Revision history for JSMathIntegration
Revision [23159]
Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by PsuedoNym [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]Additions:
~-[[ThirdPartyIntegration | Experimental 3rd party software integration in wikka]]
~-[[Docs:ThirdPartyInfo | 3rdparty software officially bundled with wikka]]
~-[[ | INFOPedia]] - a Wikka-powered wiki with JSMath support.
JSMath has a homepage [[ | here]]. A more thorough explanation of the way in which JSMath works is [[ | here]].
Get the [[ | package]], unzip it and upload the files in the following folder in your Wikka directory:
~-[[Docs:ThirdPartyInfo | 3rdparty software officially bundled with wikka]]
~-[[ | INFOPedia]] - a Wikka-powered wiki with JSMath support.
JSMath has a homepage [[ | here]]. A more thorough explanation of the way in which JSMath works is [[ | here]].
Get the [[ | package]], unzip it and upload the files in the following folder in your Wikka directory:
~-[[Docs:ThirdPartyInfo 3rdparty software officially bundled with wikka]]
~-[[ INFOPedia]] - a Wikka-powered wiki with JSMath support.
JSMath has a homepage [[ here]]. A more thorough explanation of the way in which JSMath works is [[ here]].
Get the [[ package]], unzip it and upload the files in the following folder in your Wikka directory:
Revision [19038]
Edited on 2008-01-28 00:13:52 by PsuedoNym [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
~-[[Docs:ThirdPartyInfo 3rdparty software officially bundled with wikka]]
Revision [16090]
Edited on 2007-02-09 02:51:05 by PsuedoNym [Modified links pointing to docs server]Additions:
==Latex Style Wiki Tags==
A short hack at formatters/wakka.php will lead to some much nicer Latex Style tags for entering & exiting math mode.
Edit formatters/wakka.php and add the following lines at the relevent line numbers (line numbers from original wakka.php. so work from the bottom up)
static $trigger_math_inline = 0;
static $trigger_math_block = 0;
if ($trigger_math_inline % 2) echo('</span>');
if ($trigger_math_block % 2) echo('</div>');
// Math Inline
else if ($thing == "$$")
return(++$trigger_math_inline % 2 ? "<span class=\"math\">" : "</span>");
else if ($thing == "\[" && $trigger_math_block == 0)
return "<div class=\"math\">\n";
else if ($thing == "\]" && $trigger_math_block == 1)
$trigger_math_block = 0;
return "\n</div>\n";
%%(php, 414)
"\\$\\$|". # Math inline
"\\\\\\[|\\\\\\]|". # Math Block
then use $$ 1 +1 $$ for inline markup and \[ 1+1 \] for block markup.
A short hack at formatters/wakka.php will lead to some much nicer Latex Style tags for entering & exiting math mode.
Edit formatters/wakka.php and add the following lines at the relevent line numbers (line numbers from original wakka.php. so work from the bottom up)
static $trigger_math_inline = 0;
static $trigger_math_block = 0;
if ($trigger_math_inline % 2) echo('</span>');
if ($trigger_math_block % 2) echo('</div>');
// Math Inline
else if ($thing == "$$")
return(++$trigger_math_inline % 2 ? "<span class=\"math\">" : "</span>");
else if ($thing == "\[" && $trigger_math_block == 0)
return "<div class=\"math\">\n";
else if ($thing == "\]" && $trigger_math_block == 1)
$trigger_math_block = 0;
return "\n</div>\n";
%%(php, 414)
"\\$\\$|". # Math inline
"\\\\\\[|\\\\\\]|". # Math Block
then use $$ 1 +1 $$ for inline markup and \[ 1+1 \] for block markup.
>>**See also:**
**External links:**
~-[[ INFOPedia]] - a Wikka-powered wiki with JSMath support.
**External links:**
~-[[ INFOPedia]] - a Wikka-powered wiki with JSMath support.
====External Links====
~-[[ Statistics Wiki]] A wikka-powered website with JSMath support for mathematical formulas.
a_{21} & a_{22} & \ldots & a_{2n}\cr
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\cr
a_{m1} & a_{m2} & \ldots & a_{mn}}
====External Links====
~-[[ Statistics Wiki]] A wikka-powered website with JSMath support for mathematical formulas.
CategoryDevelopment3rdParty CategoryDevelopmentFormatters
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\cr
a_{m1} & a_{m2} & \ldots & a_{mn}}
====External Links====
~-[[ Statistics Wiki]] A wikka-powered website with JSMath support for mathematical formulas.
CategoryDevelopment3rdParty CategoryDevelopmentFormatters
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\cr
a_{m1} & a_{m2} & \ldots & a_{mn}}
echo '<script src="'.$this->config['jsmath_path'].'/jsMath.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
echo '<script type="text/javascript">jsMath.Process()</script>';
echo '<script type="text/javascript">jsMath.Process()</script>';
echo '<script>jsMath.Process()</script>';
""<div class="math">
A = \pmatrix{a_{11} & a_{12} & \ldots & a_{1n}\cr
a_{21} & a_{22} & \ldots & a_{2n}\cr
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\cr
a_{m1} & a_{m2} & \ldots & a_{mn}}
\pmatrix{y_1\cr\vdots\cr y_k}</div>""
""<span class="math">
2^{\raise1pt n}\hbox{ rather than }2^n \qquad
{\rm Fe_2^{+2} Cr_2^{\vphantom{+2}}O_4^{\vphantom{+2}}}
\hbox{ rather than }
{\rm Fe_2^{+2} Cr_2 O_4}
{{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 3" url="images/jsmath3.jpg"}}
{{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 4" url="images/jsmath4.jpg"}}
A = \pmatrix{a_{11} & a_{12} & \ldots & a_{1n}\cr
a_{21} & a_{22} & \ldots & a_{2n}\cr
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots\cr
a_{m1} & a_{m2} & \ldots & a_{mn}}
\pmatrix{y_1\cr\vdots\cr y_k}</div>""
""<span class="math">
2^{\raise1pt n}\hbox{ rather than }2^n \qquad
{\rm Fe_2^{+2} Cr_2^{\vphantom{+2}}O_4^{\vphantom{+2}}}
\hbox{ rather than }
{\rm Fe_2^{+2} Cr_2 O_4}
{{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 3" url="images/jsmath3.jpg"}}
{{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 4" url="images/jsmath4.jpg"}}
if the JSMath engine works correctly the code above should be rendered as:
""If <span class="math"> f(x) = x+2 </span> then <span class="math"> f(4) = 6 </span>. ""
""<div class="math"> \sum_{i=1}^{n} i = {n(n+1)\over 2} </div> ""
""<div class="math"> \sum_{i=1}^{n} i = {n(n+1)\over 2} </div> ""
""<DIV CLASS="math"> \sum_{i=1}^{n} i = {n(n+1)\over 2} </DIV> ""
>>**See also**
~-[[ThirdPartyIntegration Experimental 3rd party software integration in wikka]]
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo 3rdparty software officially bundled with wikka]]
CategoryDevelopmentArchitecture CategoryDevelopmentFormatters CategoryDevelopment3rdParty
~-[[ThirdPartyIntegration Experimental 3rd party software integration in wikka]]
~-[[ThirdPartyInfo 3rdparty software officially bundled with wikka]]
CategoryDevelopmentArchitecture CategoryDevelopmentFormatters CategoryDevelopment3rdParty
{{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 1" url="images/jsmath1.jpg"}}
if the JSMath engine works correctly they should be rendered as:
{{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 1" url="images/jmath1.jpg"}}
{{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 2" url="images/jsmath2.jpg"}}
(the above examples are pictures taken from a local installation; JSMath outputs math as formatted text)
{{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 1" url="images/jmath1.jpg"}}
{{image alt="JSMath sample output" title="JSMath example 2" url="images/jsmath2.jpg"}}
(the above examples are pictures taken from a local installation; JSMath outputs math as formatted text)
===== JSMath Integration =====
Here's a quick hack to integrate JSMath in Wikka
====The code====
''Version 0.1''
==1. Download and save the package ==
Get the [[ package]], unzip it and upload the files in the following folder in your Wikka directory:
==2. Modify ##wikka.config.php##==
Add the JSMath options to the configuration file:
"geshi_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi",
"geshi_languages_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi",
"geshi_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi",
"geshi_languages_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi",
"enable_jsmath" => "1",
"jsmath_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/jsmath",
==3. Modify ##actions/header.php##==
Insert the JSMath call in ##actions/header.php##:
<body <?php echo $message ? "onLoad=\"alert('".$message."');\" " : "" ?> >
<div class="header">
<body <?php echo $message ? "onLoad=\"alert('".$message."');\" " : "" ?> >
if (($this->GetMethod() == 'show') && ($this->GetConfigValue('enable_jsmath') == 1) && file_exists($this->config['jsmath_path'].'/jsMath.js')) {
echo '<script src="'.$this->config['jsmath_path'].'/jsMath.js"></script>';
<div class="header">
==4. Modify ##actions/footer.php##==
Insert the call to the JSMath formatter function at the end of ##actions/footer.php##:
if (($this->GetMethod() == 'show') && ($this->GetConfigValue('enable_jsmath') == 1) && file_exists($this->config['jsmath_path'].'/jsMath.js')) {
echo '<script>jsMath.Process()</script>';
==5. Test it ==
To add math in a Wikka page just use the ##math## class with embedded HTML:
For inline math, use: ##<span class="math">Here goes LaTeX code</span>##
For math blocks, use: ##<div class="math">Here goes LaTeX code</div>##
Try for example:
""If <SPAN CLASS="math"> f(x) = x+2 </SPAN> then <SPAN CLASS="math"> f(4) = 6 </SPAN>. ""
""<DIV CLASS="math"> \sum_{i=1}^{n} i = {n(n+1)\over 2} </DIV> ""
====To do====
~- create a dedicated formatter;
~- handle font-related error messages;
~- add support for ##""TeX""## fonts.
Here's a quick hack to integrate JSMath in Wikka
====The code====
''Version 0.1''
==1. Download and save the package ==
Get the [[ package]], unzip it and upload the files in the following folder in your Wikka directory:
==2. Modify ##wikka.config.php##==
Add the JSMath options to the configuration file:
"geshi_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi",
"geshi_languages_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi",
"geshi_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi",
"geshi_languages_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/geshi/geshi",
"enable_jsmath" => "1",
"jsmath_path" => "3rdparty/plugins/jsmath",
==3. Modify ##actions/header.php##==
Insert the JSMath call in ##actions/header.php##:
<body <?php echo $message ? "onLoad=\"alert('".$message."');\" " : "" ?> >
<div class="header">
<body <?php echo $message ? "onLoad=\"alert('".$message."');\" " : "" ?> >
if (($this->GetMethod() == 'show') && ($this->GetConfigValue('enable_jsmath') == 1) && file_exists($this->config['jsmath_path'].'/jsMath.js')) {
echo '<script src="'.$this->config['jsmath_path'].'/jsMath.js"></script>';
<div class="header">
==4. Modify ##actions/footer.php##==
Insert the call to the JSMath formatter function at the end of ##actions/footer.php##:
if (($this->GetMethod() == 'show') && ($this->GetConfigValue('enable_jsmath') == 1) && file_exists($this->config['jsmath_path'].'/jsMath.js')) {
echo '<script>jsMath.Process()</script>';
==5. Test it ==
To add math in a Wikka page just use the ##math## class with embedded HTML:
For inline math, use: ##<span class="math">Here goes LaTeX code</span>##
For math blocks, use: ##<div class="math">Here goes LaTeX code</div>##
Try for example:
""If <SPAN CLASS="math"> f(x) = x+2 </SPAN> then <SPAN CLASS="math"> f(4) = 6 </SPAN>. ""
""<DIV CLASS="math"> \sum_{i=1}^{n} i = {n(n+1)\over 2} </DIV> ""
====To do====
~- create a dedicated formatter;
~- handle font-related error messages;
~- add support for ##""TeX""## fonts.