Revision history for DocumentationGuidelines

Revision [22743]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by JavaWoman [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:DocumentationGuidelines | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:DocumentationGuidelines Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [17945]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:52 by JavaWoman [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===

This page can now be found on the [[Docs:DocumentationGuidelines Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
=====Documentation Guidelines=====

To preserve the overall consistency of documentation pages, please respect the following guidelines when creating/editing a documentation page.

~-When creating a new documentation entry, please check that another page on the same topic does not already exist
~-Documentation pages should be linked from the [[WikkaDocumentation official Wikka Documentation page]]
~-Please add the following header and footer to every documentation page:
~ ---
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
====Title of the page ====
Here goes page content
~ You can directly generate well-formatted documentation pages by "cloning" the [[ DocumentationTemplate]]
~-Do not create documentation entries for features/actions that are not yet included in the [[WikkaReleaseNotes official Wikka releases]]


Revision [4153]

Edited on 2005-01-07 12:08:46 by JavaWoman [minor edit]

Revision [3743]

Edited on 2004-12-27 14:10:57 by DarTar [Adding link to template]
~ You can directly generate well-formatted documentation pages by "cloning" the [[ DocumentationTemplate]]

Revision [3214]

Edited on 2004-12-15 02:22:33 by JsnX [removed reference to HelpInfo]
[[HelpInfo Wikka Documentation]]

Revision [2121]

Edited on 2004-11-10 16:22:17 by NilsLindenberg [code layout]
[[WikkaDocumentation Wikka Documentation]]
~-Documentation pages should be linked from the [[WikkaDocumentation official Wikka Documentation page]]
~-Do not create documentation entries for features/actions that are not yet included in the [[WikkaReleaseNotes official Wikka releases]]
~-Documentation pages should be linked from the [[HelpInfo official Wikka Documentation page]]
~%%[[HelpInfo Wikka Documentation]]
~-Do not create documentation entries for features/actions that are not yet included in the [[ReleaseNotes official Wikka releases]]

Revision [1564]

Edited on 2004-10-03 20:47:31 by DarTar [Adding Documentation guidelines]
~-When creating a new documentation entry, please check that another page on the same topic does not already exist
~-Documentation pages should be linked from the [[HelpInfo official Wikka Documentation page]]
~-Please add the following header and footer to every documentation page:
~ ---
~-Do not create documentation entries for features/actions that are not yet included in the [[ReleaseNotes official Wikka releases]]
~When creating a new documentation entry, please check that another page on the same topic does not already exist
~Documentation pages should be linked from the [[HelpInfo official Wikka Documentation page]]
~Please add the following header and footer to every documentation page:
~Do not create documentation entries for features/actions that are not yet included in the [[ReleaseNotes official Wikka releases]]

Revision [1563]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2004-10-03 20:44:54 by DarTar [Adding Documentation guidelines]
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