Revision history for JasRandal
UPDATE: With a move of servers, we went with WP, I'm sorry to say. For an low-brow end-user like me, there were some difficulties that were hard to overcome. But it was a positive experience overall, and I appreciate the help I got from other users here.
- [[ My home page]] - with dokuwikki.
- [[ I do poetry, too]] - changed from rowikki to moniwiki, now to something I don't even remember the name. :)
- [[ Christian Poets site]] - from rowiki to tiddlywiki.
- [[ Forthright Magazine]] - using MT.
Revision [18911]
Edited on 2008-01-28 00:13:02 by JasRandal [Modified links pointing to docs server]No Differences
- [[ I do poetry, too]] - changed from rowikki to moniwiki, now to something I don't even remember the name. :)
- [[ Christian Poets site]] - from rowiki to tiddlywiki.
- [[ Christian Poets site]] - from rowiki to tiddlywiki.
- [[ Christian Poets site]] - still using rowiki.
- [[ I do poetry, too]] - changed from rowikki to moniwiki.
Well, I did it! In mid-Oct/05, I (with the help of a friend) installed WikkaWiki for my Portuguese site. Have translated much of it, and put over 100 pages on it so far. I'm not so happy with the image action, having to use the upload feature on a separate page to get them to load. That needs urgent work, to my mind.
And only the admin can upload? I'm working on another site, and I need users to be able to upload images, so I'm having to reconsider using wikka for that one. But I like wikka for what I'm doing in the site linked above. // I found how to let users upload images, so that's better ...//
- [[ I do poetry, too]] - changed from rowikki to moniwiki.
- [[ Christian Poets site]] - still using rowiki.
And only the admin can upload? I'm working on another site, and I need users to be able to upload images, so I'm having to reconsider using wikka for that one. But I like wikka for what I'm doing in the site linked above. // I found how to let users upload images, so that's better ...//
- [[ I do poetry, too]] - changed from rowikki to moniwiki.
- [[ Christian Poets site]] - still using rowiki.
- [[ I do poetry, too]] - another wikki clone, rowikki.
- [[ Christian Poets site]] - same rowiki as above.
Well, I did it! Last week, I (with the help of a friend) installed wikkawikki for my Portuguese site. Have translated much of it, and put over 100 pages on it so far. I'm not so happy with the image action, having to use the upload feature on a separate page to get them to load. That needs urgent work, to my mind. And only the admin can upload? I'm working on another site, and I need users to be able to upload images, so I'm having to reconsider using wikka for that one. But I like wikka for what I'm doing in the site linked above.
My other dabblings and doings:
- [[ My home page]] - with dokuwikki.
- [[ I do poetry, too]] - another wikki clone, rowikki.
- [[ Christian Poets site]] - same rowiki as above.
- [[ Forthright Magazine]] - using MT.
My other dabblings and doings:
- [[ My home page]] - with dokuwikki.
- [[ I do poetry, too]] - another wikki clone, rowikki.
- [[ Christian Poets site]] - same rowiki as above.
- [[ Forthright Magazine]] - using MT.
[[ I do poetry, too]]
I'm using dokuwiki for several sites, but the ACL feature isn't really functional yet. Taking a serious look at Wikki, but I'd like to see the internationalization, since I'd use it on some pt-br sites as well. Experimental wikka here:
[[ My home page]]
[[ I do poetry, too]]
[[ I do poetry, too]]
I'm using dokuwiki for several sites, but the ACL feature isn't really functional yet. Taking a serious look at Wikki, but I'd like to see the internationalization, since I'd use it on some pt-br sites as well. Experimental wikka here: