Revision history for InvisibleWiki

Revision [22908]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:42 by BrianKoontz [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:InvisibleWiki | Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[ | old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:InvisibleWiki Wikka Documentation Server]].
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<

Revision [18125]

Edited on 2008-01-27 02:34:54 by BrianKoontz [Migrated to doc server]
<<===This page has moved===
This page can now be found on the [[Docs:InvisibleWiki Wikka Documentation Server]].
Thanks for updating your bookmarks!
An archive of [[
old revisions of this page]] is still available for reference.<<
===== Running an invisible wiki engine =====
//How to install and configure an invisible wiki engine to power your website//
>>** Examples of sites run by an invisible Wikka engine**
- [[ Civitas Schools]]
- [[ Dartar's Homepage]]
- [[ Dutch Connection]]
- [[ GiotMuaThu]]
- [[ InterPET-SC]]
- [[ Soasi]]
- [[ YanB's Homepage]]
- [[ Nowhere]]
=== Wiki engines are more than //engines for wikis// ===
A common misunderstanding about [[WikiEngine wiki engines]] is that they can only be used to run //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[ Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, a simple and effective solution for maintaining and managing different [[FlexibleWikka kinds]] of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP connections.
Two frequent arguments about the fact that //wiki engines can only be used to maintain wikis// are the following:
~A)anyone can edit the content of a wiki;
~A)wiki engines make sites look //wikish//;
Both arguments are **false**.
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through [[ACLInfo Access Control Lists]]. A wiki engine can thus easily restrict read-, comment- or write-access for specific pages to //no user//, //a specific user// or //more users//.
As for B) - one might argue - a site run by a wiki engine will probably look //too "wikish"// for one's (and one's users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites. Wiki-related features typically include:
~-recent changes links;
~-login links;
~-last edit information;
~-last author information;
~-history/revision links;
To address this issue, I propose in this page a very simple solution.
=== An invisible wiki engine? ===
{{image class="" alt="[preview of site run by invisible wiki engine]" url="" link="" title="An example of invisible wiki integration"}} {{image class="" alt="[editing a site run by invisible wiki engine]" url="" link="" title="An example of invisible wiki integration"}} ::c::
I use WikkaWiki as a backend for my personal website, so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need to. I have configured my Wikka engine so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the [[COnfigurationOptions configuration file]] and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].
=== The configuration ===
If you want to use Wikka as an invisible backend to power a non-wiki site, here's what you need to do.
~1) First, you will need to restrict write access to the administrator (i.e., yourself), so as to prevent other users from modifying the content of your site. Open ##wikka.config.php## and set the [[ACLInfo ACL options]] as follows:
"default_write_acl" => "!*",
"default_read_acl" => "*",
"default_comment_acl" => "!*",
~These settings mean that by default anyone is able to read wiki pages but no one except the administrator can modify them. You can also set all the default options to **##!*##** and decide to give read access to single pages only.
~2) Second, hide comments by setting the relevant configuration option to '1':
"hide_comments" => "1",
~1) Optionally, you might want to delete or mask all the default wiki-related pages, like - say - WikkaDocumentation or PageIndex. To do this, open the page and either:
~~a) append ##/delete## to the page URL to remove the page;
~~a) append ##/acls## to the page URL (or click on //""Edit ACLs""//) to set the access options for this page as: !* - !* - !*;
~3) Reduce the navigation links to the minimum necessary for instance:
"navigation_links" => "[[UserSettings login]]",
~You might also want to hide the login page. To do this just mask or delete the default UserSettings page, after creating a new login page (a page with the ##""{{usersettings}}""## action) //not linked// from any other page of your website.
~4) Modify the stylesheet to hide wiki-related page elements. In order to do so, open ##.css/wikka.css##. First make a backup of this file so you can restore the original stylesheet if needed. Then, look for all the components of the page that you want to be //invisible// to the user and //mask// them. This can be easily done by adding to the relevant CSS selector a ##display:none## attribute. In my [[ stylesheet]], I mask the following elements:
.header h2 {display:none;}
.footer {display: none;}
.commentsheader {display: none;}
.comment {display: none;}
.commentinfo {display: none;}
.commentform {display: none;}
.smallprint {display: none;}
.exttail {display: none;}
~An example of a similar CSS configuration can be found on the [[TestSkin skin selection page]] (##void.css##).
~Keep in mind that the hidden elements (including links) are still visible in the page source so they will be crawled and cached by search engines. To prevent this, change the ACL settings or remove these pages as suggested at point 3).
~~&Also keep in mind that some browsers don't implement stylesheets at all, including text browsers like Lynx, but also some graphical browsers. If stylesheets aren't implemented, all text will appear. A few approaches are possible to have less appear:
~~~-use the ""{{nocomments}}"" action to completely suppress the comments area
~~~-use a stylesheet (rather than the Formatter) to generate "link tails" (or prefixes): no stylesheet, no tails
~~~-edit header.php and footer.php to remove unwanted elements
~~& BTW, I looked at the [[ Soasi]] site but it doesn't look very "invisible" to me - there's even a login link which brings you to the standard form where you can create an account - and the layout looks rather familiar except that some elements are removed. --JavaWoman
That's all folks. Comments and suggestions are welcome
-- DarTar

Revision [17792]

Edited on 2007-12-09 11:01:03 by BrianKoontz [added category]

Revision [17740]

Edited on 2007-11-22 19:49:27 by DaveBradshaw [Add site as an example invisable wikkawiki.]
- [[ Nowhere]]

Revision [17112]

Edited on 2007-07-04 01:43:12 by JavaWoman [Removed XyzzyB - "offline" but likely won't come back as a Wikka site]
- [[ XyzzyB]]

Revision [17111]

Edited on 2007-07-04 01:38:14 by JavaWoman [Removed Zen Of It - now WP]
- [[ Zen Of It]]

Revision [15555]

Edited on 2006-10-26 09:52:29 by DarTar [updating URL to my homepage]
- [[ Dartar's Homepage]]
{{image class="" alt="[preview of site run by invisible wiki engine]" url="" link="" title="An example of invisible wiki integration"}} {{image class="" alt="[editing a site run by invisible wiki engine]" url="" link="" title="An example of invisible wiki integration"}} ::c::
- [[ Dartar's Homepage]]
{{image class="" alt="[preview of site run by invisible wiki engine]" url="" link="" title="An example of invisible wiki integration"}} {{image class="" alt="[editing a site run by invisible wiki engine]" url="" link="" title="An example of invisible wiki integration"}} ::c::

Revision [15475]

Edited on 2006-10-09 20:43:25 by BrianKoontz [Reverted to original]
~1) Optionally, you might want to delete or mask all the default wiki-related pages, like - say - WikkaDocumentation or PageIndex. To do this, open the page and either:
~~a) append ##/delete## to the page URL to remove the page;
~~a) append ##/acls## to the page URL (or click on //""Edit ACLs""//) to set the access options for this page as: !* - !* - !*;
~4) Modify the stylesheet to hide wiki-related page elements. In order to do so, open ##.css/wikka.css##. First make a backup of this file so you can restore the original stylesheet if needed. Then, look for all the components of the page that you want to be //invisible// to the user and //mask// them. This can be easily done by adding to the relevant CSS selector a ##display:none## attribute. In my [[ stylesheet]], I mask the following elements:
.header h2 {display:none;}
1) Optionally, you might want to delete or mask all the default wiki-related pages, like - say - WikkaDocumentation or PageIndex. To do this, open the page and either:
~~a) append ##/delete## to the page URL to remove the page; or
~~a) append ##/acls## to the page URL (or click on //""Edit ACLs""//) to set the access options for this page as: !* - !* - !*
~4) Modify the stylesheet to hide wiki-related page elements. In order to do so, open ##css/wikka.css##. First make a backup of this file so you can restore the original stylesheet if needed. Then, look for all the components of the page that you want to be //invisible// to the user and //mask// them. This can be easily done by adding to the relevant CSS selector a ##display:none## attribute. In my [[ stylesheet]], I mask the following elements:
.header {display:none;}

Revision [15474]

Edited on 2006-10-09 20:42:10 by BrianKoontz [Reverted to original]
~~a) append ##/delete## to the page URL to remove the page; or
~~a) append ##/acls## to the page URL (or click on //""Edit ACLs""//) to set the access options for this page as: !* - !* - !*
~~a) append ##/delete## to the page URL to remove the page;
~~a) append ##/acls## to the page URL (or click on //""Edit ACLs""//) to set the access options for this page as: !* - !* - !*; or
~~a) copy and paste the following code in a file called disable_default_pages.php in your top-level wiki directory and follow the instructions:
* Instructions:
* Set 'rewrite_mode' in wikka.config.php to '0' if set to '1'
* Rename .htaccess to
* Copy this content into a file called
* "disable_default_pages.php" in your top-level wikka directory
* Invoke this file from the browser
* Move to .htaccess
* Set 'rewrite_mode' in wikka.config.php to '1' if set
* previously
$configfile = 'wikka.config.php';
if(file_exists($configfile)) include($configfile);
else {
echo $configfile."does not exist!";
$wakka =& new Wakka($wakkaConfig);
if (!$wakka->dblink)
echo '<em class="error">'.ERROR_NO_DB_ACCESS.'</em>';
$default_pages = array();
if($r = $wakka->Query('select tag from wikka_pages')) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) $default_pages[] = $row;
foreach($default_pages as $pages) {
foreach($pages as $page) {
echo "Locking page: ".$page;
if(preg_match('/HomePage/',$page)) {
echo "...skipping<br/>";
if(preg_match('/UserSettings/',$page)) {
echo "...skipping<br/>";
$wakka->Query("insert into wikka_acls (page_tag, read_acl, write_acl, comment_acl) values ('$page', '!*', '!*', '!*')");
echo "...done<br/>";

Revision [15451]

Edited on 2006-10-08 01:33:19 by BrianKoontz [Added helper script for disabling pages]
* Set 'rewrite_mode' in wikka.config.php to '0' if set to '1'
* Rename .htaccess to
* Copy this content into a file called
* "disable_default_pages.php" in your top-level wikka directory
* Invoke this file from the browser
* Move to .htaccess
* Set 'rewrite_mode' in wikka.config.php to '1' if set
* previously
* Set 'rewrite_mode' in wikka.config.php to '0' if set to '1'
* Rename .htaccess to
* Copy this content into a file called
* "disable_default_pages.php" in your top-level wikka directory
* Invoke this file from the browser
* Move to .htaccess
* Set 'rewrite_mode' in wikka.config.php to '1' if set
* previously

Revision [15450]

Edited on 2006-10-08 01:30:17 by BrianKoontz [Added helper script for disabling pages]
~~a) append ##/acls## to the page URL (or click on //""Edit ACLs""//) to set the access options for this page as: !* - !* - !*; or
~~a) copy and paste the following code in a file called disable_default_pages.php in your top-level wiki directory and follow the instructions:
~~a) append ##/acls## to the page URL (or click on //""Edit ACLs""//) to set the access options for this page as: !* - !* - !*;
~~a) copy and paste the following code in a file called disable_default_pages.php in your top-level wiki directory:

Revision [15449]

Edited on 2006-10-08 01:29:31 by BrianKoontz [Added script to disable pages]
1) Optionally, you might want to delete or mask all the default wiki-related pages, like - say - WikkaDocumentation or PageIndex. To do this, open the page and either:
~~a) copy and paste the following code in a file called disable_default_pages.php in your top-level wiki directory:
* Instructions:
* Set 'rewrite_mode' in wikka.config.php to '0' if set to '1'
* Rename .htaccess to
* Copy this content into a file called
* "disable_default_pages.php" in your top-level wikka directory
* Invoke this file from the browser
* Move to .htaccess
* Set 'rewrite_mode' in wikka.config.php to '1' if set
* previously
$configfile = 'wikka.config.php';
if(file_exists($configfile)) include($configfile);
else {
echo $configfile."does not exist!";
$wakka =& new Wakka($wakkaConfig);
if (!$wakka->dblink)
echo '<em class="error">'.ERROR_NO_DB_ACCESS.'</em>';
$default_pages = array();
if($r = $wakka->Query('select tag from wikka_pages')) {
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) $default_pages[] = $row;
foreach($default_pages as $pages) {
foreach($pages as $page) {
echo "Locking page: ".$page;
if(preg_match('/HomePage/',$page)) {
echo "...skipping<br/>";
if(preg_match('/UserSettings/',$page)) {
echo "...skipping<br/>";
$wakka->Query("insert into wikka_acls (page_tag, read_acl, write_acl, comment_acl) values ('$page', '!*', '!*', '!*')");
echo "...done<br/>";
~4) Modify the stylesheet to hide wiki-related page elements. In order to do so, open ##css/wikka.css##. First make a backup of this file so you can restore the original stylesheet if needed. Then, look for all the components of the page that you want to be //invisible// to the user and //mask// them. This can be easily done by adding to the relevant CSS selector a ##display:none## attribute. In my [[ stylesheet]], I mask the following elements:
.header {display:none;}
~1) Optionally, you might want to delete or mask all the default wiki-related pages, like - say - WikkaDocumentation or PageIndex. To do this, open the page and either:
~4) Modify the stylesheet to hide wiki-related page elements. In order to do so, open ##.css/wikka.css##. First make a backup of this file so you can restore the original stylesheet if needed. Then, look for all the components of the page that you want to be //invisible// to the user and //mask// them. This can be easily done by adding to the relevant CSS selector a ##display:none## attribute. In my [[ stylesheet]], I mask the following elements:
.header h2 {display:none;}

Revision [14521]

Edited on 2006-06-10 01:09:31 by XyzzyB [Added script to disable pages]
- [[ XyzzyB]]
- [[ XyzzyB]]

Revision [14520]

Edited on 2006-06-10 01:09:18 by XyzzyB [Added script to disable pages]
- [[ XyzzyB]]

Revision [13971]

Edited on 2006-04-27 16:05:27 by GroovyJim [Added script to disable pages]
~2) Second, hide comments by setting the relevant configuration option to '1':
~3) Reduce the navigation links to the minimum necessary for instance:
~4) Modify the stylesheet to hide wiki-related page elements. In order to do so, open ##.css/wikka.css##. First make a backup of this file so you can restore the original stylesheet if needed. Then, look for all the components of the page that you want to be //invisible// to the user and //mask// them. This can be easily done by adding to the relevant CSS selector a ##display:none## attribute. In my [[ stylesheet]], I mask the following elements:
~1) Second, hide comments by setting the relevant configuration option to '1':
~1) Reduce the navigation links to the minimum necessary for instance:
~1) Modify the stylesheet to hide wiki-related page elements. In order to do so, open ##.css/wikka.css##. First make a backup of this file so you can restore the original stylesheet if needed. Then, look for all the components of the page that you want to be //invisible// to the user and //mask// them. This can be easily done by adding to the relevant CSS selector a ##display:none## attribute. In my [[ stylesheet]], I mask the following elements:

Revision [13407]

Edited on 2006-03-09 08:04:18 by DarTar [adding Zen Of It]
- [[ Zen Of It]]
- [[ Ian Hayhurst's home Page]]

Revision [12503]

Edited on 2006-01-04 14:54:20 by IanHayhurst [adding Zen Of It]
- [[ Ian Hayhurst's home Page]]

Revision [12484]

Edited on 2006-01-02 14:31:38 by DarTar [adding YanB's homepage :)]
- [[ YanB's Homepage]]

Revision [12184]

Edited on 2005-12-09 15:05:32 by IanHayhurst [adding YanB's homepage :)]
- [[ Dutch Connection]]

Revision [12034]

Edited on 2005-11-28 09:42:39 by IanHayhurst [Removed Dutch Connectionlink (site redirects to]
- [[ Dutch Connection]]

Revision [11645]

Edited on 2005-11-01 05:28:42 by SamuelDr [Deleting my website from invisible wikkas]
- [[]]

Revision [10726]

Edited on 2005-08-16 01:04:07 by DarTar [adding link]
- [[ InterPET-SC]]
- (not sure if it's invisible enough ;) )

Revision [9456]

Edited on 2005-06-22 22:18:55 by DarTar [minor]
If you want to use Wikka as an invisible backend to power a non-wiki site, here's what you need to do.
If you want to use Wikka to invisibly power a non-wiki site, here's what you need to do.

Revision [9455]

Edited on 2005-06-22 22:17:44 by DarTar [minor]
I use WikkaWiki as a backend for my personal website, so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need to. I have configured my Wikka engine so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the [[COnfigurationOptions configuration file]] and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].
I use WikkaWiki to run my personal website, so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need to. I have configured my Wikka engine so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the [[COnfigurationOptions configuration file]] and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].

Revision [8524]

Edited on 2005-05-28 05:02:06 by SamuelDr [minor]
- [[]]
- (not sure if it's invisible enough ;) )

Revision [8512]

Edited on 2005-05-26 11:38:12 by DarTar [link]
{{image class="" alt="[preview of site run by invisible wiki engine]" url="" link="" title="An example of invisible wiki integration"}} {{image class="" alt="[editing a site run by invisible wiki engine]" url="" link="" title="An example of invisible wiki integration"}} ::c::
I use WikkaWiki to run my personal website, so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need to. I have configured my Wikka engine so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the [[COnfigurationOptions configuration file]] and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].
{{image class="left" alt="[preview of site run by invisible wiki engine]" url="" link="" title="An example of invisible wiki engine"}} I use WikkaWiki to run my personal website, so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need to. I have configured my Wikka engine so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the [[COnfigurationOptions configuration file]] and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].

Revision [8390]

Edited on 2005-05-23 10:32:42 by DarTar [Adding invisibile wiki example]
- [[ GiotMuaThu]]

Revision [7995]

Edited on 2005-05-10 08:07:21 by DarTar [layout & thumbshot]
~1) First, you will need to restrict write access to the administrator (i.e., yourself), so as to prevent other users from modifying the content of your site. Open ##wikka.config.php## and set the [[ACLInfo ACL options]] as follows:
~These settings mean that by default anyone is able to read wiki pages but no one except the administrator can modify them. You can also set all the default options to **##!*##** and decide to give read access to single pages only.
~1) First, you will need to restrict write access to the administrator (i.e., yourself), so as to prevent other users from modifying the content of your site. Open ##wikka.config.php## and set the ACL options as follows:
~These settings mean that by default anyone is able to read wiki pages but no one except the administrator can modify them.

Revision [7994]

Edited on 2005-05-10 08:04:50 by DarTar [layout & thumbshot]
//How to install and configure an invisible wiki engine to power your website//
=== Wiki engines are more than //engines for wikis// ===
=== An invisible wiki engine? ===
{{image class="left" alt="[preview of site run by invisible wiki engine]" url="" link="" title="An example of invisible wiki engine"}} I use WikkaWiki to run my personal website, so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need to. I have configured my Wikka engine so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the [[COnfigurationOptions configuration file]] and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].
>>::c:://How to install and configure an invisible wiki engine to power your website//
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]], so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need to. I have configured my Wikka engine so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].

Revision [7551]

Edited on 2005-04-24 17:30:43 by JavaWoman [ypot]
~~~-use the ""{{nocomments}}"" action to completely suppress the comments area
~~~-use the {{nocomments}} action to completely suppress the comments area

Revision [7550]

Edited on 2005-04-24 17:28:45 by JavaWoman [adding comment]
~~&Also keep in mind that some browsers don't implement stylesheets at all, including text browsers like Lynx, but also some graphical browsers. If stylesheets aren't implemented, all text will appear. A few approaches are possible to have less appear:
~~~-use the {{nocomments}} action to completely suppress the comments area
~~~-use a stylesheet (rather than the Formatter) to generate "link tails" (or prefixes): no stylesheet, no tails
~~~-edit header.php and footer.php to remove unwanted elements
~~& BTW, I looked at the [[ Soasi]] site but it doesn't look very "invisible" to me - there's even a login link which brings you to the standard form where you can create an account - and the layout looks rather familiar except that some elements are removed. --JavaWoman

Revision [7545]

Edited on 2005-04-24 16:20:09 by DarTar [Small mod]
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]], so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need to. I have configured my Wikka engine so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]] so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need to. I have configured Wikka so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].

Revision [7544]

Edited on 2005-04-24 16:15:35 by DarTar [Small mod]
~Keep in mind that the hidden elements (including links) are still visible in the page source so they will be crawled and cached by search engines. To prevent this, change the ACL settings or remove these pages as suggested at point 3).
~Keep in mind that the hidden elements are still visible in the page source so they will be crawled by search engines. To prevent this, change the ACL settings or remove these pages as suggested at point 3).

Revision [7543]

Edited on 2005-04-24 16:02:03 by DarTar [Small mod]
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through [[ACLInfo Access Control Lists]]. A wiki engine can thus easily restrict read-, comment- or write-access for specific pages to //no user//, //a specific user// or //more users//.
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through [[ACLInfo Access Control Lists]]. A wiki engine can thus easily restrict read-, comment- or write-access for specific pages to //no user//, one or more users.

Revision [7542]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:59:19 by DarTar [Small mod]
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through [[ACLInfo Access Control Lists]]. A wiki engine can thus easily restrict read-, comment- or write-access for specific pages to //no user//, one or more users.
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through [[ACLInfo Access Control Lists]]. A wiki engine can thus easily restrict read-, comment- or write-access for specific pages to one or more users.

Revision [7541]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:57:53 by DarTar [Small mod]
If you want to use Wikka to invisibly power a non-wiki site, here's what you need to do.
If you use Wikka to power a non-wiki site, here's what you need to do.

Revision [7540]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:57:02 by DarTar [Small mod]
As for B) - one might argue - a site run by a wiki engine will probably look //too "wikish"// for one's (and one's users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites. Wiki-related features typically include:
To address this issue, I propose in this page a very simple solution.
As for B), the fact that - one might argue - the site in question will probably look //too "wikish"// for your (and your users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites, I propose in this page a very simple solution. Wiki-related features typically include:

Revision [7539]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:54:23 by DarTar [Small mod]
A common misunderstanding about [[WikiEngine wiki engines]] is that they can only be used to run //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[ Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, a simple and effective solution for maintaining and managing different [[FlexibleWikka kinds]] of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP connections.
A common misunderstanding about [[WikiEngine wiki engines]] is that they can only be used to run //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[ Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, an extremely effective solution for maintaining and managing different [[FlexibleWikka kinds]] of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP connections.

Revision [7538]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:53:52 by DarTar [Small mod]
A common misunderstanding about [[WikiEngine wiki engines]] is that they can only be used to run //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[ Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, an extremely effective solution for maintaining and managing different [[FlexibleWikka kinds]] of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP connections.
A common misunderstanding about wiki engines is that they can only be used to power //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[ Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, an extremely effective solution for maintaining and managing different [[FlexibleWikka kinds]] of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP connections.

Revision [7537]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:47:19 by DarTar [Small mod]
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through [[ACLInfo Access Control Lists]]. A wiki engine can thus easily restrict read-, comment- or write-access for specific pages to one or more users.
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through [[ACLInfo Access Control Lists]]. A wiki engine can easily restrict read-, comment- or write-access to specific pages to one or more users.

Revision [7536]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:46:00 by DarTar [Small mod]
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through [[ACLInfo Access Control Lists]]. A wiki engine can easily restrict read-, comment- or write-access to specific pages to one or more users.
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through [[ACLInfo Access Control Lists]]. A wiki can allow one or more users to access a specific page.

Revision [7535]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:44:52 by DarTar [Small mod]
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through [[ACLInfo Access Control Lists]]. A wiki can allow one or more users to access a specific page.
As for B), the fact that - one might argue - the site in question will probably look //too "wikish"// for your (and your users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites, I propose in this page a very simple solution. Wiki-related features typically include:
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through Access Control Lists. A wiki can allow one or more users to access a specific page.
As for B), the fact that - one might argue - the site in question will probably look //too "wikish"// for your (and your users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites, there is a very simple solution. Wiki-related features typically include:

Revision [7534]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:42:54 by DarTar [Small mod]
A common misunderstanding about wiki engines is that they can only be used to power //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[ Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, an extremely effective solution for maintaining and managing different [[FlexibleWikka kinds]] of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP connections.
Two frequent arguments about the fact that //wiki engines can only be used to maintain wikis// are the following:
~A)anyone can edit the content of a wiki;
~A)wiki engines make sites look //wikish//;
Both arguments are **false**.
Regarding A), editing privileges in many wiki engines, including Wikka, can be set on a per-page basis through Access Control Lists. A wiki can allow one or more users to access a specific page.
As for B), the fact that - one might argue - the site in question will probably look //too "wikish"// for your (and your users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites, there is a very simple solution. Wiki-related features typically include:
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]] so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need to. I have configured Wikka so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].
A common misunderstanding about wiki engines is that they can only be used to power //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[ Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, an extremely effective solution for managing different [[FlexibleWikka kinds]] of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP clients and servers.
One of the possible issues in using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to run a non-wiki website - one might argue - is that the site in question will probably look //too "wikish"// for your (and your users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites. These include:
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]] so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need it. I have configured Wikka so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].

Revision [7533]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:24:44 by DarTar [Small mod]
One of the possible issues in using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to run a non-wiki website - one might argue - is that the site in question will probably look //too "wikish"// for your (and your users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites. These include:
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]] so I can update the content with a simple [[WikkaTourEditing double-click]] anytime I need it. I have configured Wikka so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].
One of the possible //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to run a website - one might argue - is that it will probably look //too "wikish"// for your (and your users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites. These include:
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]] and I configured it so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].

Revision [7532]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:21:13 by DarTar [Small mod]
One of the possible //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to run a website - one might argue - is that it will probably look //too "wikish"// for your (and your users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites. These include:
One of the possible //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to run a website is that it will probably look //too "wikish"// for your (and your users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites. These include:

Revision [7531]

Edited on 2005-04-24 15:20:34 by DarTar [Small mod]
A common misunderstanding about wiki engines is that they can only be used to power //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[ Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, an extremely effective solution for managing different [[FlexibleWikka kinds]] of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP clients and servers.
One of the possible //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to run a website is that it will probably look //too "wikish"// for your (and your users') taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites. These include:
One of the //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to power a website is that it will probably look //too "wikish"// for your taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites. These include:
A common misunderstanding about wiki engines is that they can only be used to power //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, an extremely effective solution for managing different [[FlexibleWikka kinds]] of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP clients and servers.

Revision [7528]

Edited on 2005-04-24 14:07:17 by DarTar [First draft]
One of the //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to power a website is that it will probably look //too "wikish"// for your taste, with a lot of links and features that usually are not expected on non-wiki sites. These include:
One of the //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to power a website is that it will probably look //too "wikish"// for your taste, with a lot of links and features that usually should not appear on non-wiki sites. These include:

Revision [7527]

Edited on 2005-04-24 14:04:33 by DarTar [First draft]
~1) Reduce the navigation links to the minimum necessary for instance:
~1) Reduce the navigation links to the minimum necessary links for instance:

Revision [7526]

Edited on 2005-04-24 14:03:36 by DarTar [First draft]
>>** Examples of sites run by an invisible Wikka engine**
>>** Sites run by an invisible Wikka engine**

Revision [7525]

Edited on 2005-04-24 14:03:09 by DarTar [First draft]
- [[ Dutch Connection]]
>>::c:://How to install and configure an invisible wiki engine to power your website//
//How to install and configure an invisible wiki engine to power your website//

Revision [7523]

Edited on 2005-04-24 13:58:51 by DarTar [First draft]
~1) Modify the stylesheet to hide wiki-related page elements. In order to do so, open ##.css/wikka.css##. First make a backup of this file so you can restore the original stylesheet if needed. Then, look for all the components of the page that you want to be //invisible// to the user and //mask// them. This can be easily done by adding to the relevant CSS selector a ##display:none## attribute. In my [[ stylesheet]], I mask the following elements:
~1) Modify the stylesheet to hide wiki-related page elements. In order to do so, open ##.css/wikka.css##. First make of it, so you can restore the original stylesheet if you make any error. Then, look for all the components of the page that you want to be //invisible// to the user and //mask// them. This can be easily done by adding to the relevant CSS selector a ##display:none## attribute. In my [[ stylesheet]], I mask the following elements:

Revision [7522]

Edited on 2005-04-24 13:57:44 by DarTar [First draft]
~~a) append ##/acls## to the page URL (or click on //""Edit ACLs""//) to set the access options for this page as: !* - !* - !*;
~You might also want to hide the login page. To do this just mask or delete the default UserSettings page, after creating a new login page (a page with the ##""{{usersettings}}""## action) //not linked// from any other page of your website.
~~a) append ##/acls## (or click on //""Edit ACLs""//) to set the access options for this page as: !* - !* - !*;

Revision [7521]

Edited on 2005-04-24 13:54:10 by DarTar [First draft]
~1) First, you will need to restrict write access to the administrator (i.e., yourself), so as to prevent other users from modifying the content of your site. Open ##wikka.config.php## and set the ACL options as follows:
~1) First, you will need to restrict write access to the administrator (i.e., yourself), so as to prevent other users to modify the content of your site. Open ##wikka.config.php## and set the ACL options as follows:

Revision [7520]

Edited on 2005-04-24 13:52:56 by DarTar [First draft]
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]] and I configured it so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor changes in the [[WikkaSkins stylesheet]].
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]] and I configured it so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor changes in the [[WikkaCSS stylesheet]].

Revision [7519]

Edited on 2005-04-24 13:49:57 by DarTar [First draft]
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]] and I configured it so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor changes in the [[WikkaCSS stylesheet]].
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]] and I configured it so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor change in the [[WikkaCSS stylesheet]].

Revision [7518]

Edited on 2005-04-24 13:48:47 by DarTar [First draft]
One of the //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to power a website is that it will probably look //too "wikish"// for your taste, with a lot of links and features that usually should not appear on non-wiki sites. These include:
One of the //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to power a website is that it will often look //too "wikish"// for your taste, with a lot of links and features that usually appear only on actual wikis. These include:

Revision [7517]

Edited on 2005-04-24 13:47:59 by DarTar [First draft]
>>** Sites run by an invisible Wikka engine**
- [[ Civitas Schools]]
- [[ Dartar's Homepage]]
- [[ Soasi]]
A common misunderstanding about wiki engines is that they can only be used to power //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, an extremely effective solution for managing different [[FlexibleWikka kinds]] of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP clients and servers.
I use WikkaWiki to run my [[ personal website]] and I configured it so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some minor change in the [[WikkaCSS stylesheet]].
If you use Wikka to power a non-wiki site, here's what you need to do.
~An example of a similar CSS configuration can be found on the [[TestSkin skin selection page]] (##void.css##).
A common misunderstanding about wiki engines is that they can only be used to power //actual wikis// (or //web-based collaborative projects// like, for example, [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia]]). Wiki engines are, on the contrary, an extremely effective solution for managing different kinds of non-wiki websites, without bothering with FTP clients and servers.
I use WikkaWiki to run my personal [[ website]] and I configured it so that all wiki-related features are hidden to the user in graphical browsers. **No code modification is required**, only the setting of specific options in the configuration file and some change in the [[WikkaCSS stylesheet]]
If you use Wikka to power a non-wiki site, here's the options you might want to set:

Revision [7516]

Edited on 2005-04-24 13:43:38 by DarTar [First draft]
One of the //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to power a website is that it will often look //too "wikish"// for your taste, with a lot of links and features that usually appear only on actual wikis. These include:
One of the //cons// of using a [[WikiEngine wiki engine]] to power a website is that it will often look //too "wikish"//, with a lot of links and features that usually appear only on actual wikis. These include:

Revision [7515]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-04-24 13:40:55 by DarTar [First draft]
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