new zipfile;
$zip->addFile(join("", $datas), $sql_filename);
$download_filename = buildDestFilename($this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name")) . '.zip';
$download_filename = $sql_filename;
//header("Content-Type: application/x-download");
header('Content-Type: ' . $mime_type);
header('Content-Disposition: '.$content_disp.'; filename="'.$download_filename);
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // toujours modifié
header('Expires: 0');
// header("Content-Length: ".filesize($dest_path.$dest_filename));
header("Connection: close");
if ( $parameter_gzip_result == TRUE )
echo $zip->file();
foreach ($datas as $line)
case 'view' :
if ( is_array($datas) && count($datas) > 0 )
print('<font size="-1">');
foreach ($datas as $line)
print("$line <br />");
// No DB connection
print($lng_strings['S_DB_NO_LINK'] . "\n");
ExportDB : as i'm discovering Wikki (and WikkaWiki) and playing with it on my main server and on my laptop (which too runs an Apache installation), I
was needing a quickly way of making export of my database. So I wrote a quick (and dirty ...) export page to get all the replace SQL commands to populate an instance.
I too may use this in the future to quickly backup an online Wikki site.
Code is borrowed from phpMyAdmin, but I wanted something as simple as possible (datas are just one link away). It's easier for me to use this page rather than switching on phpMyAdmin.
Just in case someone would need this:
~-You have to add an **exportdb.php** file in your "actions/" directory (with the code above)
~-Add the **dump_database.xml.php** file in your "handlers/page/" directory
~-Add in your wikka.config.php the line %%"language" => "fr",%% anywhere
~-Finally put anywhere the %%{{ExportDB}}%% tag on any page (only admin can view it) ;
Code for **exportdb.php** (put this in actions/ )
// File : actions/exportdb.php
// Written by SergiO
$strings['fr']['S_EXPORT_LABEL'] = 'Export de la base de données';
$strings['fr']['S_DOWNLOAD'] = 'Downloader';
$strings['fr']['S_VIEW'] = 'Visualiser';
$strings['fr']['S_NO_ADMIN'] = "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à lire cette page";
// === Array set to current strings definitions with the current selected language
// (this array is to be used later like this : $lng_strings['STRING_LABEL'])
$lng_strings = $strings[strtolower($this->GetConfigValue('language'))];
// === Only admin can access this page
if ($this->IsAdmin())
// === Begining of this script ...
$result = "<form action=\"".$this->href('dump_database.xml',$this->GetPageTag(),"")."\" method=\"post\">\n";
print "
<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">
<strong>$lng_strings[S_EXPORT_LABEL]</strong> : <br />
<td colspan='4' valign='top' align='right' nowrap>
<input name=\"submit_download\" type=\"submit\" value=\" $lng_strings[S_DOWNLOAD] \" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 10px\">
<input name=\"submit_view\" type=\"submit\" value=\" $lng_strings[S_VIEW] \" style=\"padding: 0px; margin: 0px; font-size: 10px\">
echo "<i>" . $lng_strings[S_NO_ADMIN] . "</i>" ;
Code for **dump_database.xml.php** (put this in /handlers/page/) :
// File : handlers/page/dum_database.xml.php
// Written by SergiO
// === ZipFile class
* Zip file creation class.
* Makes zip files.
* Based on :
* By Eric Mueller <[email protected]>
* by Denis125 <[email protected]>
* a patch from Peter Listiak <[email protected]> for last modified
* date and time of the compressed file
* Official ZIP file format:
* @access public
class zipfile
* Array to store compressed data
* @var array $datasec
var $datasec = array();
* Central directory
* @var array $ctrl_dir
var $ctrl_dir = array();
* End of central directory record
* @var string $eof_ctrl_dir
var $eof_ctrl_dir = "\x50\x4b\x05\x06\x00\x00\x00\x00";
* Last offset position
* @var integer $old_offset
var $old_offset = 0;
* Converts an Unix timestamp to a four byte DOS date and time format (date
* in high two bytes, time in low two bytes allowing magnitude comparison).
* @param integer the current Unix timestamp
* @return integer the current date in a four byte DOS format
* @access private
function unix2DosTime($unixtime = 0) {
$timearray = ($unixtime == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($unixtime);
if ($timearray['year'] < 1980) {
$timearray['year'] = 1980;
$timearray['mon'] = 1;
$timearray['mday'] = 1;
$timearray['hours'] = 0;
$timearray['minutes'] = 0;
$timearray['seconds'] = 0;
} // end if
return (($timearray['year'] - 1980) << 25) | ($timearray['mon'] << 21) | ($timearray['mday'] << 16) |
($timearray['hours'] << 11) | ($timearray['minutes'] << 5) | ($timearray['seconds'] >> 1);
} // end of the 'unix2DosTime()' method
* Adds "file" to archive
* @param string file contents
* @param string name of the file in the archive (may contains the path)
* @param integer the current timestamp
* @access public
function addFile($data, $name, $time = 0)
$name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
$dtime = dechex($this->unix2DosTime($time));
$hexdtime = '\x' . $dtime[6] . $dtime[7]
. '\x' . $dtime[4] . $dtime[5]
. '\x' . $dtime[2] . $dtime[3]
. '\x' . $dtime[0] . $dtime[1];
eval('$hexdtime = "' . $hexdtime . '";');
$fr = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04";
$fr .= "\x14\x00"; // ver needed to extract
$fr .= "\x00\x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
$fr .= "\x08\x00"; // compression method
$fr .= $hexdtime; // last mod time and date
// "local file header" segment
$unc_len = strlen($data);
$crc = crc32($data);
$zdata = gzcompress($data);
$zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2); // fix crc bug
$c_len = strlen($zdata);
$fr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$fr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
$fr .= pack('v', strlen($name)); // length of filename
$fr .= pack('v', 0); // extra field length
$fr .= $name;
// "file data" segment
$fr .= $zdata;
// "data descriptor" segment (optional but necessary if archive is not
// served as file)
$fr .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$fr .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$fr .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
// add this entry to array
$this -> datasec[] = $fr;
$new_offset = strlen(implode('', $this->datasec));
// now add to central directory record
$cdrec = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02";
$cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // version made by
$cdrec .= "\x14\x00"; // version needed to extract
$cdrec .= "\x00\x00"; // gen purpose bit flag
$cdrec .= "\x08\x00"; // compression method
$cdrec .= $hexdtime; // last mod time & date
$cdrec .= pack('V', $crc); // crc32
$cdrec .= pack('V', $c_len); // compressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('V', $unc_len); // uncompressed filesize
$cdrec .= pack('v', strlen($name) ); // length of filename
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // extra field length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // file comment length
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // disk number start
$cdrec .= pack('v', 0 ); // internal file attributes
$cdrec .= pack('V', 32 ); // external file attributes - 'archive' bit set
$cdrec .= pack('V', $this -> old_offset ); // relative offset of local header
$this -> old_offset = $new_offset;
$cdrec .= $name;
// optional extra field, file comment goes here
// save to central directory
$this -> ctrl_dir[] = $cdrec;
} // end of the 'addFile()' method
* Dumps out file
* @return string the zipped file
* @access public
function file()
$data = implode('', $this -> datasec);
$ctrldir = implode('', $this -> ctrl_dir);
$data .
$ctrldir .
$this -> eof_ctrl_dir .
pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) . // total # of entries "on this disk"
pack('v', sizeof($this -> ctrl_dir)) . // total # of entries overall
pack('V', strlen($ctrldir)) . // size of central dir
pack('V', strlen($data)) . // offset to start of central dir
"\x00\x00"; // .zip file comment length
} // end of the 'file()' method
} // end of the 'zipfile' class
// === Fonctions borrowed (and adapted) from phpMyAdmin
function backquote($a_name, $do_it = TRUE)
if ($do_it
&& !empty($a_name) && $a_name != '*') {
if (is_array($a_name)) {
$result = array();
while(list($key, $val) = each($a_name)) {
$result[$key] = '`' . $val . '`';
return $result;
} else {
return '`' . $a_name . '`';
} else {
return $a_name;
} // end of the 'PMA_backquote()' function
function sqlAddslashes($a_string = '', $is_like = FALSE, $crlf = FALSE)
if ($is_like) {
$a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\\\\\', $a_string);
} else {
$a_string = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $a_string);
if ($crlf) {
$a_string = str_replace("\n", '\n', $a_string);
$a_string = str_replace("\r", '\r', $a_string);
$a_string = str_replace("\t", '\t', $a_string);
$a_string = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $a_string);
return $a_string;
} // end of the 'PMA_sqlAddslashes()' function
function fieldTypes($db_link, $table, $use_backquotes) {
$table_def = mysql_query('SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . backquote($db) . '.' . backquote($table));
while($row = @mysql_fetch_array($table_def)) {
$types[backquote($row['Field'],$use_backquotes)] = ereg_replace('\\(.*', '', $row['Type']);
return $types;
function getTableContentFast($db_link, $table, $crlf, $parameter_insert_kind, &$datas)
$buffer = '';
$use_backquotes = TRUE;
$sql_query = 'SELECT * from ' . $table . ' ';
$result = mysql_query($sql_query);
if ($result != FALSE) {
$fields_cnt = mysql_num_fields($result);
$rows_cnt = mysql_num_rows($result);
// get the real types of the table's fields (in an array)
// the key of the array is the backquoted field name
$field_types = fieldTypes($db,$table,$use_backquotes);
// Checks whether the field is an integer or not
for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
$field_set[$j] = backquote(mysql_field_name($result, $j), $use_backquotes);
$type = $field_types[$field_set[$j]];
if ($type == 'tinyint' || $type == 'smallint' || $type == 'mediumint' || $type == 'int' ||
$type == 'bigint' || (PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION < 40100 && $type == 'timestamp')) {
$field_num[$j] = TRUE;
} else {
$field_num[$j] = FALSE;
// blob
if ($type == 'blob' || $type == 'mediumblob' || $type == 'longblob' || $type == 'tinyblob') {
$field_blob[$j] = TRUE;
} else {
$field_blob[$j] = FALSE;
} // end for
// Sets the scheme
if (isset($GLOBALS['showcolumns'])) {
$fields = implode(', ', $field_set);
$schema_insert = $parameter_insert_kind . ' INTO ' . backquote($table, $use_backquotes)
. ' (' . $fields . ') VALUES (';
} else {
$schema_insert = $parameter_insert_kind . ' INTO ' . backquote($table, $use_backquotes)
. ' VALUES (';
$search = array("\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a"); //\x08\\x09, not required
$replace = array('\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z');
$current_row = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
if (!isset($row[$j])) {
$values[] = 'NULL';
} else if ($row[$j] == '0' || $row[$j] != '') {
// a number
if ($field_num[$j]) {
$values[] = $row[$j];
// a not empty blob
} else if ($field_blob[$j] && !empty($row[$j])) {
$values[] = '0x' . bin2hex($row[$j]);
// a string
} else {
$values[] = "'" . str_replace($search, $replace, sqlAddslashes($row[$j])) . "'";
} else {
$values[] = "''";
} // end if
} // end for
// Extended inserts case
if (isset($GLOBALS['extended_ins'])) {
if ($current_row == 1) {
$insert_line = $schema_insert . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
} else {
$insert_line = '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
// Other inserts case
else {
$insert_line = $schema_insert . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
$datas[] = $insert_line . ";$crlf";
} // end while
} // end if ($result != FALSE)
return TRUE;
} // end of the 'PMA_getTableContentFast()' function
// === Build the dest filename
function buildDestFilename($s)
return ( strtolower($s) ); // has to be improved
// === Parameters of this script
$parameter_insert_kind = 'REPLACE'; // INSERT | REPLACE
$parameter_export_table_schema = FALSE;
$parameter_include_drop_tables = FALSE;
$parameter_gzip_result = TRUE; // Do we want a gzipped file if ouput mode is "download"
$crlf = "\n";
// === Language strings global definitions
$strings['fr']['S_EXPORT_LABEL'] = 'Export de la base de données';
$strings['fr']['S_STEP1'] = 'Récupération de la liste des tables ...';
$strings['fr']['S_STEP2'] = 'Récupération de la liste des tables ...';
$strings['fr']['S_DB_ERROR'] = "Erreur d'accès à la base de données, impossible de récupérer la liste des tables";
$strings['fr']['S_DB_NO_LINK'] = "Erreur d'accès à la base de données, le lien n'est pas actif";
$strings['fr']['S_MYSQL_ERROR'] = 'Erreur MySQL';
// === Array set to current strings definitions with the current selected language
// (this array is to be used later like this : $lng_strings['STRING_LABEL'])
$lng_strings = $strings[strtolower($this->GetConfigValue('language'))];
if ($this->IsAdmin())
// === For each WiKi Tables ...
if ($this->dblink)
$result = mysql_list_tables($this->config["mysql_database"], $this->dblink);
if (!$result) {
print($lnb_strings['S_DB_ERROR'] . "\n");
print($lnb_strings['S_MYSQL_ERROR'] . mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
// print("- Table: $row[0] ... ");
// Do we have to include drop statements
if ( $parameter_include_drop_table == TRUE )
// Do we have to include schemas
if ( $parameter_export_table_schema == TRUE )
// We build all those INSERT statements
getTableContentFast($db_link, $row[0], $crlf, $parameter_insert_kind, $datas);
if ( isset($_POST['submit_download'] ) ) $output = 'download';
else $output = 'view';
switch ($output)
case 'download' :
if ( eregi( 'MSIE', $HTTP_USER_AGENT ) || eregi( 'OPERA', $HTTP_USER_AGENT ) ) $mime_type = 'application/octetstream';
$mime_type = 'application/octet-stream';
if ( eregi( 'MSIE', $HTTP_USER_AGENT ) ) $content_disp = 'inline';
$content_disp = 'attachment';
// Génération du .zip
$sql_filename = buildDestFilename($this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name")) . '.sql';
if ( $parameter_gzip_result == TRUE )
$zip = new zipfile;
$zip->addFile(join("", $datas), $sql_filename);
$download_filename = buildDestFilename($this->GetConfigValue("wakka_name")) . '.zip';
$download_filename = $sql_filename;
//header("Content-Type: application/x-download");
header('Content-Type: ' . $mime_type);
header('Content-Disposition: '.$content_disp.'; filename="'.$download_filename);
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // toujours modifié
header('Expires: 0');
// header("Content-Length: ".filesize($dest_path.$dest_filename));
header("Connection: close");
if ( $parameter_gzip_result == TRUE )
echo $zip->file();
foreach ($datas as $line)
case 'view' :
if ( is_array($datas) && count($datas) > 0 )
print('<font size="-1">');
foreach ($datas as $line)
print("$line <br />");
// No DB connection
print($lng_strings['S_DB_NO_LINK'] . "\n");
$zip->addFile(join("", $datas), $sql_filename);