I am lazy, aren't we all?

See also HierarchiesAndInheritance for the #wikka discussion that led to this proposal, with some comments.

current situation

  1. You create page A and add a wikiword.
  1. For whatever reason you alter the ACL for that page.
  1. You click on the wikiword just created, edit and store your content. This page I shall call page B.
  1. If you want the same ACL now used on A, you will need to manualy set a new ACL for page B.

This is the current way of handling ACL's.

more convenient?

  1. You create page A and add a wikiword.
  1. For whatever reason you alter the ACL for that page.
  1. You click on the wikiword (page B) just created, edit and store your content. Here you can say if you want to use the same ACL controling page A.

This can easily be done as a one-time-action and there is no need for manualy setting all the info from the ACL from the 'parent'.

NOTE: There is no need for a (tree-a-like) 'hierarchy'. Wikka is flat, there is not hierarchy, this is fine!

Thats basicly my suggestion.

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