Revision history for JeffWhite2

Revision [23038]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:44 by JeffWhite [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
**I'm Jeff White**, a professor of english at the [[ | University of Alaska Anchorage]]. I have a mediawiki set-up already, but found several key features missing (easy calendar, Template/form-filling feature). My purpose for using a wiki is to set up a teaching environment in which my colleagues and I can share resources (assignments, policies, etc). I'd like to establish several templates for a generic "assignment"--with fields like Due-date, objectives, points, etc... And that's where mediawiki was lacking, I thought. The templating was neat, but there were no options for filling template parameters in with user-supplied data. I'm hoping to find that here.
**I'm Jeff White**, a professor of english at the [[ University of Alaska Anchorage]]. I have a mediawiki set-up already, but found several key features missing (easy calendar, Template/form-filling feature). My purpose for using a wiki is to set up a teaching environment in which my colleagues and I can share resources (assignments, policies, etc). I'd like to establish several templates for a generic "assignment"--with fields like Due-date, objectives, points, etc... And that's where mediawiki was lacking, I thought. The templating was neat, but there were no options for filling template parameters in with user-supplied data. I'm hoping to find that here.

Revision [18588]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:12:13 by JeffWhite [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [10557]

Edited on 2005-08-08 05:42:59 by JeffWhite [Modified links pointing to docs server]
**I'm Jeff White**, a professor of english at the [[ University of Alaska Anchorage]]. I have a mediawiki set-up already, but found several key features missing (easy calendar, Template/form-filling feature). My purpose for using a wiki is to set up a teaching environment in which my colleagues and I can share resources (assignments, policies, etc). I'd like to establish several templates for a generic "assignment"--with fields like Due-date, objectives, points, etc... And that's where mediawiki was lacking, I thought. The templating was neat, but there were no options for filling template parameters in with user-supplied data. I'm hoping to find that here.
I'm Jeff White, a professor of english at the [[ University of Alaska Anchorage]]. I have a mediawiki set-up already, but found several key features missing (easy calendar, Template/form-filling feature). My purpose for using a wiki is to set up a teaching environment in which my colleagues and I can share resources (assignments, policies, etc). I'd like to establish several templates for a generic "assignment"--with fields like Due-date, objectives, points, etc... And that's where mediawiki was lacking, I thought. The templating was neat, but there were no options for filling template parameters in with user-supplied data. I'm hoping to find that here.

Revision [10556]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-08-08 05:42:24 by JeffWhite [Modified links pointing to docs server]
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