Revision history for IFilmActionInfo

Revision [23181]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by CimNine [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
=====[[IFilmAction | iFilm]] Action Documentation=====
Development: IFilmAction.>>This is the documentation page for the [[IFilmAction | iFilm]] action.::c::
=====[[IFilmAction iFilm]] Action Documentation=====
Development: IFilmAction.>>This is the documentation page for the [[IFilmAction iFilm]] action.::c::

Revision [19103]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:02 by CimNine [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [16589]

Edited on 2007-05-17 17:19:46 by CimNine [Modified links pointing to docs server]
<tr><td>url</td><td>string</td><td>yes</td><td>-</td><td>Set which film i should show.</td></tr>
<tr><td>width</td><td>number</td><td>optional</td><td>425</td><td>The width of the movie box.</td></tr>
<tr><td>height</td><td>number</td><td>optional</td><td>350</td><td>The height of the movie box.</td></tr>
<tr><td>bgcolor</td><td>hex-color</td><td>optional</td><td>#ffffff</td><td>The background color.</td></tr>
<tr><td>type</td><td>string</td><td>optional</td><td>2</td><td>Set the wich film i should show.</td></tr>
<tr><td>type</td><td>number</td><td>optional</td><td>2</td><td>The width of the movie box.</td></tr>
<tr><td>type</td><td>number</td><td>optional</td><td>2</td><td>The height of the movie box.</td></tr>
<tr><td>type</td><td>hex-color</td><td>optional</td><td>2</td><td>The background color.</td></tr>

Revision [16580]

Edited on 2007-05-17 16:24:16 by CimNine [init]
=====[[IFilmAction iFilm]] Action Documentation=====
Development: IFilmAction.>>This is the documentation page for the [[IFilmAction iFilm]] action.::c::
Embed movies from .
<tr><td>type</td><td>string</td><td>optional</td><td>2</td><td>Set the wich film i should show.</td></tr>
<tr><td>type</td><td>number</td><td>optional</td><td>2</td><td>The width of the movie box.</td></tr>
<tr><td>type</td><td>number</td><td>optional</td><td>2</td><td>The height of the movie box.</td></tr>
<tr><td>type</td><td>hex-color</td><td>optional</td><td>2</td><td>The background color.</td></tr>
Embed you favourite movies from
%%{{ifilm url="" [width="425" height="350" bgcolor="#ffffff"]}}%%
=====[[AddThisAction AddThis]] Action Documentation=====
Development: AddThisAction.>>This is the documentation page for the [[AddThisAction AddThis]] action.::c::
Adds a bookmark-button.
<tr><td>type</td><td>string</td><td>optional</td><td>2</td><td>Change the type of the Button. Visit for an overview.</td></tr>
Adds a bookmark button with a link to . The user can then choose which Bookmark-Provider he want's to use to remember your page.
%%{{addthis [type='1|2|3']}}%%

Revision [16578]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2007-05-17 16:18:55 by CimNine [init]
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