Revision history for HighlightSearch
Revision [23492]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:48 by EmeraldIsland [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
Handler also available for [[HighlightSearchWikka12 | Wikka 1.2 ]] and [[HighlightSearchWikka13 | Wikka 1.3]]
RolandStens did [[SearchHighlighter]] based on Javascript. Here is my contribution in PHP. The work is based on show.php handler and a small part of textsearchexpanded.php action. You can see this new handler in action [[ | here]].
RolandStens did [[SearchHighlighter]] based on Javascript. Here is my contribution in PHP. The work is based on show.php handler and a small part of textsearchexpanded.php action. You can see this new handler in action [[ | here]].
RolandStens did [[SearchHighlighter]] based on Javascript. Here is my contribution in PHP. The work is based on show.php handler and a small part of textsearchexpanded.php action. You can see this new handler in action [[ here]].
Other: [[SearchHighlighter]], HighlightSearchWikka12, HighlightSearchWikka13
Handler also available for [[HighlightSearchWikka12 Wikka 1.2 ]] and [[HighlightSearchWikka13 Wikka 1.3]]
Handler also available for [[HighlightSearchWikka12 Wikka 1.2 ]] and [[HighlightSearchWikka13 Wikka 1.3]]
Version also [[HighlightSearchWikka12 available for Wikka 1.2]] (updating according to the new theme schema)
Revision [20829]
Edited on 2009-09-06 10:54:56 by EmeraldIsland [See HighlightSearchWikka12 for Wikka 1.2]Additions:
Wikka ->>//NOT included in any Wikka version//
Version also [[HighlightSearchWikka12 available for Wikka 1.2]] (updating according to the new theme schema)
Version also [[HighlightSearchWikka12 available for Wikka 1.2]] (updating according to the new theme schema)
Revision [19073]
Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:02 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]No Differences
Revision [16398]
Edited on 2007-04-11 16:19:21 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]No Differences
Revision [16397]
Edited on 2007-04-11 16:18:08 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
3. That's all !
==Remark :==
- change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php (step 2. above)
==Remark :==
- change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php (step 2. above)
**Remark :**
If you prefer, you can replace 'show' handler. In that case, don't forget to also change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php
- change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php
Revision [16396]
Edited on 2007-04-11 16:15:45 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
>>==See also :==
Documentation : ""HighlightSearchHandlerInfo""
Other: [[SearchHighlighter]]
==Works with :==
Wikka>>//NOT included in any Wikka version//
This is the development page for the HighlightSearch handler.
- Save the code block below as ##handlers/page/highlightsearch.php##
- Give it the same file permissions as the other php files in that directory
1. New handlers/page/highlightsearch.php file
2. In textsearch.php action, change only one line :
**Remark :**
If you prefer, you can replace 'show' handler. In that case, don't forget to also change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php
For a better integration in your wiki, you can also replace 'show' handler.
- rename or save handlers/page/show.php in handlers/page/show_ref.php
- rename handlers/page/highlightsearch.php in handlers/page/show.php
- change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php
Documentation : ""HighlightSearchHandlerInfo""
Other: [[SearchHighlighter]]
==Works with :==
Wikka>>//NOT included in any Wikka version//
This is the development page for the HighlightSearch handler.
- Save the code block below as ##handlers/page/highlightsearch.php##
- Give it the same file permissions as the other php files in that directory
1. New handlers/page/highlightsearch.php file
2. In textsearch.php action, change only one line :
**Remark :**
If you prefer, you can replace 'show' handler. In that case, don't forget to also change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php
For a better integration in your wiki, you can also replace 'show' handler.
- rename or save handlers/page/show.php in handlers/page/show_ref.php
- rename handlers/page/highlightsearch.php in handlers/page/show.php
- change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php
Documentation: ""HighlightSearchHandlerInfo""
Other: [[SearchHighlighter]]>>This is the development page for the HighlightSearch handler.::c::
You just need to create the new file highlightsearch.php in your /handlers/page directory and copy this code :
**Remark :** if you prefer, you can replace 'show' handler.In that case, don't forget to also change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php
For a better integration in your wiki, you will need to change only one line in textsearch.php action :
Revision [15694]
Edited on 2006-11-25 20:50:13 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
You just need to create the new file highlightsearch.php in your /handlers/page directory and copy this code :
**Remark :** if you prefer, you can replace 'show' handler.In that case, don't forget to also change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php
if (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && ($search = $_REQUEST['search'])) {
$search_re = stripslashes(trim($search));
if ($search_re) {
// display page with highlighted string
$txt_stripped = $this->Format($this->page['body'], 'wakka');
// The evil REGEXP
$pattern = '/('.$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($search_re).')(?![^<]*?>)/i';
$highlightMatch = preg_replace($pattern,'<<$1>>',$txt_stripped,-1);
$matchText = str_replace(array('<<', '>>'), array('<span class="tse_keywords">', '</span>'), $highlightMatch);
echo $matchText;
} else { echo $this->Format($this->page['body'], 'wakka'); }
**Remark :** if you prefer, you can replace 'show' handler.In that case, don't forget to also change 'highlightsearch' by 'show' in textsearch.php
if (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && ($search = $_REQUEST['search'])) {
$search_re = stripslashes(trim($search));
if ($search_re) {
// display page with highlighted string
$txt_stripped = $this->Format($this->page['body'], 'wakka');
// The evil REGEXP
$pattern = '/('.$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($search_re).')(?![^<]*?>)/i';
$highlightMatch = preg_replace($pattern,'<<$1>>',$txt_stripped,-1);
$matchText = str_replace(array('<<', '>>'), array('<span class="tse_keywords">', '</span>'), $highlightMatch);
echo $matchText;
} else { echo $this->Format($this->page['body'], 'wakka'); }
if (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && ($search = $_REQUEST['search'])) {
$search_re = stripslashes(trim($search));
if (!$search_re) return;
// display page with highlighted string
$txt_stripped = $this->Format($this->page['body'], 'wakka');
// The evil REGEXP
$pattern = '/('.$this->htmlspecialchars_ent($search_re).')(?![^<]*?>)/i';
$highlightMatch = preg_replace($pattern,'<<$1>>',$txt_stripped,-1);
$matchText = str_replace(array('<<', '>>'), array('<span class="tse_keywords">', '</span>'), $highlightMatch);
echo $matchText;
Revision [15693]
Edited on 2006-11-25 20:31:07 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]Deletions:
echo '<div class="footcopyright"><a href=""><img src="./css/images/somerights20.png" alt="Some rights reserved" title="Some rights reserved" width="88px" height="31px" /></a><br />Except where otherwise <a href="">noted</a>, content on this site is licensed<br />under a <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 2.5 License</a>.</div>';
Revision [15692]
Edited on 2006-11-25 20:20:36 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
Documentation: ""HighlightSearchHandlerInfo""
Other: [[SearchHighlighter]]>>This is the development page for the HighlightSearch handler.::c::
For a better integration in your wiki, you will need to change only one line in textsearch.php action :
Old textsearch.php source code (line 50) :
New textsearch.php source code (line 50) :
Other: [[SearchHighlighter]]>>This is the development page for the HighlightSearch handler.::c::
For a better integration in your wiki, you will need to change only one line in textsearch.php action :
Old textsearch.php source code (line 50) :
New textsearch.php source code (line 50) :
For a better integration in your wiki, you will need to change only one line in textsearch.php action :---
old textsearch.php source code (line 50) :
new textsearch.php source code (line 50) :
Revision [15691]
Edited on 2006-11-25 20:16:09 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
RolandStens did [[SearchHighlighter]] based on Javascript. Here is my contribution in PHP. The work is based on show.php handler and a small part of textsearchexpanded.php action. You can see this new handler in action [[ here]].
For a better integration in your wiki, you will need to change only one line in textsearch.php action :---
For a better integration in your wiki, you will need to change only one line in textsearch.php action :---
You can see this new handler in action [[ here]].
For a better integration in your wiki, you will need to change only one line in textsearch.php action :
Revision [15690]
Edited on 2006-11-25 20:14:45 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
=====HighlightSearch Handler=====
>>==See also:==
Documentation: HighlightSearchHandlerInfo.>>This is the development page for the HighlightSearch handler.::c::
>>==See also:==
Documentation: HighlightSearchHandlerInfo.>>This is the development page for the HighlightSearch handler.::c::
Revision [15689]
Edited on 2006-11-25 20:13:02 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
=====xxxxx Handler=====
CategoryUserContributions - CategoryDevelopmentHandlers
CategoryUserContributions - CategoryDevelopmentHandlers
Revision [15688]
Edited on 2006-11-25 20:10:51 by EmeraldIsland [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
You can see this new handler in action [[ here]].