
Wiki Development

I am the webmaster for the Santa Clara Valley Section web site of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). I'm converting the site into a wiki. Section officers and club representatives from around the section will have the ability to edit pages, and the site will be open to all for viewing.

I'm prototyping the site on my own server to get started; check out SCVSEC.

So far, I have the following actions installed on my wiki:

My Personal Site

I have started a family site, still in its infancy: The Kibbish Family Web Site.

I also have a site related to my Amateur Radio activities. I am licensed as WB6MRQ.

Other sites I host and/or maintain:
The Chico Bavarian Band
The Internationals
The West Bay Community Band
Montgomery High School Music Program
Gold and Brass (brass bands)
CDF Santa Clara Ranger Unit

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