Comparing revisions for FileView

>>{{lastedit}}>>fileview.php action:
(Not recomended for large directories or files tested on FreeBSD, Apache Server. I don't know what windows would do ##leave comment##)
Please comment if you find this action helpful It is my first "published" code and I would love to hear back from the community
KNOWN BUGS: file names with spaces ie. "This windows" will not link correctly.
# @name FileView
# @author {@link SmaugDragon} (first draft)
# @version 0.8
# wildcards work fine ie.
# @todo 1.) Restrict which files a user can show
# 2.) Files with spaces in the name do not link correctly
# 3.) I have to make files download instead of displaying that should fix 90% of my security worries.
if (!$location) { $location = "*.*"; } /* if location is not specified show all files in uploads */
$md5checksum_on = 0; /* calculate md5 checksums (1 = yes | 0 = no) */
//echo "<tr class=\"fv\" ><th class=\"fv\" scope=\"col\"> </th><th class=\"fv\" scope=\"col\">File</th><th class=\"fv\" scope=\"col\">Size</th><th class=\"fv\" scope=\"col\">Modified</th>";
//if ($md5checksum_on == 1) echo "<th class=\"fv\" scope=\"col\">md5 Checksum</th></tr>\n"; else echo "</tr>\n";
echo '<td class="fv" id="nm"><a href='."$filename>$filedesc</a>";
>>Download the latest [[ Version]] Updated: July 24, 2006
{{lastedit}}>>fileview.php action:
(Not recomended for large directories or files.)
Tested on FreeBSD, Apache Server. I don't know what windows would do ##leave comment##
Please comment if you find this action helpful It is my first "published" code and I would love to hear back from the community.
# @name FileView
# @author {@link SmaugDragon}
# @version 0.9
# wildcards work fine ie.
# @todo 1.) Restrict which files a user can show
# 2.) I have to make files download instead of displaying that should fix 90% of my security worries.
$md5checksum_on = 0; /* calculate md5 checksums (1 = yes | 0 = no) */
if (!$location) { $location = "uploads/*.*"; } /* if location is not specified show all files in uploads */
echo '<tr class="fv"><th class="fv" scope="col"> </th><th class="fv" scope="col">File</th><th class="fv" scope="col">Size</th><th class="fv" scope="col">Modified</th>';
if ($md5checksum_on == 1) echo '<th class="fv" scope="col">md5 Checksum</th></tr>'."\n"; else echo "</tr>\n";
echo '<td class="fv" id="nm"><a href='.str_replace(" ", "%20", $filename).">$filedesc</a>";
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