Revision history for ImprovedFormattingRules
Revision [23077]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:45 by DarTar [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
The following page replaces the current FormattingRules in the latest [[ | development version]].
~1) add a forced link surrounding the page name by ##""[[""## | and ##""]]""## (everything after the first space will be shown as description): --- --- ##""[[SandBox | Test your formatting skills]]""## --- [[SandBox | Test your formatting skills]] --- --- ##""[[SandBox | 沙箱]]""## --- [[SandBox | 沙箱]] --- ---
~1) add a forced link surrounding the URL by ##""[[""## | and ##""]]""## (everything after the first space will be shown as description): --- --- ##""[[ | Jenna's Home Page]]""## --- [[ | Jenna's Home Page]] --- --- ##""[[[email protected] | Write me!]]""## --- [[[email protected] | Write me!]] --- ---
~1) add an interwiki link (browse the [[Docs:InterWiki | list of available interwiki tags]]): --- --- ##""WikiPedia:WikkaWiki""## --- WikiPedia:WikkaWiki --- --- ##""Google:CSS""## --- Google:CSS --- --- ##""Thesaurus:Happy""## --- Thesaurus:Happy --- ---
Wikka has native support for [[Wikka:FreeMind | mindmaps]]. There are two options for embedding a mindmap in a wiki page.
~1) add a forced link surrounding the page name by ##""[[""## | and ##""]]""## (everything after the first space will be shown as description): --- --- ##""[[SandBox | Test your formatting skills]]""## --- [[SandBox | Test your formatting skills]] --- --- ##""[[SandBox | 沙箱]]""## --- [[SandBox | 沙箱]] --- ---
~1) add a forced link surrounding the URL by ##""[[""## | and ##""]]""## (everything after the first space will be shown as description): --- --- ##""[[ | Jenna's Home Page]]""## --- [[ | Jenna's Home Page]] --- --- ##""[[[email protected] | Write me!]]""## --- [[[email protected] | Write me!]] --- ---
~1) add an interwiki link (browse the [[Docs:InterWiki | list of available interwiki tags]]): --- --- ##""WikiPedia:WikkaWiki""## --- WikiPedia:WikkaWiki --- --- ##""Google:CSS""## --- Google:CSS --- --- ##""Thesaurus:Happy""## --- Thesaurus:Happy --- ---
Wikka has native support for [[Wikka:FreeMind | mindmaps]]. There are two options for embedding a mindmap in a wiki page.
~1) add a forced link surrounding the page name by ##""[[""## and ##""]]""## (everything after the first space will be shown as description): --- --- ##""[[SandBox Test your formatting skills]]""## --- [[SandBox Test your formatting skills]] --- --- ##""[[SandBox 沙箱]]""## --- [[SandBox 沙箱]] --- ---
~1) add a forced link surrounding the URL by ##""[[""## and ##""]]""## (everything after the first space will be shown as description): --- --- ##""[[ Jenna's Home Page]]""## --- [[ Jenna's Home Page]] --- --- ##""[[[email protected] Write me!]]""## --- [[[email protected] Write me!]] --- ---
~1) add an interwiki link (browse the [[Docs:InterWiki list of available interwiki tags]]): --- --- ##""WikiPedia:WikkaWiki""## --- WikiPedia:WikkaWiki --- --- ##""Google:CSS""## --- Google:CSS --- --- ##""Thesaurus:Happy""## --- Thesaurus:Happy --- ---
Wikka has native support for [[Wikka:FreeMind mindmaps]]. There are two options for embedding a mindmap in a wiki page.
~1) add an interwiki link (browse the [[Docs:InterWiki list of available interwiki tags]]): --- --- ##""WikiPedia:WikkaWiki""## --- WikiPedia:WikkaWiki --- --- ##""Google:CSS""## --- Google:CSS --- --- ##""Thesaurus:Happy""## --- Thesaurus:Happy --- ---
~##""This line to break --- right here""##
~This line to break --- right here
##""~This text is indented<br />~~This text is double-indented<br /> This text is also indented<br /> This text is also double indented""##
This text is also double indented
~This line to break --- right here
##""~This text is indented<br />~~This text is double-indented<br /> This text is also indented<br /> This text is also double indented""##
This text is also double indented
This line to break to break --- right here
##""~This text is indented<br />~~This text is double-indented<br /> This text is also indented""##
This text is also indented
##""This line to break to break --- right here""##
~##""This line to break to break --- right here""##
This line to break to break --- right here
~1)Line two
This line to break to break --- right here
~1)Line two
##""~~- Line two""##
##""~-Line three""##
~-Line three
##""~-Line three""##
~-Line three
- Line two
1) Line one
1) Line two
A) Line one
A) Line two
a) Line one
a) Line two
I) Line one
I) Line two
i) Line one
i) Line two
This text is also indented
This text is also indented
~-Line one
~~-Line two
~1)Line one
~1)Kubw two
~A)Line one
~A)Line two
~a)Line one
~a)Line two
~I)Line one
~I)Line two
~i)Line one
~i)Line two
This text is also indented
~-Line one
~~-Line two
~1)Line one
~1)Kubw two
~A)Line one
~A)Line two
~a)Line one
~a)Line two
~I)Line one
~I)Line two
~i)Line one
~i)Line two