Revision history for JonathanMitchem

Revision [23210]

Last edited on 2016-05-20 07:38:47 by JonathanMitchem [Replaces old-style internal links with new pipe-split links.]
I am a software developer for [[ | E.S. Systems, Inc.]] in Springfield, MO. The majority of my work is with Microsoft's .NET platform, and I primarily develop in C# and VB.NET with a SQL Server backend.
++Currently, I am working on a few personal projects which will become core infrastructure pieces of the ARDAM site as time moves on. One of these projects is currently going under the name ""PermaTag"" and will be a distributed file management application. I've been pulling together a bit of an overview of the concept on my newly installed WikkaWiki. Read up on it [[ | here]].++
I spent 2.5 years studying Computer Science at the [[ | University of Missouri - Rolla]] before deciding to return to the "real world". In addition to the normal undergrad coursework, I took graduate classes in Algorithm Analysis, Software Engineering and Group Dynamics (Social Psychology).
While at the University, I worked on the [[ | Formula SAE]] team, where we designed, built and raced an open-wheeled race car. I was part of the Test and Data Acquisition group, where we used qualititative and quantitative models to do suspension tuning. The result: 4th place of 140 teams internationally.
While still in high school, I had a summer internship with Honeywell - Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems, where I was responsible for repairing and cleaning up errors that arose from the migration of the existing mainframe to the [[ | eMatrix]] PDM (Product Data Management) system.
After high school, I had six months to kill before college started, which I spent at [[ | EDCO]], a microfilming company in Springfield, MO. While there, I was responsible for re-engineering several production processes, and for developing a new production workflow model which now accounts for over 60% of the production capacity today.
During college, I was part of a co-op program with [[ | ADTRAN]], a network device manufacturer based in Huntsville, AL. I worked closely with the Technical Publications and Training departments in assiting the development of online training courses, and in implementing various management tools.
I am a software developer for [[ E.S. Systems, Inc.]] in Springfield, MO. The majority of my work is with Microsoft's .NET platform, and I primarily develop in C# and VB.NET with a SQL Server backend.
++Currently, I am working on a few personal projects which will become core infrastructure pieces of the ARDAM site as time moves on. One of these projects is currently going under the name ""PermaTag"" and will be a distributed file management application. I've been pulling together a bit of an overview of the concept on my newly installed WikkaWiki. Read up on it [[ here]].++
I spent 2.5 years studying Computer Science at the [[ University of Missouri - Rolla]] before deciding to return to the "real world". In addition to the normal undergrad coursework, I took graduate classes in Algorithm Analysis, Software Engineering and Group Dynamics (Social Psychology).
While at the University, I worked on the [[ Formula SAE]] team, where we designed, built and raced an open-wheeled race car. I was part of the Test and Data Acquisition group, where we used qualititative and quantitative models to do suspension tuning. The result: 4th place of 140 teams internationally.
While still in high school, I had a summer internship with Honeywell - Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems, where I was responsible for repairing and cleaning up errors that arose from the migration of the existing mainframe to the [[ eMatrix]] PDM (Product Data Management) system.
After high school, I had six months to kill before college started, which I spent at [[ EDCO]], a microfilming company in Springfield, MO. While there, I was responsible for re-engineering several production processes, and for developing a new production workflow model which now accounts for over 60% of the production capacity today.
During college, I was part of a co-op program with [[ ADTRAN]], a network device manufacturer based in Huntsville, AL. I worked closely with the Technical Publications and Training departments in assiting the development of online training courses, and in implementing various management tools.

Revision [19171]

Edited on 2008-01-28 00:14:25 by JonathanMitchem [Modified links pointing to docs server]

No Differences

Revision [16926]

Edited on 2007-05-31 23:27:21 by JonathanMitchem [Reverted]
++In addition, I serve as the Chief Admnistration Officer for Ardamian Imperial, Inc., where I am responsible for overseeing administration, research and technology. Our website is currently undergoing some major revisions as the corporate structure has changed, so pertinent information can be found at both and Bear with me, both sites currently lack much semblance of "good design", but that's a problem remedied with time and a bit of work.++
++Currently, I am working on a few personal projects which will become core infrastructure pieces of the ARDAM site as time moves on. One of these projects is currently going under the name ""PermaTag"" and will be a distributed file management application. I've been pulling together a bit of an overview of the concept on my newly installed WikkaWiki. Read up on it [[ here]].++
++Jabber: [email protected]++
In addition, I serve as the Chief Admnistration Officer for Ardamian Imperial, Inc., where I am responsible for overseeing administration, research and technology. Our website is currently undergoing some major revisions as the corporate structure has changed, so pertinent information can be found at both and Bear with me, both sites currently lack much semblance of "good design", but that's a problem remedied with time and a bit of work.
Currently, I am working on a few personal projects which will become core infrastructure pieces of the ARDAM site as time moves on. One of these projects is currently going under the name ""PermaTag"" and will be a distributed file management application. I've been pulling together a bit of an overview of the concept on my newly installed WikkaWiki. Read up on it [[ here]].
Jabber: [email protected]

Revision [16725]

Edited on 2007-05-31 10:42:05 by ZoxLlq [Reverted]
In addition, I serve as the Chief Admnistration Officer for Ardamian Imperial, Inc., where I am responsible for overseeing administration, research and technology. Our website is currently undergoing some major revisions as the corporate structure has changed, so pertinent information can be found at both and Bear with me, both sites currently lack much semblance of "good design", but that's a problem remedied with time and a bit of work.
Currently, I am working on a few personal projects which will become core infrastructure pieces of the ARDAM site as time moves on. One of these projects is currently going under the name ""PermaTag"" and will be a distributed file management application. I've been pulling together a bit of an overview of the concept on my newly installed WikkaWiki. Read up on it [[ here]].
Jabber: [email protected]
++In addition, I serve as the Chief Admnistration Officer for Ardamian Imperial, Inc., where I am responsible for overseeing administration, research and technology. Our website is currently undergoing some major revisions as the corporate structure has changed, so pertinent information can be found at both and Bear with me, both sites currently lack much semblance of "good design", but that's a problem remedied with time and a bit of work.++
++Currently, I am working on a few personal projects which will become core infrastructure pieces of the ARDAM site as time moves on. One of these projects is currently going under the name ""PermaTag"" and will be a distributed file management application. I've been pulling together a bit of an overview of the concept on my newly installed WikkaWiki. Read up on it [[ here]].++
++Jabber: [email protected]++

Revision [15426]

Edited on 2006-10-06 12:48:07 by JonathanMitchem [Reverted]
++In addition, I serve as the Chief Admnistration Officer for Ardamian Imperial, Inc., where I am responsible for overseeing administration, research and technology. Our website is currently undergoing some major revisions as the corporate structure has changed, so pertinent information can be found at both and Bear with me, both sites currently lack much semblance of "good design", but that's a problem remedied with time and a bit of work.++
++Currently, I am working on a few personal projects which will become core infrastructure pieces of the ARDAM site as time moves on. One of these projects is currently going under the name ""PermaTag"" and will be a distributed file management application. I've been pulling together a bit of an overview of the concept on my newly installed WikkaWiki. Read up on it [[ here]].++
++Jabber: [email protected]++
In addition, I serve as the Chief Admnistration Officer for Ardamian Imperial, Inc., where I am responsible for overseeing administration, research and technology. Our website is currently undergoing some major revisions as the corporate structure has changed, so pertinent information can be found at both and Bear with me, both sites currently lack much semblance of "good design", but that's a problem remedied with time and a bit of work.
Currently, I am working on a few personal projects which will become core infrastructure pieces of the ARDAM site as time moves on. One of these projects is currently going under the name ""PermaTag"" and will be a distributed file management application. I've been pulling together a bit of an overview of the concept on my newly installed WikkaWiki. Read up on it [[ here]].
Jabber: [email protected]

Revision [12334]

Edited on 2005-12-19 15:43:00 by JonathanMitchem [Reverted]

Revision [12333]

Edited on 2005-12-19 15:42:31 by JonathanMitchem [Reverted]

Revision [12319]

Edited on 2005-12-18 05:35:16 by JonathanMitchem [Reverted]

Revision [12317]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2005-12-18 01:09:44 by JonathanMitchem [Reverted]
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