Revision history for ExpandedAdminBackupTool

Revision [18738]

Last edited on 2008-01-28 00:12:34 by WazoO [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [13129]

Edited on 2006-02-10 00:37:07 by WazoO [Modified links pointing to docs server]
WazoO Adds -
WazoO - 9 Feb 2006
Wazoo Adds -
Wazoo - 9 Feb 2006

Revision [13128]

Edited on 2006-02-10 00:36:00 by WazoO [Modified links pointing to docs server]
Code fix;
Line 64
changed to read;
echo ($menu1 != 'users')?'<a href="'.$this_link.'"><b>'.$page_name.'</b></a>'

Revision [13127]

Edited on 2006-02-09 23:59:35 by WazoO [Modified links pointing to docs server]
As the field "login_count" and the code needed to stuff this filed isn't provided (and I've not found it described anywhere in this Wiki) I commented out some lines, modified another to drop the field from a Query ... the "Delete User" section is provided here to make it a cut/past/replace operation;
As the field "login_count" and the code needed to stuff this filed isn't provided (and I've not found it described anywhere in this Wiki) I commented out some lines, modified another to drop the field from a Query ... the "Delete User" section is provided here to make ot a cut/past/replace operation;

Revision [13126]

Edited on 2006-02-09 23:58:09 by WazoO [Modified links pointing to docs server]

Revision [13125]

Edited on 2006-02-09 23:56:19 by WazoO [Modified links pointing to docs server]
Wazoo Adds -
Until Mike gets back and updates this page, this is what I did to make this functional.
New Table needed, based on my best guess by looking at what the code was looking for;
mysql> CREATE TABLE `wikka_resetpasswords` (
-> `username` varchar(75) NOT NULL default '',
-> `password` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
-> PRIMARY KEY (`username`)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
As the field "login_count" and the code needed to stuff this filed isn't provided (and I've not found it described anywhere in this Wiki) I commented out some lines, modified another to drop the field from a Query ... the "Delete User" section is provided here to make ot a cut/past/replace operation;
if ($_REQUEST['set']) {
// need database field $query = "SELECT `name`,`signuptime`,`login_count`,`email` FROM `$t_users` WHERE `password`!='Reserved Account' $order ";
$query = "SELECT `name`,`signuptime`,`email` FROM `$t_users` WHERE `password`!='Reserved Account' $order ";
// need database field "<th> # logins </th>".
if ($stat!=="0") $num = $this->LoadSingle("SELECT count(*) as n from ".$this->config["table_prefix"]."pages where owner='".$user["name"]."' AND latest = 'Y'");
// need database field "<td>".$user["login_count"]."</td>".
Wazoo - 9 Feb 2006

Revision [13029]

Edited on 2006-01-31 18:29:10 by GmBowen [Modified links pointing to docs server]
Install the script below in actions (I call it wikkamanagement.php). It will work without an ftp server (although you should put the variable references into the wikka.config.php, just leave the variable names blank) and local backups can be downloaded. [note that you have to replace "percentpercent" in the code with two percent signs]
$def .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$table`;#percentpercent\n";
$def .= "\n);#percentpercent";
$insert .= ");#percentpercent\n";
Install the script below in actions (I call it wikkamanagement.php). It will work without an ftp server (although you should put the variable references into the wikka.config.php, just leave the variable names blank) and local backups can be downloaded.
$def .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$table`;#%%\n";
$def .= "\n);#%%";
$insert .= ");#%%\n";

Revision [13028]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2006-01-31 18:24:35 by GmBowen [Modified links pointing to docs server]
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