Revision history for InlineDivFormatting
~~i) Opening Tag - This is the more complicated part, as it is one big shortcut. The basic syntax is the following "" "<<[bg_color][fg_color][width][floating]<" ""
~~i) Closing Tag - Always the same, no matter what you made for the opening tag. "" "<d<" ""
~~i) Closing Tag - Always the same, no matter what you made for the opening tag. "" "<d<" ""
~~i) Closing Tag - Always the same, no matter what you made for the opening tag. "" "<<[bg_color][fg_color][width][floating]<" ""
The following code needs to go in /Formatters/wikka.php and needs to be in all the else if places towards the top
Latter in Formatters/wikka.php this change needs to be made, it needs to be right above the line that is commented as Wiki Markup
These are the additions to css/wikka.css to handle the new classes etc.
Latter in Formatters/wikka.php this change needs to be made, it needs to be right above the line that is commented as Wiki Markup
These are the additions to css/wikka.css to handle the new classes etc.
~~ "" <<gk6r< Green box with black text Floating to the right covering 60% <d< ""
~~ <<rk5n< Text inside the red would go here <<gk5r< And text inside the green would go here <d< <d<
~~ <<rk5n< Text inside the red would go here <<gk5r< And text inside the green would go here <d< <d<
<<rk5n< Text inside the red would go here <<gk5r< And text inside the green would go here <d< <d<